Sunday, February 27, 2011



Retirement can be an ideal gateway for Yoga as the  work pressures and targets gets suddenly off the mind and  time available  is plenty . The need to maintain a good health had  never been so crucial than post- retirement.  In most of the cases due  to lack of activities and in absence of fix compulsive routine, a retired person descends into a sedentary life style, which often triggers a vicious circle  of ailments and other vulnerabilities. Therefore, the answer lies in age old and time tested practice of yoga.

Fortunately today, learning and practicing yog-aasan and pranayam  is not  very difficult. Swami Ramdevji  of Patanjali yogpeeth Haridwar has revolutionized the concept  and brought out a most simple and easily practice-able version of yoga which any one can follow through their regular TV broadcasts or can learn it from innumerable Yog-Shikshaks trained in his institution and spread across the country. Likewise there are number of other institutions available in the country, which offers numerous  yoga courses, so one can learn yoga from any of the convenient sources.

Yoga is not just about aasans or pranayams, it is a way of life. It is a complete code of conduct of life with its ultimate goal being self realization. Yoga means unification of  individual  soul-ar energy  with universal energy. According to maharshi Patanjali, there are eight elements  of Yoga “ Ashtang Yog” , which consist of  1) Yam 2) Niyama 3) Aasan 4) Pranayam 5) Pratyahar 6) Dharana 7) Dhyan  8) Samadhi. Yam (Principles or moral code) carries with it the  principles of Ahimsa ,satya, asteya , Bramhacharya, Aparigrah etc. and Niyam provides for personal disciplines like shouch (purity), santosh (contentment),  tapa(endurance), swadhyay (self study) and Eshwar pranidhan (dedication). The Aasan and Pranayam keep the body and mind  healthy,  stable and  balanced . It is these two elements of Yoga, which have become popular world wide to attain better health and mental peace. The Aasan and Pranayam  followed by Pratyahar (control over senses) and Dharana (concentration on object) prepares a Yogi to embark on the path of Dhyan (meditation ) and Samadhi  (Unification of atma with parmatma).

Having understood the complete scope and versatility of Yoga, we will now elaborate on its most sought after elements i.e., Asana and Pranayam. Unlike other form of exercises aasan and pranayam routines  are non-exhaustive and go beyond the physical aspect of exercises by relieving the stress and improving the concentration of mind. They  rejuvenates  our mind , body and soul simultaneously. As regards Aasan , Patanjali Yog Sutra says “ STHIR SUKHAM AASANAM” means any posture in which we are comfortable and stable is Aasan.  There are around 84 Aasans described in “Hath Yog Pradiptika” a  complete treatise on various types of postures recommended for maintaining good health,  flexibility and fitness of body.  Those who start young  can perform all the aasans with ease, comfort and stability, but those who decide to step  in later say after retirement should be very cautious of limitations of their body and existing ailments. It would be better if they consult their physician first for their dos and donts. As a general rule one should not attempt any pose/Aasan forcefully. Let it come gradually  with regular practice. For those , who can not attempt aasans for any reason should prefer walking for at least 30 minutes combined with Pranayam.

Now what is Pranayam ?.  The word Pranayam is a combination of ‘prana’ and ‘aayam’. Prana means the vital energy or life force and the Aayam means extension.  The most crucial element of life is pran or  vaayu  which is regulated through breathing. Pranayam is nothing but the “art of breathing” with an objective to optimize the vital energy. It works on two levels, one is at physical  level wherein breathed air interacts with blood and reaches up to each and every cell of the body , helping them to function at  their best . It removes all the toxins from the body cells and adds more life in them. Pranayam controls and regulate our breathing in such a way that the capacity of our lungs is  fully utilized . With Pranayam, we take longer, fuller but lesser number of breaths per minute  while improving the quality and the end use of same breathing pattern. The less number of breaths keep us cool and composed , help in reducing the level of stress, thus enhancing the vitality to another  level.

Another level at which pranayam works is our pranic body or soul-ar system. It is a sort of a virtual energy flowing throughout the body through nadis and chakras. Chakras can be visualized as junctions of energy flows. Pranayam activates these chakras and additional energy starts flowing through them. Kundalini jagaran is the advanced stage of this process.  It is for this reason that our spinal posture should be straight during pranayam so that our  virtual energy flow can be smooth.

There are eight kinds of Pranayaam that are commonly practiced.
1) Bhastrika               2) Kapalbhati             3) Anulom – vilom         4)  Bahya pranayam
5) Ujjaayee                 6) Bhramri                 4) Udgeeth- Omkar jap   8) Pranav.

The scientific and medical researches have also proved the therapeutic and disease-curing effect of YOG. Many doctors are now advising  yog-aasan and pranayam in their prescriptions to patients. So if you have not started taking yoga as part of your daily routine yet then waste no further time and ensure yourself with this Yogiclaim policy , with no reimbursement option. Wishing  you  more years of pension than years of service.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


As published in free press indore edition on 22/02/2011
As per recent report appeared in Times Of India dated 24/01/2011, India is topping the world list of  population growth rate by adding 51 babies every minute , followed by china with just 28 per minute and others are nowhere near the two.The world population will touch the  seven billionth mark by 2012. There is a widespread  concern about  the availability of  enough food, water and energy for the billions being added too quickly and whether the earth can support them. Another observation reveals that the major contribution to this figure will come from the poverty stricken people of developing countries like ours.

Is is no matter of pride.   We do not have enough food stock to implement  food security bill for even the half of our existing population. Adding to this Food inflation across the world is making the situation worse. We are completely dependant on natural rains for our food crop production. A danger is already looming large on the world wheat consumers as the china’s wheat crop is badly affected due to less than normal rainfall this year. China grows more than 50% of the world’s wheat production. The availability of other resources like clean water and energy is not a different story.

The only solution is to control the population growth and this time in India it should come from the social sector because after the misadventure of Late Mr. Sanjay Gandhi, no Government can push up an aggressive plan on this sensitive issue. All religious leaders/ Gurus should take initiative to educate the people of their faith to observe restraint on this front. Non political leaders of large following like Yog Guru Swami Ramdeoji , who has taken up issues of black money and corruption should also adopt this issue. If all religious leaders can come together and form a consensus on this issue, it will be a great service to their community and nation.

Bharat Sharma
C-44/8, BARGAD
Rishinagar Extension

Sunday, February 13, 2011


As published in Free Press , indore edition dated 14/02/2011
Valentine day is here again with all its absurdity and wrong notions. We are highly receptive to all kinds of cultural garbage of the west, be it HIV, Gay rights, live in relationships or this valentine celebration. We were well protected within the laxman rekha of  Indian culture of discipline, purposefulness and abstinence, but we have crossed all limits and fallen  pray to the Ravan’s maya jaal. There were four beautifully classified “Aashrams” (activity wise time periods of human life) in Hindu mythology viz., Bramhacharya, Grihastha , Wanprastha and Sanyas, which fulfilled all physical and spiritual needs of  human being. It was a perfect balance of personal pleasure, social obligations and spiritual attainment of a person. Let everything come at the right age and time, when you are matured enough to handle it.

Gurukul aashrams may not exist now but  the concept is still relevant that while  studying  “learning” is your only dharma. What is it that every student is carrying a red rose/ valentine card and searching a girl to hand it over. Is it necessary to pair up right now ?, who fed this in to our young minds that not having a boyfriend or girlfriend is a disqualification as humans. We are abusing the very meaning of friendship by affixing gender to it.

As the  storey  goes . St. Valentine, a Roman priest, helped those soldiers in getting married , who were not allowed to marry under their service rules. They were all grown up young men wanting to marry their loved ones and  not merely interested in making girlfriends. He could never have thought that someday people will misuse his name in casual and non committal kind of relationships. So I would like to say that all these young boys and girls , who are celebrating this valentine’s day  with so much enthusiasm and dedication are not eligible participants for this event. It is meant for those grown up people , who have completed their education, started earning their livelihood.  and now wants to settle down in their life with partners of their choice. All other extensions of this celebrations are against the spirit and intentions of St. Valentine.

Bharat Sharma
C-44/8, BARGAD, Rishinagar Extension,Ujjain

Monday, February 7, 2011


As published in Free Press daily indore edition on 10/02/2011


Hindus are generally considered a liberal and resilient community, not very possessive or fanatic about their religious beliefs. They are the silent follower of their religion and often cursed by their own religious enthusiasts for their neutrality and insensitivity towards any onslaught on them. They have always adapted and adjusted with communities, who had invaded them, be they muslim rulers or british. Now if such people are turning or resorting to terrorist methods, it is time for us to introspect within ourselves. Our political leadership is to be blamed for creating those compulsive situation in which they are finding it difficult to confine their protest within the frame work of constitution and the law of the land. This is less of a terrorism and more of a reaction to the complete failure of our political system in effectively controlling terrorist activities conducted from neighboring states, of course with the help of some local misled people in India. When we say political system , it includes all the major political parties, who have taken their turn to rule at the center for a considerable period of time. The lack of political will to act decisively against the cross boarder terrorism and Pakistan based militant groups has created this frustration amongst hardliners.

Fortunately, all hindu organizations including RSS, have distanced themselves from such activities and such sporadic acts of few impatient hard core activists does not constitute a religious terror group. But if the government comes down heavily on the inland groups and continue to appear helpless and ineffective against cross border terrorism, then such high handedness can become counter productive. Hence, the matter should be handled with all its delicacies and sensitivity by all political parties, specially those who are coining the phrase of hindu or saffron terror just to cover up their failures and providing a new weapon to Pakistan against us.

At the same time, I urge upon leaders of Hindu organizations to use their ideological reach in their cadre to dissuade such extremist ideas. Let us not give anyone a chance to malign us. Terrorism has never helped any community in the world so far in solving any problem. With passing times, all extremist movements becomes an addiction and continue terrorism for terrorism’s sake.

C-44/8, Bargad, Rishinagar Extension

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

"balanced food" security

As published in "Free press Journal" Indore edition dated 3rd Feb.2011


The National Advisory Committee under the chairmanship of Smt. Sonia Gandhi is correctly insisting on its recommendations of covering 75 % of country’s population under the food security net. Food is most basic ingredient of human life after air and water, which are more or less available freely. Food does not only constitute wheat or rice , instead a reasonably priced balanced food plate should be ensured for all citizens, be rich or poor. On the one hand you will provide wheat/rice (carbohydrate ) at Rs. 3/- per kg. to poor and General household and leave them to buy the cereal (protein) component from the market at Rs. 100 per kg , milk at 50 per liter, what purpose it is going to serve. Dal – Bhat or Dal – Roti have always been an essential part of our food requirement. Food should be considered as fundamental right of every citizen.

Our PDS has always failed in leak -proof distribution of its allotment to the intended beneficiaries. Such large gap in food prices between subsidized rationing system and open market induce black-marketing of food quota. After implementing the food security bill in whatever form ,government will become further insensitive to the open market food prices , which will make the life of people specially middle and upper middle class miserable.

Hence , what is required is to ensure the availability of food items to all citizens at a reasonable prices. Food items should not be left to the open market mechanism alone. Government should watch the production pattern and marketing and take proactive measures to maintain the availability of food items in the market. The essential items of food basket should be identified and any sudden spurt of their prices should be dealt with immediately.

C-44/8 , BARGAD
Rishinagar Extension , Ujjain