S.No. Words – Synonyms (Antonyms)
1. Kindred – relation, species (unrelated, dissimilar)
2. Keen – sharp, poignant (vapid, insipid)
3. Knave – dishonest, scoundrel (paragon, innocent)
4. Knell – death knell, last blow (reconstruction, rediscovery)
5. Knotty – complicated difficult (simple, manageable)
6. Luxuriant – profuse, abundant (scanty, meagre)
7. Luscious – palatable, delicious (unsavoury, tart)
8. Lure – attract, entice (repel, dissuade)
9. Lunacy – delusion, insanity (normalcy, sanity)
10. Lucid – sound, rational (obscure, hidden)
Synonyms and Antonyms Useful for SSC, Bank Exams
11. Listless – indifferent, inattentive (brisk, attentive)
12. Linger – loiter, prolong (hasten, quicken)
13. Liberal – magnanimous, generous (stingy, malicious)
14. Liable – accountable, bound (unaccountable, apt to)
15. Lenient – compassionate, merciful (cruel, severe)
16. Lax – slack, careless (firm, reliable)
17. Lavish – abundant, excessive (scarce, deficient)
18. Mutual – joint, identical (separate, distinct)
19. Mutinous – recalcitrant, insurgent (submissive, faithful)
20. Murky – dusky, dreary (bright shining)
21. Munificent – liberal, hospitable (frugal, penurious)
22. Monotonous – irksome, tedious (varied, pleasant)
23. Momentous – notable, eventful (trivial, insignificant)
24. Mollify – appease, assuage (irritate, infuriate)
25. Molest – harass, tease (console, soothe)
26. Modest – humble, courteous (arrogant, pompous)
27. Mitigate – alleviate, relieve (augment, enhance)
28. Miraculous – marvellous, extraordinary (ordinary, trivial)
29. Minute – diminutive, miniature (large, colossal)
30. Numerous – profuse, various (scarce, deficient)
31. Nullify – cancel, annual (confirm, uphold)
32. Noxious – baneful, injurious (healing, profitable)
33. Novice – tyro, beginner (veteran, ingenious)
34. Nonchalant – indifferent, negligent (attentive, considerate)
35. Nimble – prompt, brisk (sluggish, languid)
36. Niggardly – miser, covetous (generous, profuse)
37. Negligent – inattentive, careless (vigilant, careful)
38. Overwhelm – triumph, subjugate (flounder, falter)
39. Outrage – offence, maltreatment (praise, favour)
40. Outbreak – eruption, insurrection (compliance, subjection)
41. Ornamental – decorative, adorned (unseemly, plain)
42. Ordain – order, impose (revoke, abolish)
43. Oracular – cryptic, vague (lucid, distinct)
44. Opaque – obscure, shady (transparent, bright)
45. Offspring – descendant, sibling (ancestor, forefather)
46. Offensive – abhorrent, arrogant (docile, compliant)
47. Odious – malevolent, obnoxious (engaging, fascinating)
48. Occult – latent, ambiguous (intelligible, transparent)
49. Obvious – evident, apparent (obscure, ambiguous)
50. Obstruct – impede, prevent (hasten, encourage)
51. Prudent – cautious, discreet (impetuous, unwise)
52. Provoke – inflame, incite (pacify, comfort)
53. Protract – prolong, delay (abbreviate, curtail)
54. Proscribe – prohibit, exclude (solicit, include)
55. Profuse – lavish, abundant (scarce, scantly)
56. Profligate – dissolute, degenerate (virtuous, upright)
57. Prodigy – miracle, marvel (normal, average)
58. Prodigious – vast, enormous (unimpressive, diminutive)
59. Premature – precocious, untimely (belated, opportune)
60. Predicament – plight, dilemma (resolution, confidence)
61. Precarious – doubtful, insecure (assured, undeniable)
62. Pompous – haughty, arrogant (unpretentious, humble)
63. Perverse – petulant, obstinate (complacent, docile)
64. Pertness – flippancy, impudence (modesty, diffidence)
65. Peevish – perverse, sullen (suave, amiable)
66. Peerless – matchless, unrivalled (mediocre, commonplace)
67. Paramount – foremost, eminent (trivial, inferior)
68. Pamper – flatter, indulge (deny, disparage)
69. Placid – tranquil, calm (turbulent, hostile)
70. Quell – subdue, reduce (exacerbate, agitate)
71. Quaint – queer, strange (familiar, usual)
72. Quack – impostor, deceiver (upright, unfeigned)
73. Quibble – equivocate, prevaricate (unfeign, plain)
74. Quarantine – seclude, screen (befriend, socialize)
75. Questionable – dubious, disputable (reliable, authentic)
76. Reverence – respect, esteem (disrespect, affront)
77. Ratify – consent, approve (deny, dissent)
78. Ravage – destroy, ruin (reconstruct, renovate)
79. Redeem – recover, liberate (conserve, lose)
80. Ruthless – remorseless, inhumane (compassionate, lenient)
81. Rustic – rural uncivilised (cultured, refined)
82. Rout – vanquish, overthrow (succumb, withdraw)
83. Retract – recant, withdraw (confirm, assert)
84. Remote – inaccessible, farther (adjoining, adjacent)
85. Remorse – regret, penitence (ruthlessness, obduracy)
86. Resentment – displeasure, wrath (content, cheer)
87. Rescind – annul, abrogate (delegate, permit)
88. Remonstrate – censure, protest (agree, laud)
89. Remnant – residue, piece (entire, whole)
90. Sycophant – parasite, flatterer (devoted, loyal)
91. Superficial – partial, shallow (profound, discerning)
92. Subvert – demolish, sabotage (generate, organise)
93. Substantial – considerable, solid (tenuous, fragile)
94. Subsequent – consequent, following (Preceding, Previous)
95. Stain – blemish, tarnish (honour, purify)
96. Scanty – scarce, insufficient (lavish, multitude)
97. Sarcastic – ironical, derisive (courteous, gracious)
98. Shrewd – cunning, crafty (simple, imbecile)
99. Stupor – lethargy, unconsciousness (sensibility, consciousness)
100. Squalid – dirty, filthy (tidy, attractive)
101. Sporadic – intermittent, scattered (incessant, frequent)
102. Solicit – entreat, implore (protest, oppose)
103. Sneer – mock, scorn (flatter, praise)
104. Slander – defame, malign (applaud, approve)
105. Shabby – miserable, impoverished (prosperous, thriving)
106. Saucy – impudent, insolent (modest, humble)
107. Tyro – beginner, learner (proficient, veteran)
108. Trivial – trifling, insignificant (significant veteran)
109. Trenchant – assertive, forceful (feeble, ambiguous)
110. Transient – temporal, transitory (lasting, enduring)
111. Tranquil – peaceful, composed (violent, furious)
112. Timid – diffident, coward (bold, intrepid)
113. Temperate – cool, moderate (boisterous, violent)
114. Tedious – wearisome, irksome (exhilarating, lively)
115. Taciturn – reserved, silent (talkative, extrovert)
116. Taboo – prohibit, ban (permit, consent)
117. Throng – assembly, crowd (dispersion, sparsity)
118. Tumultuous – violent, riotous (peaceful, harmonious)
119. Utterly – completely, entirely (deficiently, incompletely
120. Usurp – seize, wrest (restore, compensate)
121. Uncouth – awkward, ungraceful (elegant, graceful)
122. Umbrage – resentment, bitterness (sympathy, goodwill)
123. Vulgar – inelegant, offensive (elegant, civil)
124. Vouch – confirm, consent (repudiate, prohibit)
125. Volatile – light, changing (heavy, ponderous)
126. Vicious – corrupt, obnoxious (noble, virtuous)
127. Venerable – esteemed, honoured (unworthy, immature)
128. Vanity – conceit, pretension (modesty, humility)
129. Valour – bravery, prowess (fear, cowardice)
130. Vagrant – wanderer, roaming (steady, settled)
131. Vigilant – cautious, alert (careless, negligent)
132. Valid – genuine, authentic (fallacious, deceptive)
133. Veteran – ingenious, experienced (novice, tyro)
134. Venom – poison, malevolence (antidote, benevolent)
135. Waive – relinquish, remove (impose, clamp)
136. Wary – cautious, cirumspect (heedless, negligent)
137. Wane – decline, dwindle (ameliorate, rise)
138. Wilt – wither, perish (revive, bloom)
139. Wield – use, employ (forgo, avoid)
140. Wan – pale, faded (bright, healthy)
141. Wicked – vicious, immoral (virtuous, noble)
142. Wed – marry, combine (divorce, separate)
143. Yoke – connect, harness (liberate, release)
144. Yield – surrender, abdicate (resist, protest)
145. Yearn – languish, crave (content, satisfy)
146. Yell – shout, shriek (whisper, muted)
147. Zest – delight, enthusiasm (disgust, passive)
148. Zenith – summit, apex (nadir, base)
149. Zeal – eagerness, fervour (apathy, lethargy)
150. Zig-zag – oblique, wayward (straight, unbent)
It takes place over a period of five days on auspicious शुभ dates during the end of Ashvin/start of Kartika – the Hindu lunar चाँद पर आधारित calendar months which equate to the Gregorian calendar पॉप ग्रेगोरी द्वारा १५८२ से लागु किया गया कैलेन्डर months of October/November.
Diwali is a national Hindu festival that is also embraced गले लगाना या स्वीकार करना by other religious denominations including the Sikhs and Jains. As such, it entails शामिल करना religious and regional variations in the way it is celebrated. For Jains, Diwali signifies the attainment पहुँचना या प्राप्त करना of moksha (liberation from the cycle of life and death) by Mahavira (the 6th century BC founder of Jainism’s central tenets नीति नियम या सिद्धांत ). For Sikhs, Diwali largely denotes द्योतक है the 1619 release of Guru Hargobind (the sixth of Sikhism’s 10 gurus), along with 52 others, who had been detained बंदी बनाकर रखना in the Gwalior Fort by the Mughal emperor Jehangir.
When it comes to India’s major religious community, the Hindus, Diwali commemorates स्मरणिका है the victory of Lord Rama (King of Ayodhya, according to sacred Hindu texts, and also a prominent deity देवता ) over Ravana (a powerful demon राक्षस ) and his triumphant विजयी होकर returnवापसी to the kingdom after a period of exileवनवास . Keen to make Lord Rama’s homecoming as swift जल्दी से , फुर्ती से and safe as possible, his jubilant subjectsप्रफूल्लित प्रजा illuminated रोशन कर दिया the way with masses of twinkling झिलमिलाते हुए diyas (earthenware oil lamps). It is for this reason the lighting of diyas has become a key component हिस्सा , घटक of the Diwali festival.
It also symbolises प्रतीक the replacement of darkness (ignorance अज्ञान ) with ‘inner’ light – garnered संग्रह करना via the pursuit खोज करना of knowledge and spiritualअध्यात्मिक practicesतरीकों से . Indeedवास्तव में , spirituality lies at the heart of Diwali, with devotees भक्त specifically seeking blessingsआशीर्वाद from two prominent Hindu deities:देवी Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and Ganesh, the elephant-headedगजमुख god of good fortune भाग्य and auspicious beginningsमंगल शुरुआत . Worshippersभक्तगण prayप्रार्थना for prosperityसमृद्धि and well-being सुख शांति for the year that lies ahead, with fireworks and crackers profferingदेना plenty of raucousकर्कश शोर भरी razzle-dazzle चमक दमक when devotional formalitiesपूजा come to a close.
While the festival undeniablyनिश्चित रूप से takes centre stage, there is a particularly distinct air of ebullience उल्लास – and ferventउत्साह preparation – in the lead up to Diwali. Houses and shops are given a rigorous spring cleanगहन सफाई before being lovingly decorated with fairy lights, patterned lanterns कंदील and colourful rangolis/kolams (propitiousमांगलिक rice-paste/powder/chalk designs adorningसजाते हुए thresholdदेहलीज ). The streets teem with shoppers keenly stocking up on everything from fancy new clothes and festive household decorations, to gifts for family, friends and business acquaintances.जान पहचान वाले
The most popular gift, by a long shot, is mithai (Indian sweets), with ornatelyआकर्षक packaged dried fruits and nuts also a hot seller. Shops are filled with a spectacular दर्शनीय array जमावट of mithai specially prepared for this festival, from thickly cut squares of barfi (fudgelike sweet, often coated with a thin film of edible silver leaf) – old favourites include pista (ground pistachio nut) and kaaju (cashewnut) – to soft syrupy रसीले gulab jamuns (deep-fried balls of doughआटा) and spongy rasgullas (sweetened cream-cheese balls flavoured with rose-water). Indeed, if there’s ever a time to experience India at its sweet – and convivialउत्सव प्रिय – best, it’s during Diwali.
India’s post-Constitution historyसंविधानेत्तर इतिहास is an evidence प्रमाण of the fact that many fundamental rightsमूलभूत अधिकार have seen their weakening कमजोर होते गए in the past 65 years. The Right to Life and Liberty was literallyशब्दशः extinguished विलुप्त, समाप्तप्राय during the Emergency. The Right to Trade व्यापार का अधिकार has been adversely affected in the days of the regulated economy. The Right to Property was repealed रद्द करना during the Emergency.
However, the Fundamental Right of Free Speech and Expressionअभिव्यक्ति has been consistentlyलगातार strengthened मजबूत हुआ and never narrowed downकभी भी संकीर्ण नहीं हुआ . So a national policy of expanding विस्तार and strengthening the right has continuously existed अस्तित्व में रहा over a period of time.
In the initial years of the Constitution, the Supreme Court held that the excessive अत्यधिक licence fee for starting a newspaper was constitutionally invalid.अवैध Subsequently,बाद में in the very first decadeदशक , it was held that the Wage Board imposing लादना an unbearable असहनीय burden बोझ on a media organisation, would offend ठेस पहुचना Free Speech.
Can the business or commercial interest of a newspaper be segregated अलग किये जा सकते है from the Right of Free Speech? Would the business of a newspaper fall within the domain क्षेत्र of the Right to Free Trade or would it impact प्रभाव डालना on the Right to Free Speech?
In the Sakal newspaper’s case, the Supreme Court was concerned with the policy imposed in 1960, wherein the government decided to regulate नियमित करना the selling price of a newspaper. The sale price would depend on the number of pages. The government contended that it was only restricting the Right to Trade by a reasonable restriction in consumer interest.उपभोक्ता हित में
The Supreme Court held that, if a newspaper was compelled मजबूर किया गया to raise its price on account of the thickness of the newspaper it would have two consequences परिणाम , either the thickness, ie, the content would be reduced or alternatively, a newspaper would be compelled बाध्य होना to raise its price, and, there was empirical अनुभव जन्य evidence प्रमाण to suggest that an increase in price leads to loss in circulation प्रसार संख्या . Thereby, the Right to Circulate is also a part of Free Speech.
Similarly, when the government restricted the size of a newspaper on the ground that newsprint was scarceअल्प मात्रा में उपलब्ध on account of paucity अभाव of foreign exchange विदेशी मुद्रा and excessive importsआयात का आधिक्य would lead to an outgo खर्च of foreign exchange, the Supreme Court held that curtailing काटना या कम करना the number of advertisements in a newspaper would impact प्रभाव डालना Free Speech, since advertisements themselves supplement सहायक या पूरक होते हैं the cost of content.विषयवस्तु
In a landmark judgment ऐतिहासिक फैसले in the newsprint customs duty case, the court was confronted सामना होना with the question whether imposition आरोपण of customs duty on newsprint can be challenged on the groundआधार of it being ‘Tax of knowledge’ज्ञान पर लगा हुआ कर . The court held that the business of a newspaper could never be segregated अलग करना from its content.
In the Constituent Assembly संविधान सभा , Ramnath Goenka had raised the issue that future governments would not resort to crude methods like censorship खबरों पर रोक या कांट छांट but would pinch चिमटी लेना या तकलीफ देना, चुराना the pockets of the newspapers. Agreeing with this view, the court held that newspapers shape the human mind, excessive tax on a newspaper itself could impact Free Speech if the purpose of the tax was not merely to raise revenue but to excessively burden अनावश्यक बोझ the economy of the newspaper.
In the case of any trade, business or profession, taxation would be struck down only if it is confiscatoryजब्त करने वाला (मतलब कर इतना अधिक हो की वह उस व्यापार को लील जाए) in nature, that is, if it makes the business impossible. But in the case of a media organisation, if it adversely impacts the Right to Free Speech, that is, makes it excessively costly अत्यधिक महंगा and prohibitive बाधक , then the tax itself can be challenged as an invasion आक्रमण of Free Speech.
Most other democracies have not accepted the American precedent पुर्व में घटित दृष्टान्त, but we in India went ahead and accepted this particular right. I think in its entire evolution विकास , the customs duty case – in its exposition व्याख्या of law and expandingविस्तार the right – became a landmark, in that the distinction फर्क between the business of Free Speech and the right of actual content of Free Speech itself, was obliterated.मिट गया
Carrying this logic further इस तर्क को आगे बढ़ाते हुए, the Supreme Court, in the Tata Yellow Pages case, included commercial Free Speech, ie, advertising, to be a part of Free Speech. This propositionप्रस्ताव is still doubtful, since it could enable ‘paid’ news to take the benefit of commercial speech being a part of Free Speech.
Paid news is a realityवास्तविकता , and therefore if you follow the dicta कथन of the American judgments which Tata Press has followed in India, will Free Speech also provide a right which extends to paid news? Obviously it does not sound logical, and therefore this issue has not come up before the courts. However, if there was to be a penal provision दंडात्मक प्रावधान against paid news, it would have to be tested on the touchstone कसौटी पर परखना of whether it violates उल्लंघन Free Speech or not.
The Delhi Declarationदिल्ली घोषणा पत्र and an
India-Africa Framework for Strategic Cooperationरणनीतिक सहयोग , which MEA विदेश मंत्रालय officials
said needed to be seen in the context सन्दर्भ of African Union's recentlyहाल ही में adopted स्वीकृत Agenda कार्यसूची 2063 and forthcomingआगामी multilateral events like the Paris climate
change summitशिखर
बैठक , reaffirms पुनः पुष्टि करना a "strong commitmentप्रतिबद्धता for a comprehensive व्यापक reformसुधार of the United Nations system, including its
Security Councilसुरक्षा
परिषद् , to make it more regionally representativeक्षेत्रीय प्रतिनिधित्व करने
वाली , democraticप्रजातान्त्रिक , accountableजिम्मेदार and effectiveप्रभावी ".
The 56-year-old made these remarks before a select crowd at an event at a Dubai hotel which also had legends like Shane Warne, Wasim Akram and Ian Botham.
Former Mumbai captain Shishir Hattangadi, however felt that the Kapil's observations were 'elder brotherly' in nature. "It's an elder brother kind of observation. If the report is true, I feel Kapil felt Sachin was capable of much more, without underminingमहत्व कम करना what he has achieved. And speaking about Bombay cricket, Kapil is probably implying that he could have been more carefree and flamboyant तड़क भड़क वाला and not khadoos. I would have appreciated this if this advice had come earlier when Sachin was playing."
Kapil hasn't had the highest respect for Mumbai cricket over the years. During his playing days, Kapil had taken pot shots on बिना सोचे समझे आलोचना करना Mumbai cricket. He has been critical of Tendulkar too on occasions in the past. In 2003, Kapil had slammed आलोचना करना the government for waivingमाफ़ करना the Rs 1.13 crore duty टैक्स on the Ferrari car gifted to Tendulkar by Fiat.
BEIJING—China will abandon its one-child policy, perhaps the most notorious कुख्यात, बदनाम of the
Communist Party’s intrusionsअतिक्रमण into Chinese lives,
amid a looming मंडराते
हुए demographic crunch जनसँख्या असंतुलन that threatens जोखिम में डालना the long-term
health of the world’s second-largest economy.
All Chinese couples will be allowed to have two children, Chinese official media said, showing Beijing isn’t ready to totally relinquishत्यागना its grip पकड़ on the homes and bedrooms of its people. Demographers जनसँख्या विशेषज्ञ also warn that the move may be too little too late, as China already faces a decliningकम होती हुए graying बूढी होती हुए population without the workers it needs for its vast विशाल economy.
Still, the move is symbolically सांकेतिक रूप से significant and amounts to an acknowledgment स्वीकारोक्ति of the social and demographic problems the 35-year-old policy has created. “This is a historicऐतिहासिक moment signaling the complete end of the one-child policy,” said Wang Feng, a demographer at Fudan University in Shanghai.
The government didn’t offer a timeline for the rollout कार्य योजना of the policy, but implementation लागू करना will be gradual धीरे धीरे. According to a transcript लिखित प्रति of a press briefing, the National Health and Family Planning Commission will move slowly to ensure that there are enough services in place for couples wishing to have a second child in order to avoid major population spikes and fluctuationsउतार चढाव . Local officials will simplify the birth application procedures for couples, who currently have to go through a complicated procedure that can often take months, the transcript said.
The announcement of the new policy came on the last day of a meeting of top party leaders known as the Fifth Plenum बैठक , where they charted out China’s economic and social plan for the next five years.
The meeting and the decision to drop the one-child policy took place against a backdrop प्रष्ठभूमि of uncertainty for China’s leaders. Manufacturing and infrastructure spending, which drove three decades of astonishing विस्मयकारी growth, no longer pack the same punch.मारक क्षमता. Labor costs are already rising amid के बीच में higher expectations from Chinese workers.
Beijing faces the difficult task of nurturing पोषण करना long-term growth, including a difficult shift to depend more on consumer spending and services. An aging population with fewer young people could drain खाली कर देना resources संसाधन and make that shift harder.
China has the world’s largest population at 1.37 billion. But China’s working-age population—those who are 15 to 64—is drastically shrinking सिकुड़ना . The United Nations projects that the number of Chinese over the age of 65 will jump 85% to 243 million, in 2030, up from 131 million this year.
In effect, said Cai Yong, an expert in China’s demography and professor at the University of North Carolina, China risks becoming old before it becomes rich. “I’m quite pessimisticनिराशावादी ,” said Mr. Cai, who said the Communist Party missed its best chance to lift the policy a decade दशक ago.
Bao Fan, chairman and chief executive of investment bank China Renaissance, described on social media an exchange at a public forum when asked what China might be like in 100 years. “I said two things: first, China will become world’s largest elderly home,” he wrote. “Second, China will have world’s largest population of robots.”
Birth restrictions have had unintendedअवांछित consequences परिणाम , such as a trend of birth tourism in recent years. To skirtबचाना fines that Chinese officials issued for multiple births, many parents went overseas to places like Hong Kong and the U.S. to have a second child.
Xie Weina, a 36-year-old manager of a tech firm in Beijing, said she wants a second baby and is scrapping कूड़े में डालना plans to go to the U.S. to give birth. “I’m planning to have a serious discussion with my husband,” Ms. Xie said.
Chinese leaders implemented the one-child policy in 1980 in an effort to rein inकाबू में करना explosive विस्फोटक population growth and help raise living standards. China’s fertility rate dropped to 2.7 in 1979, from 5.5 in 1970 due to a policy encouraging people to marry later, wait longer between children, and have fewer babies. Still, lingering लगातार overpopulation fears led the leadership to enact the one-child policy.
Protests विरोध by Madhesi minorities over the promulgation घोषणा of Nepal’s new constitution have complicated bilateral ties between New Delhi and Kathmandu. They have also created an atmosphere of distrustअविश्वास that needs to be dispelled बिखेर देना soon. Despite India’s repeated assertions दृढ वचन to the contrary, an impression has formed in Nepal that New Delhi imposed लादना unofficial restrictions on Indian supply trucks to put pressure on Kathmandu to heed सुनना , ध्यान देना Madhesi demands.
In such a scenario, New Delhi should go the extra mile विशेष प्रयास to remove all doubts about holding up supplies, including exerting जोर लगाना greater effort in pushing cargo through alternative land routes. This is necessary to demonstrate that India will never resort toसहारा लेना the kind of blockade it had imposed on Nepal in 1989. Having said that, what happens in Nepal also affects India given the closeness between the two countries, open borders and people-to-people relations. Hence, Kathmandu too needs to be mindful of Indian sensitivities.भारत के संवेदनशील हितों का ध्यान रखना चाहिए Besides, Nepal’s economy heavily depends on remittances that its citizens working in India send back. Thus, continuing protests by Madhesis hurt नुकसान पहुचना both countries.
Which is why Kathmandu must do more to allay कम करना the apprehensions डर of Madhesis who feel that the new Nepali constitution marginalises हाशिये पर लाना them politically by reducing their numbers in parliament. Similarly, the constitutional provision that makes it difficult for women to pass on Nepali citizenship to their children if their fathers are foreigners again discriminates पक्षपात against Madhesi women who have marriage relations in India. It’s therefore in Kathmandu’s interest to sincerely address these issues and give confidence to Madhesis. But that’s a matter for Nepalis to decide. India can offer advice, but otherwise it should be content संतोष रखना to play a supportive role.
Of late हाल ही में aggression आक्रामकता in sport has been a hotly debated topic with pacer Ishant Sharma being a case in point the lanky लम्बा , दुबला पतला India bowler has been criticized for being over aggressive. Sania, however feels aggression is a necessary tool a sportsperson needs to succeed.
"If we (Indian sportspersons) become aggressive, people say we are very aggressive and when we aren't the media and people say we don't have the firepower हम में वो आग (जज्बा) नहीं है . People should decide as to what aggression is and how much of it is necessary. But I think if you want to succeed, you need to have that attitude, that aggression to excelश्रेष्ठता प्राप्त करना in one's sport," the 28-year-old said.
Martina Navratilova, 18-time Grand Slam champ had showered praises on Sania for the way she played in the WTA Finals. Navratilova had tweeted: @WTA @mhingis @MirzaSania what a dominating हावी हो जाने वाला performance from the world #1 team but particularly Sania-just awesome! Sania admitted it was a great honour to receive applause प्रशंसा, शाबाशी, ताली from the Czech legend. दिग्गज
"I am humbled विनम्रता के साथ स्वीकार करना . Right after she (Navratilova) presented the trophy, she told me I am seeing the ball like a football," the Hyderabadi said with a smile.
Sania, who will take a week off before training for Mahesh Bhupathi's IPTL, reiterated that winning a medal at the Rio Olympics will be a dream come true but if it doesn't happen, it won't be the end of the world for her.
The banking sector reform, in particular to those facilitatingसुविधाजनक बनाना entry of foreign banks in India in a "big way" is part of the five pillars of reforms, including monetary policy framework, which the RBI is going to implement लागु करना in the next few years, the RBI Governor told a Washington audience yesterday.
"That is going to be a big big opening because -- one could even
contemplate taking over Indian banks, small Indian banks and so on," Rajan
said, adding that the policy framework for the entry of foreign banks in India
is likely to unveiled in the next few weeks.
"For foreign banks, if you adopt a wholly owned subsidiariesपूर्ण स्वामित्व वाली सहयोगी कंपनी structure and we are coming up with details on that in the next couple of weeks, we will allow you near national treatment," he said, quickly adding that there would be two conditions.
"One reciprocity समान व्यव्हार -- your country should allow the same to our own banks -- and second you come through one route either you have a branch or you have a subsidiary; don't do both. That is primarily to simplify our regulatory function, but also to make it clean. But once you have a fully owned subsidiary, we would allow you a lot of freedom," he said.
The new policy with regard to the foreign banks is part of his five pillarsस्तंभ of reforms, he said, adding that this would start with the monitory policy. मौद्रिक निति
"We got to get our monitory policy clear and understood to the broader public. Clearly the Reserve Bank has had monetary policy framework, we need to make it much more explicitस्पष्ट . And also bring it up to modern standards of transparency पारदर्शिता and credibility विश्वसनीयता ," Rajan said.
Emphasising जोर देते हुए on banking reform, Rajan said the RBI has already announced free branching in India.
"We announced that we will give new bank licenses not just once, but we would contemplate opening it on tap –नियमित रूप से - people come in submit their application, we consider them and give licenses," he said, adding that the RBI is also talking about differentiated bank licenses.
Deepening of Indian markets, he said, is another area of policy reforms.
"We want deeper व्यापक Indian markets -- the corporate markets, the government debt markets and the money markets," he said, adding that this particular reform would be carried out only after the current economic turmoilबवाल, अनिश्चितता is over.
Noting that the level of technology in India is tremendous जबरदस्त , Rajan said financial inclusionवित्तीय समावेशन is another sector of his reform.
"Whether it be corporate distress समस्याएं , व्यथा or financial institution distress, we need to improve our mechanism to make it simpler, cleaner and less value reducing," he said.
Rajan acknowledged that inflation is clearly an issue for the economy. The ordinary monetary policy would be focused on containing inflation and not directed towards external sectorsबाहरी या विदेशी मुद्रा सम्बन्धी क्षेत्र , he said.
The Governor, however,
doubled the borrowing limit क़र्ज़ सीमा of banks against their cash
positions or NDTL (Net demand and time liability) to 0.5 percent for both 7-day
and 14-day repos with immediate effect तत्काल
प्रभाव से , to
increase liquidity in the system.
September 6, 2013 (The
Times of India)
Less than a decade ago, enthusiastic investment bankers and financial
research analysts were tom-tomming नगाडा पीटना the India growth story. India, they
said, had so much potential, it could be one of the world’s biggest economies
in the next couple of decades. For this, they used spreadsheet models, in which
they plugged inदर्शाना
a growth rate of 8-10% and
projected it for the next 30 years. They learnt this in MBA school.
Of course, anything growing at a compound annual rate of 10% will become pretty massive काफी विशालकाय in 30 years (17.4 times, to be precise वास्तव में ). Hence, the sharp minds made an earth-shattering prediction: that anything growing very fast will become very big over time. Clients of financial institutions, seduced मोहित होकर with such a rosy picture about the land of miraclesचमत्कार , bought into the idea. विश्वास कर लिया
Boring economies of Europe, growing at 1-2%, just didn’t carry the spiciness of India मसाला, चटपटापन . Billions अरबों रुपये came into India, and the sudden rush अचानक प्रवाह of money did lead to some growth. The government in power took the entire credit for it. “We have created growth,” the government spokesperson used to say. The party had started. उत्सव प्राम्भ हो चुका था
The analysts were rewarded and flushed with heavy bonuses पैसों से नहला देना at the end of the year. Young M&A bankers bought apartments with a slum-and-racecourse view or a slum-and-sea view in Mumbai. Of course, the idea was to ignore the slum and focus on the sea view or the racecourse.
In all this, a few uncomfortable questions were never asked. For instance, is the government committedवचनबद्ध to providing a pro-business, pro-growth economic environment? Is the Indian राजनीती polity ready to accept this new capitalist पूंजीवादी system? Are we socialist समाजवादी or are we market driven बाजार के हिसाब से चलने वाले ? Can we actually grow so fast every year, considering each power plant or new road or mining approval takes years?
Are we efficientदक्ष, कुशल manufacturers for the world? Are our taxation and regulations in line with fast growth requirements? Do we have an educated or skilled workforce to grow average incomes 17 times in the next 30 years? Is our infrastructureअधो संरचना in place?
No, no and no. But you don’t ask these questions when there is a good party in progress. You sound like the neighbouring पडोसी uncle who crashes खत्म करवाना a party and tells people to turn the music down. Naysayers नकारात्मक विचारधारा वाले are seen to be jealous, doomsday mongers क़यामत के सौदागर who can’t bear to see India come into its own. जो भारत को उभरता हुआ बही देख सकते.
Of course, with none of the fundamentals required for such massive growth in place, the money coming into the country had little to do. Sure, a few projects did happen, and the first few companies who arrived did find their products sold well given the pent up दबी छुपी demand. However, soon, growth petered धीरे धीरे समाप्त होना out.
The government had, of cou-rseनिस्संदेह , used this temporary growth phase to start its own mini-party. Budgets showed higher revenue कमाई but even higher spending. The government spent way more than it earned. Consequently, private players faced interest rates of 15% for borrowings. The government printed so many rupees, it flooded बाद आना the market and the currency bought less and less.
All this was going on behind the scenes , while growth numbers were good. Hence, all was forgiven. भुला दिया गया Media analysis of the budgets included the finance minister’s sartorial पहनावा tastes and the couplets दोहे या शेर spoken in the speech. Everybody was happy in wonderland कल्पना लोक .
Of course, soon the penny dropped.जल्दी ही समझ में आ गया People never saw retu-rns for their money and stopped investing. Dollars stopped coming to India. Local players took their money out too. Growth slo-wed and the government blamed the media, the opposition, the foreigners and even the middle class for it. At the same time, it spent even more, thus increasing borrowing costs and inflation even more.
One day, the party stopped. People figuredदेख पाना there was a bubble. Reality is more than just a growth rate formula in a spreadsheet. A socialist country cannot turn market-friendly overnight. A corrupt nation cannot be competitive in the world. A divided population cannot arrive at decisions fast. A nation cannot decide to welcome investors one year, but pull a fast one धोखा देना on them the next year.
We are, whether the government likes to say it or not, in the middle of an economic crisis. In the next two years, we will see many companies go bustदिवालिया , large layoffsछंटनी , massive inflation and high unemployment. There is no getting away from it. The government could take some steps to sootheराहत देना the situation, but instead it is interested in tokenism सतही कदम – closing petrol pumps, immaterial austerity मितव्ययिता drivesअभियान and controls on consumption.
The economic numbers were bad enough. Now we are appro-aching something much worse – a crisis of confidence. The same analysts who were celebrating India a few years ago, are now telling their clients how to avoid India and its unreliable regimeशासन या व्यवस्था . If the world stops trusting India, this trust will take years to rebuild .
Forget growing 17 times in 30 years, we will find it difficult to sustainनिभाना even modest मध्यमgrowth. Either this government does something drasticजबरदस्त, कठोर and fundamental to restore confidence, विश्वास पुनर्स्थापित or we have another election as soon as possible so the focus can shift from politics to the economy. Otherwise, the future of an entire generation is at stakeदांव पर . And yes, next time, don’t ignore the slum view while taking in the sea view.
States has said in some cases its surveillanceनिगरानी program has gone too farबहुत आगे तक चला गया, an
admission in its tense rowतनावपूर्ण विवाद with Europe over US spyingजासूसी against allies.सहयोगी
After 10 days of scandal with key प्रमुख European allies, a statement on Thursday by Secretary of State John Kerry was the first to explicitlyस्पष्ट तोर पर acknowledge oversteppingसीमा लांघना by US intelligence.गुप्तचर व्यवस्था
Kerry justifiedसही तहराया the surveillanceनिगरानी in broad termsव्यापक तोर पर , citingउल्लेख करते हुए the September 11, 2001 terror attacks in the United States, as well as attacks in London, Madrid and elsewhere to argue that the US and other countries have had to come together to fight "extremism आतंकवाद in the world that is hell-bent अड़ियल and determined to try to kill people and blow people up and attack governments."
He said US intelligence has since 2001 averted विफल करना attacks with intercepts बीच में रोकना of communications. But he acknowledged स्वीकार किया , without going into specifics विस्तार में न जाते हुए , that at times it has been too much.कभी कभी ये बहुत ज्यादा हो गया .Kerry also soughtचाहा to give assurancesआश्वासन that such steps, which have roiledनाराज किया close allies सहयोगी like Germany, would not be repeated.
"I assure you, innocent निर्दोष people are not being abused (ill treated ) बुरा वर्ताव करना in this process, but there's an effort to try to gather information," Kerry told a London conference via video link. "And yes, in some cases, it has reached too far inappropriately."अनुपयुक्तता से
Recent allegations आरोप and reports of widespreadव्यापक spying by the US National Security Agency have sparkedभडकाना a major rift दरार in trans-Atlantic ties.सम्बन्ध
This week German Chancellor Angela Merkel angrily confronted विरोध करना President Barack Obama with allegations that the NSA was snooping ताक झांक करनाon her phone, saying it would amount to a "breach of trust."विश्वास तोडना Kerry spent a good portion of his answer justifying the collection of data as necessary due to the threat खतरा of terrorism and suggested Washington was not alone in doing so.
Kerry also lashed out शाब्दिक आक्रमण at some of the reporting about alleged spying, sparked by leaks from fugitiveभगोड़ा former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, wanted by Washington on espionageजासूसी charges"There's an enormousअत्यधिक मात्रा में amount of exaggeration बढ़ा चढ़ा कर बताना in this reporting from some reporters out there."
An opinion poll is always
more opinion than poll. But any politician who ignores it does so at his peril(रिस्क) जोखिम . It does not provide a result, obviously, or we might not
need that elaborateविस्तृत and expensive propositionप्रस्ताव् called an election. Its sample base always
sounds ridiculously हास्यास्पद ढंग से thin, compared to the actual numbers that will
turn up at the booth in an Indian general election. It is rarely accurate about
seat-numbers in the kind of parliamentary democracy we have, where subjective factorsस्थानीय like the quality and personal history of a
particular candidate can create sufficient micro antipathyशत्रुता to reverse a macro trend.
Sharma joined Sachin Tendulkar and Virender Sehwag in the all-Indian club of ODI double-centurionsदोहरा शतक मरने वालों में in international cricket when he cracked a 158-ball 209 against Australia in the seventh ODI.
"To get 200 runs is a wonderful feeling. The idea was to stay on the
wicket and capitaliseरनों की पूँजी इकट्ठी करना later. This is a small ground and it's
easier to hit and I just took my chances," Rohit said as he caught his
breath after the exhilaratingरोमांचक knock पारी , which included a world record 16 sixes and
12 fours.
The 26-year-old said he was looking to play aggressively आक्रामक रूप से after getting a hundred in the second one-dayer in Jaipur, which India won to square बराबर करना the series.
"It is really coming off very well.सब कुछ बहुत अच्छा हो रहा है I got a hundred in the last game and I just wanted to carry on from that. I wanted to play big. I just wanted to keep the momentumप्रवाह , गति going," he said.
In the course of his hurricaneतूफानी innings, Sharma became the record-holder for most sixes in a match, crossed 1000 runs this year besides breaching the 3000-runs mark in his ODI career.
The Mumbaikar laughed when he was asked about the mix-up गडबडझाला with Virat Kohli which led to latter being run out and leaving the field angrily.
"It happens sometimes. It's all a part and parcel of the gameयह सब खेल का हिस्सा है ," he said with a cheekyढीठ smile.
Sharma, who has now played 108 ODIs, has finally got a Test call-up as well and is sure to make his debut श्रीगणेश करना in Sachin Tendulkar's farewell Test series against the West Indies next month.
Mumbai: In another three weeks,the RBI will issue detailed guidelinesविस्तृत दिशा निर्देश on how foreign banks,which currently operate as branches of banks incorporated abroad विदेशों में पंजीकृत बैंक कि शाखाओं के रूप में ,can convert into wholly-owned subsidiaries (WOSs)पूर्ण स्वामित्व वाली अधीनस्थ कंपनी to enjoy a near-national घरेलु बैंको जैसे सुविधा treatment.It would be based on a draft guideline that the central bank had come out with in January 2011.Banks had subsequently sent their views on the same.
Taking into account the feedbackप्रतिक्रियाँ received from stakeholders,a scheme of subsidiarization अधीनस्थ भारतीय कंपनी of foreign banks in India,guided by the two cardinal principles of reciprocity बराबरी का सिद्धांत and single mode of presence,is being finalized, RBI said in its policy document.Foreign banks will be incentivized प्रेरित to convert into WOSs by the attractiveness of the near-national treatment,it added.However,it will not be mandatory for existing foreign banks to convert into WOSs.
Speaking to the media after the policy announcement,Raghuram Rajan,RBI governor,said that foreign banks will get the privilege विशेष अधिकार या सुविधाएँ of being treated as a near-national bank,but the same enhanced उच्च status would also bestowदेगा some additional responsibilities on these entities.Privilege comes with responsibility, Rajan said.
According to bankers,the privileges may include the freedom to open branches within the country and being allowed to handle monetary businesses of the central and state governments like collecting taxes and distributing salaries,some of the things that these banks are currently not allowed to do.Additional responsibilities could mean enhanced priority sector lendingप्राथमिकता वाले क्षेत्रों को ऋण देना ,they said.
RBI said that the initial minimum paid-up capital or net worth for a WOS will be Rs 500 crore.The central bank aims to get large foreign banks with 30 or more branches to be incorporated as a local subsidiary.
Sriharikota: A day after the last Diwali rockets were fired in this part of the country, ‘the big one’एक बड़ा रॉकेट blasted off धमाके के साथ छुटना from the first launch pad in Sriharikota on Tuesday afternoon, firing the ambitionमहत्वाकांक्षा of a nation, and the imagination of many others. About 44 minutes later, when PSLV-C25 had injected प्रवेश करवाया the Mars orbiter spacecraft into an Earth orbitपृथ्वी की कक्षा , the first phase of India’s first Mars mission was pronounced घोषित a success.
“I am happy to announce that the Mars orbiter mission first phase is a success,” said Indian Space Research Organization (Isro) chairman K Radhakrishnan.
About 90 minutes after a drizzleबूंदाबांदी raised minor concerns about weather मौसम among lay आम आदमी people, the 44.4m PSLV-C25 carrying in its head India’s first Mars orbiter, lifted offचल पड़ा from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre at 2.38pm. Drowning डूबना the cheersखुशिया में at the mission control, about 7km away, the rocket rose to the sky with a roarगर्जना , spewing fire आग उगलना and smoke. धुआं
CRITICS SAY आलोचक क्या कहते हैं.----
No new technology involvedशामिल in Mars mission 460cr fund should’ve been used for gen-next launch system, GSLV, to enhance Isro’s commercial worth. Orbiter would be too far from Mars to carry out any meaningful tests. Aimलक्ष्य to look forढूँढना,पता लगाना methane overlaps with Nasa’s Curiosityनासा के अभियान का नाम है करिओसिटी (मीथेन का पता लगाने का लक्ष्य नासा के लक्ष्य को ही दोहराता है) . Previous missions inconclusive पिछला अभियान अभी तक अपूर्ण है |
ISRO CHIEF SAYS इसरो प्रमुख का जवाब
Mission not in conflictटकराव with GSLV plans. Both projects are on दोनों परियोजनाएं चल रही है Mission 85% tech demonstration, 15% scientific questखोज . It’ll boost बढ़ाएगी Isro’s credibility विश्वसनीयता , attract business .Orbiter would get close enough to Mars for on-board instruments to detect methane यान मंगल के पर्याप्त नजदीक रहेगा कि वह मीथेन कि उपस्थिति पहचान सके.. Critics blasted आलोचना की Chandrayaan-1, but it alone found moistureनमी in moon’s polar region
RED LETTER DAY महत्वपूर्ण दिन | TOI goes behind the scenesनेपथ्य, परदे के पीछे at Sriharikota to bring you the in-depth विस्तृत story behind the successful launch of Mangalyaan and what the mission hopes to achieveप्राप्त करना | P 8 Isro chief: Bigger challenges ahead
Sriharikota: The nail-biting —रोमांचक एवं तनावभरी स्थिति albeit यद्यपि expected अपेक्षित — phaseचरण of PSLV-C25 launchप्रक्षेपण came soon after the third stage of the rocket burned out, and the blipसंकेत on the tracking screens disappeared. As Isro chairman K Radhakrishnan had explained earlier, the rocket would be on a coasting phase आउट ऑफ सिग्नल for almost 25 minutes, 10 minutes of which was a “total blind phase”. The mission control witnessed देखे some silent moments सन्नाटा during this period.
And, when mission director P Kunhikrishnan reported that the first of the two ships in the south Pacific Ocean had tracked पता लगा लिया है the rocket, the scientists’ faces finally lit up. चेहरे अंततः चमक उठे
Around 35 minutes into the flight, the rocket was cruising at an altitude “slightly higher than the अपेक्षित expected trajectory”पथ से कुछ ज्यादा ऊँचा चला गया था , as a scientist put it. “But the rocket will self-correct its course,”मगर वह स्वयं ही अपना रास्ता ठीक कर लेगा he assured.
And correct it did,और उसने किया भी after the fourth-stage engine fired on its own, bringing the rocket back to life. Soon, the orbiter यान was injectedप्रवेश कराया into an ellipticalअंडाकार Earth orbit कक्षा in what Kunhikrishnan called a “precision परफेक्शन, १०० फीसदी सही करना exercise.” What follows in the next 10 days would be six crucialमहत्वपूर्ण “orbit-raising operations” in the early hours of November 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 and 16. And then, at 12.42am on December 1, the orbiter will leave the earth’s orbit for its 300-day journey to the red planet.
“It’s only the beginningशरुआत ; bigger challengesबड़ी चुनौतिया are aheadआगे हैं ,” said the Isro chairman. “We expect the orbiter to be in Mars’ orbit on September 24, 2014.”
The 26-year-old German becomes the youngest man to win four straight titles,
with Juan
Manuel Fangio and Michael
Schumacher the only other drivers to achieve the feat.कमाल दिखाना "Unbelievable
day," said the jubilantप्रफुल्लित Vettel over the
team radio. "We did it! Yes! Yes!"
Vettel celebratedजश्न मनाना in uproariousकोलाहलपूर्ण fashion by spinning doughnutsअंगूठी के आकार कि केक घुमाते हुए in front of the grandstand. He then stood on top of his Red Bull कार and salutedसलाम the crowd before bowingझुकना to his car in mock नकली या बनावती worship.
Ferrari's Fernando Alonso, who was Vettel's nearest challenger going into the race but 90 points adrift, managed only 11th place.Vettel's sixth win in a rowकतार में , 10th in 16 races this season and 36th of his career left him poised संतुलित एवं तैयार (इन रेडीनेस ) to shatter तोडना more records in the remaining three races in Abu Dhabi, America and Brazil.If he wins all three, Vettel will equal बराबरी करना Schumacher's record of 13 wins in 2004 and become the only driver to secureप्राप्त करना nine consecutiveलगातार victoriesजीत in a season.
The German, who won the Indian race in both 2011 and 2012, once again dominated the circuit परिक्रमा पथ with record times in all three practice sessions this year and a perfect qualifying round on Saturday.
1. Kindred – relation, species (unrelated, dissimilar)
2. Keen – sharp, poignant (vapid, insipid)
3. Knave – dishonest, scoundrel (paragon, innocent)
4. Knell – death knell, last blow (reconstruction, rediscovery)
5. Knotty – complicated difficult (simple, manageable)
6. Luxuriant – profuse, abundant (scanty, meagre)
7. Luscious – palatable, delicious (unsavoury, tart)
8. Lure – attract, entice (repel, dissuade)
9. Lunacy – delusion, insanity (normalcy, sanity)
10. Lucid – sound, rational (obscure, hidden)
Synonyms and Antonyms Useful for SSC, Bank Exams
11. Listless – indifferent, inattentive (brisk, attentive)
12. Linger – loiter, prolong (hasten, quicken)
13. Liberal – magnanimous, generous (stingy, malicious)
14. Liable – accountable, bound (unaccountable, apt to)
15. Lenient – compassionate, merciful (cruel, severe)
16. Lax – slack, careless (firm, reliable)
17. Lavish – abundant, excessive (scarce, deficient)
18. Mutual – joint, identical (separate, distinct)
19. Mutinous – recalcitrant, insurgent (submissive, faithful)
20. Murky – dusky, dreary (bright shining)
21. Munificent – liberal, hospitable (frugal, penurious)
22. Monotonous – irksome, tedious (varied, pleasant)
23. Momentous – notable, eventful (trivial, insignificant)
24. Mollify – appease, assuage (irritate, infuriate)
25. Molest – harass, tease (console, soothe)
26. Modest – humble, courteous (arrogant, pompous)
27. Mitigate – alleviate, relieve (augment, enhance)
28. Miraculous – marvellous, extraordinary (ordinary, trivial)
29. Minute – diminutive, miniature (large, colossal)
30. Numerous – profuse, various (scarce, deficient)
31. Nullify – cancel, annual (confirm, uphold)
32. Noxious – baneful, injurious (healing, profitable)
33. Novice – tyro, beginner (veteran, ingenious)
34. Nonchalant – indifferent, negligent (attentive, considerate)
35. Nimble – prompt, brisk (sluggish, languid)
36. Niggardly – miser, covetous (generous, profuse)
37. Negligent – inattentive, careless (vigilant, careful)
38. Overwhelm – triumph, subjugate (flounder, falter)
39. Outrage – offence, maltreatment (praise, favour)
40. Outbreak – eruption, insurrection (compliance, subjection)
41. Ornamental – decorative, adorned (unseemly, plain)
42. Ordain – order, impose (revoke, abolish)
43. Oracular – cryptic, vague (lucid, distinct)
44. Opaque – obscure, shady (transparent, bright)
45. Offspring – descendant, sibling (ancestor, forefather)
46. Offensive – abhorrent, arrogant (docile, compliant)
47. Odious – malevolent, obnoxious (engaging, fascinating)
48. Occult – latent, ambiguous (intelligible, transparent)
49. Obvious – evident, apparent (obscure, ambiguous)
50. Obstruct – impede, prevent (hasten, encourage)
51. Prudent – cautious, discreet (impetuous, unwise)
52. Provoke – inflame, incite (pacify, comfort)
53. Protract – prolong, delay (abbreviate, curtail)
54. Proscribe – prohibit, exclude (solicit, include)
55. Profuse – lavish, abundant (scarce, scantly)
56. Profligate – dissolute, degenerate (virtuous, upright)
57. Prodigy – miracle, marvel (normal, average)
58. Prodigious – vast, enormous (unimpressive, diminutive)
59. Premature – precocious, untimely (belated, opportune)
60. Predicament – plight, dilemma (resolution, confidence)
61. Precarious – doubtful, insecure (assured, undeniable)
62. Pompous – haughty, arrogant (unpretentious, humble)
63. Perverse – petulant, obstinate (complacent, docile)
64. Pertness – flippancy, impudence (modesty, diffidence)
65. Peevish – perverse, sullen (suave, amiable)
66. Peerless – matchless, unrivalled (mediocre, commonplace)
67. Paramount – foremost, eminent (trivial, inferior)
68. Pamper – flatter, indulge (deny, disparage)
69. Placid – tranquil, calm (turbulent, hostile)
70. Quell – subdue, reduce (exacerbate, agitate)
71. Quaint – queer, strange (familiar, usual)
72. Quack – impostor, deceiver (upright, unfeigned)
73. Quibble – equivocate, prevaricate (unfeign, plain)
74. Quarantine – seclude, screen (befriend, socialize)
75. Questionable – dubious, disputable (reliable, authentic)
76. Reverence – respect, esteem (disrespect, affront)
77. Ratify – consent, approve (deny, dissent)
78. Ravage – destroy, ruin (reconstruct, renovate)
79. Redeem – recover, liberate (conserve, lose)
80. Ruthless – remorseless, inhumane (compassionate, lenient)
81. Rustic – rural uncivilised (cultured, refined)
82. Rout – vanquish, overthrow (succumb, withdraw)
83. Retract – recant, withdraw (confirm, assert)
84. Remote – inaccessible, farther (adjoining, adjacent)
85. Remorse – regret, penitence (ruthlessness, obduracy)
86. Resentment – displeasure, wrath (content, cheer)
87. Rescind – annul, abrogate (delegate, permit)
88. Remonstrate – censure, protest (agree, laud)
89. Remnant – residue, piece (entire, whole)
90. Sycophant – parasite, flatterer (devoted, loyal)
91. Superficial – partial, shallow (profound, discerning)
92. Subvert – demolish, sabotage (generate, organise)
93. Substantial – considerable, solid (tenuous, fragile)
94. Subsequent – consequent, following (Preceding, Previous)
95. Stain – blemish, tarnish (honour, purify)
96. Scanty – scarce, insufficient (lavish, multitude)
97. Sarcastic – ironical, derisive (courteous, gracious)
98. Shrewd – cunning, crafty (simple, imbecile)
99. Stupor – lethargy, unconsciousness (sensibility, consciousness)
100. Squalid – dirty, filthy (tidy, attractive)
101. Sporadic – intermittent, scattered (incessant, frequent)
102. Solicit – entreat, implore (protest, oppose)
103. Sneer – mock, scorn (flatter, praise)
104. Slander – defame, malign (applaud, approve)
105. Shabby – miserable, impoverished (prosperous, thriving)
106. Saucy – impudent, insolent (modest, humble)
107. Tyro – beginner, learner (proficient, veteran)
108. Trivial – trifling, insignificant (significant veteran)
109. Trenchant – assertive, forceful (feeble, ambiguous)
110. Transient – temporal, transitory (lasting, enduring)
111. Tranquil – peaceful, composed (violent, furious)
112. Timid – diffident, coward (bold, intrepid)
113. Temperate – cool, moderate (boisterous, violent)
114. Tedious – wearisome, irksome (exhilarating, lively)
115. Taciturn – reserved, silent (talkative, extrovert)
116. Taboo – prohibit, ban (permit, consent)
117. Throng – assembly, crowd (dispersion, sparsity)
118. Tumultuous – violent, riotous (peaceful, harmonious)
119. Utterly – completely, entirely (deficiently, incompletely
120. Usurp – seize, wrest (restore, compensate)
121. Uncouth – awkward, ungraceful (elegant, graceful)
122. Umbrage – resentment, bitterness (sympathy, goodwill)
123. Vulgar – inelegant, offensive (elegant, civil)
124. Vouch – confirm, consent (repudiate, prohibit)
125. Volatile – light, changing (heavy, ponderous)
126. Vicious – corrupt, obnoxious (noble, virtuous)
127. Venerable – esteemed, honoured (unworthy, immature)
128. Vanity – conceit, pretension (modesty, humility)
129. Valour – bravery, prowess (fear, cowardice)
130. Vagrant – wanderer, roaming (steady, settled)
131. Vigilant – cautious, alert (careless, negligent)
132. Valid – genuine, authentic (fallacious, deceptive)
133. Veteran – ingenious, experienced (novice, tyro)
134. Venom – poison, malevolence (antidote, benevolent)
135. Waive – relinquish, remove (impose, clamp)
136. Wary – cautious, cirumspect (heedless, negligent)
137. Wane – decline, dwindle (ameliorate, rise)
138. Wilt – wither, perish (revive, bloom)
139. Wield – use, employ (forgo, avoid)
140. Wan – pale, faded (bright, healthy)
141. Wicked – vicious, immoral (virtuous, noble)
142. Wed – marry, combine (divorce, separate)
143. Yoke – connect, harness (liberate, release)
144. Yield – surrender, abdicate (resist, protest)
145. Yearn – languish, crave (content, satisfy)
146. Yell – shout, shriek (whisper, muted)
147. Zest – delight, enthusiasm (disgust, passive)
148. Zenith – summit, apex (nadir, base)
149. Zeal – eagerness, fervour (apathy, lethargy)
150. Zig-zag – oblique, wayward (straight, unbent)
Here you will find some latest news and articles published in leading newspapers embedded with पिरोये हुए,/गुंथे हुए hindi meaning of difficult words. This will improve your knowledge as well as vocabulary.
Diwali dazzle चकाचौंध
यह लेख दिवाली पर महिलाओं के आभूषण और पहनावे के चयन पर है , उम्मीद है कई नए
अंग्रेजी शब्द मिलेंगे
Be selective. Pick eccentricहट के , विलक्षण pieces of baublesकृत्रिम आभूषण that function as a focal point of your
ensembleपरिधान पहनावा - chunky भारी or delicateनाजुक
The bejewelledआभूषण
से सज्जित forehead मस्तक या कपाल has taken overनया चलन है . Be part of the razzmatazz चमक दमक this festive season. The XXL एक्स्ट्रा लार्ज version
of maang tika works fabulouslyशानदार ढंग से with Rajasthani silhouettes रूप रेखा या पोषक in kalamkari print or a drop-waistकमर flared चमकदार maxi dress in hand-woven हाथ से बुनी हुई khadi
and organic silk, in muted shades.हलके रंगों में
razzmatazz (usually uncountable, plural razzmatazzes)
He says he's late for the meeting because his daughter had an emergency at
school, but I don't buy this razzmatazz.
- Empty and tiresome speculation.
A few politicians are creating some razzmatazz about reinstating the
- (informal) Something presenting itself in a fanciful
and showy,
often unrealistic manner, especially when intended to impress
and confuse.
Is he really the next big thing, or is all the media attention just a bunch
of razzmatazz?
- (rare) A long and imposing series of
mindless but necessary tasks; drudgery.
When I finally got done dealing with all the razzmatazz of college
registration, I decided to go out and have a drink.
The bejewelledआभूषण से सज्जित forehead मस्तक या कपाल has taken overनया चलन है . Be part of the razzmatazz चमक दमक this festive season. The XXL एक्स्ट्रा लार्ज version of maang tika works fabulouslyशानदार ढंग से with Rajasthani silhouettes रूप रेखा या पोषक in kalamkari print or a drop-waistकमर flared चमकदार maxi dress in hand-woven हाथ से बुनी हुई khadi and organic silk, in muted shades.हलके रंगों में
- (meaningless language): claptrap, double-talk
- (fancy
presentation): razzle-dazzle
2. CONVERSATION STOPPERS जिसे देखकर लोगों की चर्चा थम जाए
A dramatic blend मिश्रण of strong, bold, geometric,
बेतरतीब lines work very well with
traditional Indian sensibilitiesपसंद . Think jaggedदांतेदार triangles linked together with a floral
pendant, abstract अकल्पनीय neckpiece with randomकिसी भी क्रम में jewelled circles, necklace-cum-body harness सज्जा, कवच and metal capes. Extraordinary is the way to
3. DELICATELY CHIC नाजुक और सजीला (Chic – elegant and stylish , Chik –curtain , chick- murgi ka chuja , Chin – thodi )
Fabric and bead मनका jewellery is a fun wayमजेदार to try something new. Wear it with layered ensemblesसहयोगी परिधान in chiffon, light silk and dainty रुचिकर cotton for a look that is very soothing शीतलता पहुचने वाला , आरामदेय to the eye. Stick to the ice-cream colour palette - butterscotch yellow, fresh strawberry pink, black current purple, minty green and icy blue.
Get inspired by mother nature and pick ornamentsआभूषण that are intrinsicallyस्वभावतः hand-crafted using natural stones and wires in shapes of lotus flowers and evil eye patterns (Evil eye patterns in jewelry are considered to protect the wearer from evil spirits). Unconventional परंपरा से हट के and liberated yet regal शाही and raw in its appeal, they go well with traditional as well as contemporary ensembles. Perfect for the free-spirited woman of today.
Let your ensemble(the whole kit ) be the canvas for creativity. Go for a standalone piece like a necklace that stretches from your neck to your navel.नाभि With jewellery-making techniques like rawa, navratana, jadai and nakkashi, the craftsmanshipकारीगरी has undergone a complete transformation.रूपांतरण Chandeliersझुमके, झुमर् and chokersनेकलेस in geometric shapes and boleros स्त्रियों द्वारा पहना जाने वाला छूता जेकेट and belts with numbers etched उकेरा हुआ on them look artistic and unique.
3. DELICATELY CHIC नाजुक और सजीला (Chic – elegant and stylish , Chik –curtain , chick- murgi ka chuja , Chin – thodi )
Fabric and bead मनका jewellery is a fun wayमजेदार to try something new. Wear it with layered ensemblesसहयोगी परिधान in chiffon, light silk and dainty रुचिकर cotton for a look that is very soothing शीतलता पहुचने वाला , आरामदेय to the eye. Stick to the ice-cream colour palette - butterscotch yellow, fresh strawberry pink, black current purple, minty green and icy blue.
Get inspired by mother nature and pick ornamentsआभूषण that are intrinsicallyस्वभावतः hand-crafted using natural stones and wires in shapes of lotus flowers and evil eye patterns (Evil eye patterns in jewelry are considered to protect the wearer from evil spirits). Unconventional परंपरा से हट के and liberated yet regal शाही and raw in its appeal, they go well with traditional as well as contemporary ensembles. Perfect for the free-spirited woman of today.
Let your ensemble(the whole kit ) be the canvas for creativity. Go for a standalone piece like a necklace that stretches from your neck to your navel.नाभि With jewellery-making techniques like rawa, navratana, jadai and nakkashi, the craftsmanshipकारीगरी has undergone a complete transformation.रूपांतरण Chandeliersझुमके, झुमर् and chokersनेकलेस in geometric shapes and boleros स्त्रियों द्वारा पहना जाने वाला छूता जेकेट and belts with numbers etched उकेरा हुआ on them look artistic and unique.
Diwali: India's festival of lights
If there’s one place that knows how to celebrate a festival, it’s India. From grand city events to
simple village melas (fairs), India’s jam-packed festival
calendar is as rich and diverse as its traditions and topography.भोगोलिक स्थिति
A star attraction on the Indian festival stage is Diwali – a joyous
celebration that, broadly speaking, celebrates the triumph विजय of good over evil.
The festival’s name roughly translates to ‘row of lamps/lights’ – which is why
Diwali is widely known as the Festival of Lights.It takes place over a period of five days on auspicious शुभ dates during the end of Ashvin/start of Kartika – the Hindu lunar चाँद पर आधारित calendar months which equate to the Gregorian calendar पॉप ग्रेगोरी द्वारा १५८२ से लागु किया गया कैलेन्डर months of October/November.
Diwali is a national Hindu festival that is also embraced गले लगाना या स्वीकार करना by other religious denominations including the Sikhs and Jains. As such, it entails शामिल करना religious and regional variations in the way it is celebrated. For Jains, Diwali signifies the attainment पहुँचना या प्राप्त करना of moksha (liberation from the cycle of life and death) by Mahavira (the 6th century BC founder of Jainism’s central tenets नीति नियम या सिद्धांत ). For Sikhs, Diwali largely denotes द्योतक है the 1619 release of Guru Hargobind (the sixth of Sikhism’s 10 gurus), along with 52 others, who had been detained बंदी बनाकर रखना in the Gwalior Fort by the Mughal emperor Jehangir.
When it comes to India’s major religious community, the Hindus, Diwali commemorates स्मरणिका है the victory of Lord Rama (King of Ayodhya, according to sacred Hindu texts, and also a prominent deity देवता ) over Ravana (a powerful demon राक्षस ) and his triumphant विजयी होकर returnवापसी to the kingdom after a period of exileवनवास . Keen to make Lord Rama’s homecoming as swift जल्दी से , फुर्ती से and safe as possible, his jubilant subjectsप्रफूल्लित प्रजा illuminated रोशन कर दिया the way with masses of twinkling झिलमिलाते हुए diyas (earthenware oil lamps). It is for this reason the lighting of diyas has become a key component हिस्सा , घटक of the Diwali festival.
It also symbolises प्रतीक the replacement of darkness (ignorance अज्ञान ) with ‘inner’ light – garnered संग्रह करना via the pursuit खोज करना of knowledge and spiritualअध्यात्मिक practicesतरीकों से . Indeedवास्तव में , spirituality lies at the heart of Diwali, with devotees भक्त specifically seeking blessingsआशीर्वाद from two prominent Hindu deities:देवी Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and Ganesh, the elephant-headedगजमुख god of good fortune भाग्य and auspicious beginningsमंगल शुरुआत . Worshippersभक्तगण prayप्रार्थना for prosperityसमृद्धि and well-being सुख शांति for the year that lies ahead, with fireworks and crackers profferingदेना plenty of raucousकर्कश शोर भरी razzle-dazzle चमक दमक when devotional formalitiesपूजा come to a close.
While the festival undeniablyनिश्चित रूप से takes centre stage, there is a particularly distinct air of ebullience उल्लास – and ferventउत्साह preparation – in the lead up to Diwali. Houses and shops are given a rigorous spring cleanगहन सफाई before being lovingly decorated with fairy lights, patterned lanterns कंदील and colourful rangolis/kolams (propitiousमांगलिक rice-paste/powder/chalk designs adorningसजाते हुए thresholdदेहलीज ). The streets teem with shoppers keenly stocking up on everything from fancy new clothes and festive household decorations, to gifts for family, friends and business acquaintances.जान पहचान वाले
The most popular gift, by a long shot, is mithai (Indian sweets), with ornatelyआकर्षक packaged dried fruits and nuts also a hot seller. Shops are filled with a spectacular दर्शनीय array जमावट of mithai specially prepared for this festival, from thickly cut squares of barfi (fudgelike sweet, often coated with a thin film of edible silver leaf) – old favourites include pista (ground pistachio nut) and kaaju (cashewnut) – to soft syrupy रसीले gulab jamuns (deep-fried balls of doughआटा) and spongy rasgullas (sweetened cream-cheese balls flavoured with rose-water). Indeed, if there’s ever a time to experience India at its sweet – and convivialउत्सव प्रिय – best, it’s during Diwali.
Concerns over Aadhaar security a ‘misinformation campaign’: Nilekani
Terming बताते हुए concerns over
security of data
डाटा की सुरक्षा पर चिंताओं को collected for Aadhaar enrollement as “targeted
misinformation campaign सोचा समझा भ्रामक प्रचार अभियान ”, Nandan Nilekani who was the chief
architect मुख्य
आर्किटेक्ट for rolling out लागू करना the initiativeपहल said the system is completely secure.पूर्णतया सुरक्षित है |
“It is targeted misinformation campaign…There are no grounds आधारहीन for it. It is pure misinformation. For
Aadhaar, the data is encrypted कोड भाषा में
परिवर्तित करना at source प्रारंभ से है . When you enroll, the data is
encrypted and stored in a disk…operator has no control over that,” Mr.
Nilekani, who is also the former पूर्व मुख्या कार्यपालिक अधिकारी CEO of Infosys, explained during an interview
with The Hindu.
He further added that only the Unique Identification Authority of
India (UIDAI) can read the encrypted data and that too only in the system. “No
human can read it. The data is encrypted at the highest 2048 bit encryption,
which takes 1000s of years to crack कोड भाषा को तोडना and it is what the government notifies it as
minimum security standard.”
Finance Minister and RBI Governor pat for समर्थन, थपकी Aadhaar
Finance Minister Arun Jaitley spoke out साहस के साथ कहना against
the fact that the Supreme Court is deliberating विचार कर रही है on the issue of Aadhaar
being universally implemented saying that it is up to the government to decide
the methodology of governanceशासन की कार्य पद्धति , not the courts.
“The need for this (Aadhaar) and the utility for this has been
universally सर्वत्र
recognized मान्य across States. We are
at a situation where there is a challenge pending in court and normally courts entertain
a challenge which are judicially determinable. As to what should be the
methodology तरीका
अपनाना in governance is not a
judicially determinable matterन्यायिक रूप से तय किया जाने वाला . It is a matter
for the executive government to decide,” Mr. Jaitley said while summing up सारांश या संक्षेप the day’s proceedings दिन भर के कार्यवाही at
the Delhi Economic Conclave on Friday.
“We can’t have a situation where Aadhaar is acceptable for
certain kinds of measures adopted by the government but not acceptable with
regard to certain other kinds of measures. There will have to be a universal एक सम्मान standardमानदंड to be laid down,” Mr Jaitley said.
On the way ahead, he said that the government has two options in
front of it—of arguing its case in court कोर्ट में दलील पेश करना or placing it before the
विधायिका / संसद —adding that the draft legislation विधेयक on Aadhar is ready.
“Aadhaar is extremely
useful for a variety of aspects. One of the most important is the ability to
build credit histories ऋण विवरण . Once you have an Aadhaar number, banks feel safer
lending लोन देते
हुए सुरक्षित महसूस to you. They know you would be reluctant अनिच्छुक to
default ऋण वापसी
में चूक / कोताही ,” Mr Rajan said.
The Governor also said that India is currently going through a
paradigm shift
पारिभाषिक बदलाव in how it is
achieving financial inclusion. Where the earlier model पूर्व प्रादर्श saw
access to credit as the big deficiency, the new paradigm नए प्रतिमान is looking at a whole portfolio of instruments (ऋण , जमा , धन प्रेषण
, बीमा आदि सभी उपयोगी वित्तीय सुविधाओं का समूह ) that can be used to help the individual.
The methods of delivery of services सेवाएँ देने का तरीका have become much more varied वैविध्य पूर्ण (वैरायटी) thanks to electronic banking, and no longer
rely on the bank branch-led model,बैंक शाखा आधारित मॉडल पर निर्भरता नहीं रही he added.
The Governor did have a word of caution सावधान करना for the
government, however. “On DBT (Direct Benefit Transfer), I will mention that it
is important, once the banks have put that in place ठीक से लागू करना , pay
them the commissions that were promised. This has to be a commercial activity.
Please do pay अवश्य
दीजिये banks the commissions they
need to make it profitable,” the Governor said, adding that India is on the
verge दहलीज पर of
a “paper-less, cash-less, presence-less economy”.
Mr Rajan also said that the Financial Stability and Development
Council वित्तीय स्थिरता
एवं परिषद् was close to
completing a proposalप्रस्ताव को अंतिम रूप देने के करीब है that would significantly काफी हद तक simplify
banks’ KYC procedures, thus further bolstering मजबूत करना financial inclusion.वित्तीय समावेशन .
Media’s right to free speech: India’s judiciary has continually expanded the definition of this right since Independence
November 5, 2015, 12:00
am IST Arun Jaitley in Arun Jaitley's blog | Edit
Page, India
The Constitution gave a pre-eminent प्रमुख positionस्थान to the Right to Free Speech. Whereasजबकि, इसके विपरीत ,
the other fundamental rights could be restricted सीमित किये जा सकते हैं through
reasonable restrictions, the Right to Free Speech
could only be restricted if the restriction had nexus सम्बन्ध with any of the
circumstances mentioned in Article 19(2) of the Constitution.India’s post-Constitution historyसंविधानेत्तर इतिहास is an evidence प्रमाण of the fact that many fundamental rightsमूलभूत अधिकार have seen their weakening कमजोर होते गए in the past 65 years. The Right to Life and Liberty was literallyशब्दशः extinguished विलुप्त, समाप्तप्राय during the Emergency. The Right to Trade व्यापार का अधिकार has been adversely affected in the days of the regulated economy. The Right to Property was repealed रद्द करना during the Emergency.
However, the Fundamental Right of Free Speech and Expressionअभिव्यक्ति has been consistentlyलगातार strengthened मजबूत हुआ and never narrowed downकभी भी संकीर्ण नहीं हुआ . So a national policy of expanding विस्तार and strengthening the right has continuously existed अस्तित्व में रहा over a period of time.
In the initial years of the Constitution, the Supreme Court held that the excessive अत्यधिक licence fee for starting a newspaper was constitutionally invalid.अवैध Subsequently,बाद में in the very first decadeदशक , it was held that the Wage Board imposing लादना an unbearable असहनीय burden बोझ on a media organisation, would offend ठेस पहुचना Free Speech.
Can the business or commercial interest of a newspaper be segregated अलग किये जा सकते है from the Right of Free Speech? Would the business of a newspaper fall within the domain क्षेत्र of the Right to Free Trade or would it impact प्रभाव डालना on the Right to Free Speech?
In the Sakal newspaper’s case, the Supreme Court was concerned with the policy imposed in 1960, wherein the government decided to regulate नियमित करना the selling price of a newspaper. The sale price would depend on the number of pages. The government contended that it was only restricting the Right to Trade by a reasonable restriction in consumer interest.उपभोक्ता हित में
The Supreme Court held that, if a newspaper was compelled मजबूर किया गया to raise its price on account of the thickness of the newspaper it would have two consequences परिणाम , either the thickness, ie, the content would be reduced or alternatively, a newspaper would be compelled बाध्य होना to raise its price, and, there was empirical अनुभव जन्य evidence प्रमाण to suggest that an increase in price leads to loss in circulation प्रसार संख्या . Thereby, the Right to Circulate is also a part of Free Speech.
Similarly, when the government restricted the size of a newspaper on the ground that newsprint was scarceअल्प मात्रा में उपलब्ध on account of paucity अभाव of foreign exchange विदेशी मुद्रा and excessive importsआयात का आधिक्य would lead to an outgo खर्च of foreign exchange, the Supreme Court held that curtailing काटना या कम करना the number of advertisements in a newspaper would impact प्रभाव डालना Free Speech, since advertisements themselves supplement सहायक या पूरक होते हैं the cost of content.विषयवस्तु
In a landmark judgment ऐतिहासिक फैसले in the newsprint customs duty case, the court was confronted सामना होना with the question whether imposition आरोपण of customs duty on newsprint can be challenged on the groundआधार of it being ‘Tax of knowledge’ज्ञान पर लगा हुआ कर . The court held that the business of a newspaper could never be segregated अलग करना from its content.
In the Constituent Assembly संविधान सभा , Ramnath Goenka had raised the issue that future governments would not resort to crude methods like censorship खबरों पर रोक या कांट छांट but would pinch चिमटी लेना या तकलीफ देना, चुराना the pockets of the newspapers. Agreeing with this view, the court held that newspapers shape the human mind, excessive tax on a newspaper itself could impact Free Speech if the purpose of the tax was not merely to raise revenue but to excessively burden अनावश्यक बोझ the economy of the newspaper.
In the case of any trade, business or profession, taxation would be struck down only if it is confiscatoryजब्त करने वाला (मतलब कर इतना अधिक हो की वह उस व्यापार को लील जाए) in nature, that is, if it makes the business impossible. But in the case of a media organisation, if it adversely impacts the Right to Free Speech, that is, makes it excessively costly अत्यधिक महंगा and prohibitive बाधक , then the tax itself can be challenged as an invasion आक्रमण of Free Speech.
Most other democracies have not accepted the American precedent पुर्व में घटित दृष्टान्त, but we in India went ahead and accepted this particular right. I think in its entire evolution विकास , the customs duty case – in its exposition व्याख्या of law and expandingविस्तार the right – became a landmark, in that the distinction फर्क between the business of Free Speech and the right of actual content of Free Speech itself, was obliterated.मिट गया
Carrying this logic further इस तर्क को आगे बढ़ाते हुए, the Supreme Court, in the Tata Yellow Pages case, included commercial Free Speech, ie, advertising, to be a part of Free Speech. This propositionप्रस्ताव is still doubtful, since it could enable ‘paid’ news to take the benefit of commercial speech being a part of Free Speech.
Paid news is a realityवास्तविकता , and therefore if you follow the dicta कथन of the American judgments which Tata Press has followed in India, will Free Speech also provide a right which extends to paid news? Obviously it does not sound logical, and therefore this issue has not come up before the courts. However, if there was to be a penal provision दंडात्मक प्रावधान against paid news, it would have to be tested on the touchstone कसौटी पर परखना of whether it violates उल्लंघन Free Speech or not.
Tiger enters agri engg institute, netted पकड़ना जाली द्वारा after six-hour operation
A tiger that strayed भटकते हुए आ जाना into campus of the premier Central Institute of
Agriculture Engineering (CIAE) on outskirtsबाहरी इलाका of Bhopal
on Thursday morning was captured after a six-hour operation.
The big cat was spotted देखा गया on the institute roof, 6 km from district headquarters, at 5.45 am and it took several hours for foresters to tranquilise बेहोश करना, शांत करना and cage the big cat. Tiger movement around the state capital has become a common phenomenon with at least 180 sightings in seven months.
There was panic घबराहट among morning walkers and handful of employees of the institute when the tiger strolled टहलते हुए आना into the premises. While it comfortably perched सुस्ताना itself on a tin shed, veterinary experts misfired the first tranquiliser shot. The tiger panicked and jumped on another shed that was dilapidated.कमजोर It caved in and the big cat fell 8 feet below into a ramshackleजीर्ण शीर्ण room. The three-year-old tiger was then tranquilised using a hydraulic machine, netted and caged.पिंजरे में कैद करना
The big cat was spotted देखा गया on the institute roof, 6 km from district headquarters, at 5.45 am and it took several hours for foresters to tranquilise बेहोश करना, शांत करना and cage the big cat. Tiger movement around the state capital has become a common phenomenon with at least 180 sightings in seven months.
There was panic घबराहट among morning walkers and handful of employees of the institute when the tiger strolled टहलते हुए आना into the premises. While it comfortably perched सुस्ताना itself on a tin shed, veterinary experts misfired the first tranquiliser shot. The tiger panicked and jumped on another shed that was dilapidated.कमजोर It caved in and the big cat fell 8 feet below into a ramshackleजीर्ण शीर्ण room. The three-year-old tiger was then tranquilised using a hydraulic machine, netted and caged.पिंजरे में कैद करना
"Initially, we decided to shift the tiger to Van Vihar
and then release it into the wild जंगल ," said Narendra Kumar, chief of the
state's wildlife division. Tranquilization was the only option left to ensure
safety of the tiger, he said.
Senior wildlife officers, including former director of Panna National Park R Krishna Murthy were present during the rescue operation बचाव अभियान . Hundreds of curiousउत्सुक local residents, including BJP MLA Vishwash Sarang thronged इकठ्ठा होना the spot for a glimpse झलक of the big cat. Sarang went out of the way to take tiger's picture on his phone. Police had to use mild forceहल्का बलप्रयोग to disperseतितर बितर the crowd.
Bindu Prasad, a senior CIAE employee, was among several eyewitnesses of the operation. She said, "Tiger was first spotted by the vehicle in charge R K Pajnoo. The animal entered premises and leapt छलांग onto the roof of one of the buildings. Office employees informed Nishatpura police and forest department. After veterinary experts misfired the first tranquilising shot, it jumped on another shed and crashed through the roofछत फोड़कर into a room," said Bindu Prasad. Tiger was later taken to Vin Vihar where it will be kept under supervision.
"Initially, we decided to shift this tiger to Van Vihar and then to the wild," says Narendra Kumar, chief of state's wildlife. Tranquilization was the only option left to ensure safety of the tiger, he said.
Senior wildlife officers, including former director of Panna National Park R Krishna Murthy were present during the rescue operation बचाव अभियान . Hundreds of curiousउत्सुक local residents, including BJP MLA Vishwash Sarang thronged इकठ्ठा होना the spot for a glimpse झलक of the big cat. Sarang went out of the way to take tiger's picture on his phone. Police had to use mild forceहल्का बलप्रयोग to disperseतितर बितर the crowd.
Bindu Prasad, a senior CIAE employee, was among several eyewitnesses of the operation. She said, "Tiger was first spotted by the vehicle in charge R K Pajnoo. The animal entered premises and leapt छलांग onto the roof of one of the buildings. Office employees informed Nishatpura police and forest department. After veterinary experts misfired the first tranquilising shot, it jumped on another shed and crashed through the roofछत फोड़कर into a room," said Bindu Prasad. Tiger was later taken to Vin Vihar where it will be kept under supervision.
"Initially, we decided to shift this tiger to Van Vihar and then to the wild," says Narendra Kumar, chief of state's wildlife. Tranquilization was the only option left to ensure safety of the tiger, he said.
Modi sweetensबेहतर बनाना Africa tiesसम्बन्ध with $10bn credit line
NEW DELHI: India raised its
diplomaticकूटनीतिक and strategicरणनीतिक stakesदावेदारी in
Africa through a
multi-dimensional बहु आयामी initiativeपहल that
saw Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday announcingघोषणा करते हुए a $10billion concessional रियायती line of credit ऋण सुविधा over
10 years intended to deepen the country's engagementदेश के सम्बन्ध प्रगाढ़ करने की
इच्छा से in a continentमहाद्वीप where it is competing for influence with China
and other major global powers. वैश्विक महाशक्तियां
This will be in addition to India's $7.4billion credit ऋण already extended to Africa. Addressing the 3rd India-Africa Forum Summit, attended by 41 heads of state and government, Modi also announced grant assistance मदद of $600 million over and above के अतिरिक्त the $1.2 billion committed earlier. पूर्व वचनबद्ध
"This is a world of free nations and awakened जागृत aspirations अभिलाषाएं . Our institutions संगठन cannot be representative प्रतिनिधित्व करना of our world if they do not give voiceमहत्व to Africa, with more than a quarter of UN members or the world's largest democracy with one-sixth of humanityमानव जाती का १/६ हिस्सा . That is why India and Africa must speak in one voice for reformsसुधार of the United Nations, including its Security Council," Modi said. He said India had not always been as attentiveध्यान देना as it should have been to Africa and it would not be the case here on. आगे से ऐसा नहीं होगा.
This will be in addition to India's $7.4billion credit ऋण already extended to Africa. Addressing the 3rd India-Africa Forum Summit, attended by 41 heads of state and government, Modi also announced grant assistance मदद of $600 million over and above के अतिरिक्त the $1.2 billion committed earlier. पूर्व वचनबद्ध
"This is a world of free nations and awakened जागृत aspirations अभिलाषाएं . Our institutions संगठन cannot be representative प्रतिनिधित्व करना of our world if they do not give voiceमहत्व to Africa, with more than a quarter of UN members or the world's largest democracy with one-sixth of humanityमानव जाती का १/६ हिस्सा . That is why India and Africa must speak in one voice for reformsसुधार of the United Nations, including its Security Council," Modi said. He said India had not always been as attentiveध्यान देना as it should have been to Africa and it would not be the case here on. आगे से ऐसा नहीं होगा.
The Delhi Declarationदिल्ली घोषणा पत्र and an
India-Africa Framework for Strategic Cooperationरणनीतिक सहयोग , which MEA विदेश मंत्रालय officials
said needed to be seen in the context सन्दर्भ of African Union's recentlyहाल ही में adopted स्वीकृत Agenda कार्यसूची 2063 and forthcomingआगामी multilateral events like the Paris climate
change summitशिखर
बैठक , reaffirms पुनः पुष्टि करना a "strong commitmentप्रतिबद्धता for a comprehensive व्यापक reformसुधार of the United Nations system, including its
Security Councilसुरक्षा
परिषद् , to make it more regionally representativeक्षेत्रीय प्रतिनिधित्व करने
वाली , democraticप्रजातान्त्रिक , accountableजिम्मेदार and effectiveप्रभावी ".
As it happened: India-Africa summit
The document, said Navtej Sarna, secretary (west), reflected प्रतिबिंबित करना common themes मुद्दे that ran through चर्चित रहे the summit शीर्ष नेताओं की बैठक all day - of Africa and India being at
important stages of their development and the scope for mutually पारस्परिक beneficialहितो के लिए cooperationसहयोग. The summit emphasized जोर देना the importance
of climate change with implication निहित अनुमान of mitigation effortsकम करने के प्रयासों on the economies of India
and Africa and noted the challenges at the forthcoming WTO meet in Nairobi.
It flagged दर्शाया
commonalities समानता between India and Africa, प्राथमिकताएँ of sustainable स्थाई, टिकाऊ development, major challenges
like terrorism and fallout परिणाम of conflict on development, pushing the India-sponsoredप्रायोजित Comprehensive वृहद् Convention सभा on International Terrorism (CCIT) in the UN as
well as UNSC reform.
The document also focused on India
helping to strengthen African peacekeeping efforts, with greater gender
consciousness लैंगिक
जागरूकता , and gender empowermentसशक्तिकरण . Other areas of focus in the document
are cooperative mechanisms to provide more energy, specially renewable energy.
The development of the blue economy समुद्री जीव आधारित अर्थशास्त्र has received more attention, a particular
focus of Modi's vision.
Kapil Dev takes swipe at आलोचना करना Sachin
Tendulkar, Mumbai cricket
TNN | Oct 30, 2015, 07.55 AM IST
• Kapil said Sachin could have modeled के जैसा बनना himself more on Richards and played like
• Kapil's comments are sure to rile गुस्सा दिलाना a lot of Tendulkar supporters.
• Shishir Hattangadi, however felt that the Kapil's observations were 'elder brotherly' in nature.
• Kapil's comments are sure to rile गुस्सा दिलाना a lot of Tendulkar supporters.
• Shishir Hattangadi, however felt that the Kapil's observations were 'elder brotherly' in nature.
Kapil Dev (Getty Images)
NEW DELHI/MUMBAI: Stirring a hornet's nest,मधुमख्खी के छत्ते को छेडते हुए former India captain Kapil Dev has
suggested that Sachin Tendulkar, despite his numerous records, may not have
done full justice to his talent. Tendulkar "did not know how to make
double hundreds, triple hundreds and 400 though he had the ability to scale
such peaks ऊँचाइयों
को छूना and was "stuckअटक कर रह जाना in the Bombay school of cricket", the
famed all-rounder said.
"Don't get me wrong, but I think Sachin didn't do justice to his talent," Kapil was quoted as saying by the Khaleej Times during an event in Dubai. Kapil said Sachin could have modelled himself more on Vivian Richards and played like Virender Sehwag. "He (Sachin) got stuck with Bombay cricket. He didn't apply himself to ruthless निर्मम international cricket. I think he should have spent more time with Vivian Richards than some of the Bombay guys who played just neat and straight cricket," he said. Kapil Dev's comments are sure to rile a lot of Tendulkar supporters not just in Mumbai but all across the cricketing fraternity बिरादरी . It's also clear that Kapil took a dig at अपमानित करना , इन्सल्ट करना Mumbai cricket while speaking on Tendulkar.
Reacting to Kapil's thoughts, former India captain and Mumbai stalwart Ajit Wadekar told TOI, "Records didn't matter महत्त्व नहीं रखते to Sachin. He played for the team. And when it comes to Bombay school of cricket, I think Sachin knew how to win games. That's what's important."
"Don't get me wrong, but I think Sachin didn't do justice to his talent," Kapil was quoted as saying by the Khaleej Times during an event in Dubai. Kapil said Sachin could have modelled himself more on Vivian Richards and played like Virender Sehwag. "He (Sachin) got stuck with Bombay cricket. He didn't apply himself to ruthless निर्मम international cricket. I think he should have spent more time with Vivian Richards than some of the Bombay guys who played just neat and straight cricket," he said. Kapil Dev's comments are sure to rile a lot of Tendulkar supporters not just in Mumbai but all across the cricketing fraternity बिरादरी . It's also clear that Kapil took a dig at अपमानित करना , इन्सल्ट करना Mumbai cricket while speaking on Tendulkar.
Reacting to Kapil's thoughts, former India captain and Mumbai stalwart Ajit Wadekar told TOI, "Records didn't matter महत्त्व नहीं रखते to Sachin. He played for the team. And when it comes to Bombay school of cricket, I think Sachin knew how to win games. That's what's important."
Kapil said he would have advised Tendulkar to play like
Sehwag. "He (Sachin) had the ability. He was technically sound but I felt
he was there to get his hundred and that's it. Unlike Richards, Sachin wasn't
ruthless क्रूर ;
he was more of a perfect, or rather correct cricketer. Had I spent more time
with him I would have told him 'Go enjoy yourself, play like Virender Sehwag'.
You will be a much better cricketer."
Top Comment
We have had so many cricketers in India come and
go, but very few have been consistent एक समान प्रदर्शन करने वाले and have created records.
The 56-year-old made these remarks before a select crowd at an event at a Dubai hotel which also had legends like Shane Warne, Wasim Akram and Ian Botham.
Former Mumbai captain Shishir Hattangadi, however felt that the Kapil's observations were 'elder brotherly' in nature. "It's an elder brother kind of observation. If the report is true, I feel Kapil felt Sachin was capable of much more, without underminingमहत्व कम करना what he has achieved. And speaking about Bombay cricket, Kapil is probably implying that he could have been more carefree and flamboyant तड़क भड़क वाला and not khadoos. I would have appreciated this if this advice had come earlier when Sachin was playing."
Kapil hasn't had the highest respect for Mumbai cricket over the years. During his playing days, Kapil had taken pot shots on बिना सोचे समझे आलोचना करना Mumbai cricket. He has been critical of Tendulkar too on occasions in the past. In 2003, Kapil had slammed आलोचना करना the government for waivingमाफ़ करना the Rs 1.13 crore duty टैक्स on the Ferrari car gifted to Tendulkar by Fiat.
China Abandons परित्याग करना One-Child Policy
Limit on families is raised to two children, ending a 35-year-old policy that led to myriad असंख्य social and economic ills समस्याएँ in China
All Chinese couples will be allowed to have two children, Chinese official media said, showing Beijing isn’t ready to totally relinquishत्यागना its grip पकड़ on the homes and bedrooms of its people. Demographers जनसँख्या विशेषज्ञ also warn that the move may be too little too late, as China already faces a decliningकम होती हुए graying बूढी होती हुए population without the workers it needs for its vast विशाल economy.
Still, the move is symbolically सांकेतिक रूप से significant and amounts to an acknowledgment स्वीकारोक्ति of the social and demographic problems the 35-year-old policy has created. “This is a historicऐतिहासिक moment signaling the complete end of the one-child policy,” said Wang Feng, a demographer at Fudan University in Shanghai.
The government didn’t offer a timeline for the rollout कार्य योजना of the policy, but implementation लागू करना will be gradual धीरे धीरे. According to a transcript लिखित प्रति of a press briefing, the National Health and Family Planning Commission will move slowly to ensure that there are enough services in place for couples wishing to have a second child in order to avoid major population spikes and fluctuationsउतार चढाव . Local officials will simplify the birth application procedures for couples, who currently have to go through a complicated procedure that can often take months, the transcript said.
The announcement of the new policy came on the last day of a meeting of top party leaders known as the Fifth Plenum बैठक , where they charted out China’s economic and social plan for the next five years.
The meeting and the decision to drop the one-child policy took place against a backdrop प्रष्ठभूमि of uncertainty for China’s leaders. Manufacturing and infrastructure spending, which drove three decades of astonishing विस्मयकारी growth, no longer pack the same punch.मारक क्षमता. Labor costs are already rising amid के बीच में higher expectations from Chinese workers.
Beijing faces the difficult task of nurturing पोषण करना long-term growth, including a difficult shift to depend more on consumer spending and services. An aging population with fewer young people could drain खाली कर देना resources संसाधन and make that shift harder.
China has the world’s largest population at 1.37 billion. But China’s working-age population—those who are 15 to 64—is drastically shrinking सिकुड़ना . The United Nations projects that the number of Chinese over the age of 65 will jump 85% to 243 million, in 2030, up from 131 million this year.
In effect, said Cai Yong, an expert in China’s demography and professor at the University of North Carolina, China risks becoming old before it becomes rich. “I’m quite pessimisticनिराशावादी ,” said Mr. Cai, who said the Communist Party missed its best chance to lift the policy a decade दशक ago.
Bao Fan, chairman and chief executive of investment bank China Renaissance, described on social media an exchange at a public forum when asked what China might be like in 100 years. “I said two things: first, China will become world’s largest elderly home,” he wrote. “Second, China will have world’s largest population of robots.”
Birth restrictions have had unintendedअवांछित consequences परिणाम , such as a trend of birth tourism in recent years. To skirtबचाना fines that Chinese officials issued for multiple births, many parents went overseas to places like Hong Kong and the U.S. to have a second child.
Xie Weina, a 36-year-old manager of a tech firm in Beijing, said she wants a second baby and is scrapping कूड़े में डालना plans to go to the U.S. to give birth. “I’m planning to have a serious discussion with my husband,” Ms. Xie said.
Chinese leaders implemented the one-child policy in 1980 in an effort to rein inकाबू में करना explosive विस्फोटक population growth and help raise living standards. China’s fertility rate dropped to 2.7 in 1979, from 5.5 in 1970 due to a policy encouraging people to marry later, wait longer between children, and have fewer babies. Still, lingering लगातार overpopulation fears led the leadership to enact the one-child policy.
China’s ‘One Child’ Policy Propaganda Posters Over the Years
For more than 30 years, China has enforced a strict policy limiting families to one child. Signs and posters around the country encouraged families to comply.
A farmer rides pastगुजरता है a
billboard विज्ञापन
promoting China's one-child policy on the outskirts सीमावर्ती इलाका of
a village near Dongying, Shandong province, in August ...
A poster depicts दर्शाना a mother and child in Suzhou,
west of Shanghai,
from May 1994. Peter Charlesworth/LightRocket/Getty Images
A billboard near Xiamen, Gulangyu Island,
extollsप्रशंसा करना
the virtues अछ्छाइयां of China’s
‘one-child only’ campaign in 1985. Wolfgang
Kaehler/LightRocket via Getty Images
A decaying muralभित्तिचित्र promoting China’s
family-planning policy suffers from neglect along a back street in Beijing, from October
1996. Will Burgess/Reuters .
Moody’s raises outlook of Indian banks to stable
Says operating environment has improved; outlook was negative for the past 4 years
banking system’s outlook भविष्य की दिशा was upgraded to stable from negative by
Moody's Investors Service because of the gradual improvement in the operating
environment for Indian banks.
"The stable outlook on India's banking system over the next
12-18 months reflects दर्शाता है our expectation that the banks' graduallyधीरे धीरे improving बेहतर होता हुआ operating environment कार्यशील वातावरण will result in a slower pace of additions to
problem loans
समस्या मूलक ऋण धीमी गति से बढेंगें ,
leading to more stable impairedबिगड़े हुए loan ratios," said Srikanth Vadlamani, a
Moody's Vice-President and Senior Credit Officer.
In a report, Vadlamani points out that deteriorating लगातार बिगडती हुए
स्थिति asset quality was the key
driver of Moody's negative outlook on India's banking system since
November 2011. "However, the recovery in asset quality will be U-shaped
rather than V-shaped, because corporate balance sheets remain highly leveraged लाभ उठाना , दोहन करना ,"
he said.
Moody's conclusions in its report entitled,शीर्षक "Banking System Outlook — India: Gradual
Improvement in Operating Environment Drives Stable Outlook," said the stable
स्थिर outlook
is based on Moody's assessment of five drivers संचालक --
Operating Environment (improving); Asset Risk and Capital (stable); Funding and
Liquidity (stable); Profitability and Efficiency (stable); and Government
Support (stable).
Moody's further said asset quality will stabilise.स्थिर हो जायेगी In particular, while the banks' stock of
non-performing loans may continue to rise, the pace of new impaired बिगड़े हहुए loan formation in the current financial year
ending March 31, 2016, will be lower than the levels seen in the past four
years. Capital levelsपूंजी , however, are low for public-sector (PSU) banks. Such banks
exhibit दर्शाती
है common equity Tier-1 ratios of only 6-10 per cent, and their coverage
of non-performing loans with loan-loss reserves average 55 per cent.
Moody's notes टिपण्णी that the Indian
Government (Baa3 positive) announced in July 2015 plans to inject Rs. 70,000 crore into PSU banks over the next four
years. This is a clear credit positive, but this amount is still short of the
banks' overall capital requirements. Ability to access equity capital markets
remains key
महत्वपूर्ण कुंजी है if the PSU
banks have to address their capital shortfall. पूंजी की कमी
By contrast,इसके विपरीत high capital
levels are a credit strength of the private-sector banks that Moody's rates.मूल्यांकित करता है .
As for funding and liquidity, these factors are credit strengths for Indian
banks because retail deposits are their primary source of funding. Most banks
comply पालन करते
है comfortably आसानी से with required liquidity coverage ratios, even though only
part of their holdings of government securities is categorised as high-quality
liquid assets.
In relation to Government support, Moody's says the Indian
government will continue to provide a high level of support to banks. For the
PSU banks in particular, Moody's expects that the government will not make any
changes that could suggest the possibility of reduced support to or
differentiation विभेद among the banks, because doing so
could entail शामिल
करना significant systemic risks. Moody's rates 15 banks in India
that together account for हिस्सा बनना around 70 per
cent of system assets. Four are private-sector banks and the remaining 11 are
PSU banks. The PSU banks are majority owned by the Government.
On the operating environment, Moody's expects that India will
record GDP growth of around 7.5 per cent in 2015 and 2016. Growth has been
supported by low inflation and the gradual implementation of structural reforms संरचनात्मक सुधार .
Also, an accommodative लचीली monetary policy should
support the growth environment
Sheathखोल या मियान the kukri चाकू जैसा नेपाली हथियार: New Delhi and Kathmandu must work hard to restore last year’s level of bilateral trustआपसी विश्वास
Prime Minister Narendra Modi provided huge impetus गति , आवेग to India-Nepal ties सम्बन्ध during his first year in office. His two visits to Nepal last year, as well as New Delhi’s generous aid उदार आर्थिक सहयोग to Kathmandu for relief and reconstruction work in the aftermath परिणाम स्वरुप of the devastatingविनाशकारी Nepal earthquake this year, were seen as extremely positive. But following the shooting of an Indian youth by Nepali police, which Modi took up strongly with his Nepali counterpart समकक्ष KP Oli, much of that goodwill appears to have been squandered व्यर्थ जाना . Both New Delhi and Kathmandu must work hard to turn this around. पलट देना सही दिशा मेंProtests विरोध by Madhesi minorities over the promulgation घोषणा of Nepal’s new constitution have complicated bilateral ties between New Delhi and Kathmandu. They have also created an atmosphere of distrustअविश्वास that needs to be dispelled बिखेर देना soon. Despite India’s repeated assertions दृढ वचन to the contrary, an impression has formed in Nepal that New Delhi imposed लादना unofficial restrictions on Indian supply trucks to put pressure on Kathmandu to heed सुनना , ध्यान देना Madhesi demands.
In such a scenario, New Delhi should go the extra mile विशेष प्रयास to remove all doubts about holding up supplies, including exerting जोर लगाना greater effort in pushing cargo through alternative land routes. This is necessary to demonstrate that India will never resort toसहारा लेना the kind of blockade it had imposed on Nepal in 1989. Having said that, what happens in Nepal also affects India given the closeness between the two countries, open borders and people-to-people relations. Hence, Kathmandu too needs to be mindful of Indian sensitivities.भारत के संवेदनशील हितों का ध्यान रखना चाहिए Besides, Nepal’s economy heavily depends on remittances that its citizens working in India send back. Thus, continuing protests by Madhesis hurt नुकसान पहुचना both countries.
Which is why Kathmandu must do more to allay कम करना the apprehensions डर of Madhesis who feel that the new Nepali constitution marginalises हाशिये पर लाना them politically by reducing their numbers in parliament. Similarly, the constitutional provision that makes it difficult for women to pass on Nepali citizenship to their children if their fathers are foreigners again discriminates पक्षपात against Madhesi women who have marriage relations in India. It’s therefore in Kathmandu’s interest to sincerely address these issues and give confidence to Madhesis. But that’s a matter for Nepalis to decide. India can offer advice, but otherwise it should be content संतोष रखना to play a supportive role.
Aggression is necessary to excel: Sania Mirza
Rohit Bhardwaj | TNN | Nov 4, 2015,
08.54 AM IST
• Sania exuded छलकना satisfaction and a sense of pride गर्व after
arriving in the city from Singapore
last night.
• Sania feels aggressionआक्रामकता is a necessary tool a sportsperson needs to succeed.
• Martina Navratilova had showered praises तारीफ बरसाना on Sania for the way she played in the WTA Finals.
• Sania feels aggressionआक्रामकता is a necessary tool a sportsperson needs to succeed.
• Martina Navratilova had showered praises तारीफ बरसाना on Sania for the way she played in the WTA Finals.
Sania reiterated दोहराना that winning a medal at the Rio
Olympics will be a dream come true सपना सच होने जैसा .
MUMBAI: It has been a stupendous विलक्षण year for Sania
Mirza, who finished the season as World No. 1 in doubles along with Swiss star
Martina Hingis, besides notching up निशाना साधना back-to-back एक के पीछे एक Grand Slam doubles titles and
clinching झटकना WTA
Finals crownताज two years in a row.
Sania exuded satisfaction and a sense of pride after arriving in the city from Singapore last night.
"It's been great to win 10 tournaments in a year. If an athlete wins couple of tournaments a year, it's already a great year. We won 10. And the way we have played in the last six months; not lost a single match and then winning two Slams टेनिस के बड़े खिताब and the WTA Finals -its like a dream come true to remain No. 1 in the world," Sania told TOI on Tuesday after being unveiled प्रकट होना as the brand ambassador for Volini along with India football captain .
Sania exuded satisfaction and a sense of pride after arriving in the city from Singapore last night.
"It's been great to win 10 tournaments in a year. If an athlete wins couple of tournaments a year, it's already a great year. We won 10. And the way we have played in the last six months; not lost a single match and then winning two Slams टेनिस के बड़े खिताब and the WTA Finals -its like a dream come true to remain No. 1 in the world," Sania told TOI on Tuesday after being unveiled प्रकट होना as the brand ambassador for Volini along with India football captain .
Of late हाल ही में aggression आक्रामकता in sport has been a hotly debated topic with pacer Ishant Sharma being a case in point the lanky लम्बा , दुबला पतला India bowler has been criticized for being over aggressive. Sania, however feels aggression is a necessary tool a sportsperson needs to succeed.
"If we (Indian sportspersons) become aggressive, people say we are very aggressive and when we aren't the media and people say we don't have the firepower हम में वो आग (जज्बा) नहीं है . People should decide as to what aggression is and how much of it is necessary. But I think if you want to succeed, you need to have that attitude, that aggression to excelश्रेष्ठता प्राप्त करना in one's sport," the 28-year-old said.
Martina Navratilova, 18-time Grand Slam champ had showered praises on Sania for the way she played in the WTA Finals. Navratilova had tweeted: @WTA @mhingis @MirzaSania what a dominating हावी हो जाने वाला performance from the world #1 team but particularly Sania-just awesome! Sania admitted it was a great honour to receive applause प्रशंसा, शाबाशी, ताली from the Czech legend. दिग्गज
"I am humbled विनम्रता के साथ स्वीकार करना . Right after she (Navratilova) presented the trophy, she told me I am seeing the ball like a football," the Hyderabadi said with a smile.
Sania, who will take a week off before training for Mahesh Bhupathi's IPTL, reiterated that winning a medal at the Rio Olympics will be a dream come true but if it doesn't happen, it won't be the end of the world for her.
Litigation(मुकदमेबाज़ी)-hit India Inc raises legal bar
MUMBAI: With India Inc feeling
the heat from a spate (बाढ़) of litigations(क़ानूनी वाद विवाद) and investigations(जांच पड़ताल ), many
companies are on a mission to add muscle(शक्ति बढ़ाना) and brainpower to their legal teams. This, in
turn, has made the prospect (संभावना) of going in-house — shorthand for corporate law
departments (कंपनी
विधि विभाग का लघु स्वरुप)- more attractive for lawyers.
Besides earmarking(रिजर्व रखना) significantly larger budgets for their legal departments, companies are poaching (शिकार करना)some of the best brains from rivals (प्रतिस्पर्धी ) and law firms. In-house lawyers are also closing the gap with the C-suite. A top industrialist told TOI, "You'll find that in more and more companies, the chief law officer or legal director now reports directly to the CEO, instead of being minus two or three" (which is corporate code for how many levels down the hierarchy (रेंक )an executive is).
This change in dynamics is in response to fear of litigations — one of the most significant business risks in Asia's third largest economy in decades (दशक) — which has singed almost every leading business conglomerate.(समूह) ग्रुप
Besides earmarking(रिजर्व रखना) significantly larger budgets for their legal departments, companies are poaching (शिकार करना)some of the best brains from rivals (प्रतिस्पर्धी ) and law firms. In-house lawyers are also closing the gap with the C-suite. A top industrialist told TOI, "You'll find that in more and more companies, the chief law officer or legal director now reports directly to the CEO, instead of being minus two or three" (which is corporate code for how many levels down the hierarchy (रेंक )an executive is).
This change in dynamics is in response to fear of litigations — one of the most significant business risks in Asia's third largest economy in decades (दशक) — which has singed almost every leading business conglomerate.(समूह) ग्रुप
In the old days, in-house legal departments dealt with
relatively low-value disputes and transactions -- and as liaison(संपर्क या संवाद रखना)
between top management and big lawyers and law firms on critical cases. Now,
CEOs want accomplished (निपुण एक्सपर्ट )lawyers by their side at all times and not just to
hire as-and-when or on retainer.(किसी के एवज में काम करना)
Sujjain Talwar, partner at Economic Laws Practice, said that legal issues were becoming far more important than earlier. "With penaltiesअर्थ दंड imposed by regulators नियामक and stakes दांव पर लगी रकम involved in transactions high, companies can't sign documents without having lawyers on their side. Moreover any information that goes out from the company can be used against the company. This calls for greater responsibility and companies can't completely rely on external lawyers. Corporates are realizing this and increasingly prefer in-house counsel सलाहकार as their first contact point for advice," added Talwar.
Legal spend can also make a big difference to bottomlines लाभप्रदता . In 2012, corporate India had to shell out जेब ढीली करना , भुगतान करना an estimated $1 billion (Rs 5,500-odd crore) in legal fees to fight scam घोटाले -related cases, patent एकाधिकार wars and disputes, upsetting chieftains मुखिया who were counting on cutting expenses खर्चों में कमी करना to make up for sluggish धीमी revenue growth. So, now they are hiring नोकरी पे रखना specialists -- from cyber law to environment law -- to ensure सुनिश्चित करना compliance. नियमों का पालन.
Sujjain Talwar, partner at Economic Laws Practice, said that legal issues were becoming far more important than earlier. "With penaltiesअर्थ दंड imposed by regulators नियामक and stakes दांव पर लगी रकम involved in transactions high, companies can't sign documents without having lawyers on their side. Moreover any information that goes out from the company can be used against the company. This calls for greater responsibility and companies can't completely rely on external lawyers. Corporates are realizing this and increasingly prefer in-house counsel सलाहकार as their first contact point for advice," added Talwar.
Legal spend can also make a big difference to bottomlines लाभप्रदता . In 2012, corporate India had to shell out जेब ढीली करना , भुगतान करना an estimated $1 billion (Rs 5,500-odd crore) in legal fees to fight scam घोटाले -related cases, patent एकाधिकार wars and disputes, upsetting chieftains मुखिया who were counting on cutting expenses खर्चों में कमी करना to make up for sluggish धीमी revenue growth. So, now they are hiring नोकरी पे रखना specialists -- from cyber law to environment law -- to ensure सुनिश्चित करना compliance. नियमों का पालन.
The general counsel, and not the senior partner of a law
firm, has become the "first go-to" counselor for the CEO and every
crucial written communication -- from bid बोली documents to responses to a media
query -- is being vetted जांचना , परखना by the in-house legal team.
"In-house lawyers are in a strong position to understand the gravity गंभीरता of an issue and prioritize a matter better compared to external lawyers who handle multiple cases," said Ramesh Vaidyanathan, former general counsel of Mumbai International Airport and founder of Advaya Legal.
For multinationals operating out of India, a sharp legal team which can formulate sound मजबूत anti-bribery रिश्वत policies and tackle tricky उलझाने वाले , जटिल patent issues is even more important. India has been considered a high risk country on corruption after the US and UK uncovered bribery scandals कांड by several multinationals in emergingउभरते हुए markets. The US imposed over $1.7 billion as penalties on corporations in 2010 and most of the corruption cases involved non-US companies, according to a Deloitte report.
The role and scope of general counsel in India Inc has undergone a sea change व्यापक परिवर्तन in the past decade, with many occupying board seats. In MNCs, general counsel reports directly to the corporation's chief counsel at headquarters and not to the country head.
In India, such examples are hard to come by; the exception being Aditya Ghosh at Indigo airlines. However, with the way the bar is being raised, we may see more lawyers in the corner office. (महत्वपूर्ण पदों पर).
"In-house lawyers are in a strong position to understand the gravity गंभीरता of an issue and prioritize a matter better compared to external lawyers who handle multiple cases," said Ramesh Vaidyanathan, former general counsel of Mumbai International Airport and founder of Advaya Legal.
For multinationals operating out of India, a sharp legal team which can formulate sound मजबूत anti-bribery रिश्वत policies and tackle tricky उलझाने वाले , जटिल patent issues is even more important. India has been considered a high risk country on corruption after the US and UK uncovered bribery scandals कांड by several multinationals in emergingउभरते हुए markets. The US imposed over $1.7 billion as penalties on corporations in 2010 and most of the corruption cases involved non-US companies, according to a Deloitte report.
The role and scope of general counsel in India Inc has undergone a sea change व्यापक परिवर्तन in the past decade, with many occupying board seats. In MNCs, general counsel reports directly to the corporation's chief counsel at headquarters and not to the country head.
In India, such examples are hard to come by; the exception being Aditya Ghosh at Indigo airlines. However, with the way the bar is being raised, we may see more lawyers in the corner office. (महत्वपूर्ण पदों पर).
The Five Pillars of Raghuram Rajan for Banking reforms in india
WASHINGTON: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is all set to unveil पर्दा हटाना , प्रकट करना banking sector reforms सुधार , which would allow foreign banks to enter Indian market in a big way and even contemplate विचार करना taking over अधिग्रहण Indian banks, RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan has said.The banking sector reform, in particular to those facilitatingसुविधाजनक बनाना entry of foreign banks in India in a "big way" is part of the five pillars of reforms, including monetary policy framework, which the RBI is going to implement लागु करना in the next few years, the RBI Governor told a Washington audience yesterday.

"For foreign banks, if you adopt a wholly owned subsidiariesपूर्ण स्वामित्व वाली सहयोगी कंपनी structure and we are coming up with details on that in the next couple of weeks, we will allow you near national treatment," he said, quickly adding that there would be two conditions.
"One reciprocity समान व्यव्हार -- your country should allow the same to our own banks -- and second you come through one route either you have a branch or you have a subsidiary; don't do both. That is primarily to simplify our regulatory function, but also to make it clean. But once you have a fully owned subsidiary, we would allow you a lot of freedom," he said.
The new policy with regard to the foreign banks is part of his five pillarsस्तंभ of reforms, he said, adding that this would start with the monitory policy. मौद्रिक निति
"We got to get our monitory policy clear and understood to the broader public. Clearly the Reserve Bank has had monetary policy framework, we need to make it much more explicitस्पष्ट . And also bring it up to modern standards of transparency पारदर्शिता and credibility विश्वसनीयता ," Rajan said.
Emphasising जोर देते हुए on banking reform, Rajan said the RBI has already announced free branching in India.
"We announced that we will give new bank licenses not just once, but we would contemplate opening it on tap –नियमित रूप से - people come in submit their application, we consider them and give licenses," he said, adding that the RBI is also talking about differentiated bank licenses.
Deepening of Indian markets, he said, is another area of policy reforms.
"We want deeper व्यापक Indian markets -- the corporate markets, the government debt markets and the money markets," he said, adding that this particular reform would be carried out only after the current economic turmoilबवाल, अनिश्चितता is over.
Noting that the level of technology in India is tremendous जबरदस्त , Rajan said financial inclusionवित्तीय समावेशन is another sector of his reform.
"Whether it be corporate distress समस्याएं , व्यथा or financial institution distress, we need to improve our mechanism to make it simpler, cleaner and less value reducing," he said.
Rajan acknowledged that inflation is clearly an issue for the economy. The ordinary monetary policy would be focused on containing inflation and not directed towards external sectorsबाहरी या विदेशी मुद्रा सम्बन्धी क्षेत्र , he said.
FM finalised 14,000 crore capital infusion in banks
The Finance Ministry on Tuesday finalised the Rs. 14,000 crore
capital infusion plan for PSU banks to augment बढ़ाना their capital baseपूंजीगत आधार and promised another tranche हिस्सा , किस्त in the fourth quarter of the current fiscal.
“Rs 14,000 crore will be allocated आवंटित today and then of
course we will sit down with the RBI and SEBI (to decide) the manner of
infusion,” Finance Minister P. Chidambaram said after meeting the heads of PSU
banks here.
He further said capital infusion would be worked in accordance to
the provisions
प्रावधानों of the Banking
Regulations Act in a week or so.
The government will infuse capital through preferential mode of
allotment. “Banks can allot preferential capital to the government प्राथमिकता के आधार पर
सरकार को आवंटित करना. There is a provision in the banking laws. We did
it last year and we will do it this year also,” he added.
The capital infusion पूंजी डालना will ensure that banks have 8
per cent Tier-1 प्रथम
श्रेणी capital by the end of the current fiscal year.
The government infused Rs. 20,117 crore in public sector banks
during 2010-11, and Rs. 12,000 crore in 2011-12.
The second round of capital infusion which banks may require for
concessional रियायती
lending for home, auto and consumer durable loans till January may
happen during the fourth quarter of the current fiscal by monitoring their
performance over the four months.
“Any additional capital which will be required for the
concessional lending that they are doing between now and January 31 can be
factored गणना में
शामिल करना in as an additional
amount (over and above Rs 14,000 crore),” Mr. Chidambaram said.
On possibility of the banks raising funds from the market, he
said, “There is a big difference today between the book value of share and the
market price of share. Therefore, how far rights issue will succeed in the case
of a bank, it’s for the bank’s chairperson to take a call निर्णय लेना . Likewise,
QIP also he has to take a call.”
Later in the day, Financial Services Secretary Rajiv Takru said
banks will be allowed to raise capital from markets in the proportionate amount
infused by the government to maintain the government’s shareholding.
“Government shareholding will not go down from the current
level,” Mr. Takru said.
To a query on merger of PSU banks, the Finance Minister said,
“Who is talking about mergers now...merger was only in the context of SBI’s
associate banks’ merger with SBI. Even that we have left to SBI. We are not
giving any diktat.”आदेश
RBI hikes lending rate by 0.25%, loans to be costlier
Tuesday, October 29, 2013, 17:58
Mumbai: Housing, auto and
corporate loans may become expensive महंगे with the Reserve Bank on Tuesday hiking बढ़ाना the key lending rate by 0.25 percent to contain रोकना , सीमित करना inflation in continuation of its hard-line
There were no surprises in his first full fledged सम्पूर्ण quarterly policy review when Reserve Bank Governor Raghuram Rajan raised short-term lending (repo) rate by 0.25 percent to 7.75 percent and lowered MSF rate by a similar margin to 8.75 percent, extending his stated policy of gradual withdrawal क्रमिक वापसी of special measures विशेष उपाय announced earlier to checkरोकना falling value of rupee.
Later addressing संबोधित करते हुए the media, the Governor said "if our projectionsअनुमान (on inflation) and data do not quite match, then we will be inducedप्रेरित to take further steps".For the second time in the current fiscal वित्तीय वर्ष , RBI scaled down the growth forecast to 5 percent from 5.5 percent for 2013-14. It had originally projected a growth rate 5.7 percent. The growth rate fell to decade's low of 5 percent in 2012-13.
Giving rationale तर्काधार for its policy stance, Rajan said they "are intended लक्ष्यित to curb रकना mounting बढते हुए inflationary महंगाई वर्धक pressures and manage inflation expectations in a situation of weak growth."These will help strengthen the environment for growth by fostering पोषण करना, मजबूत करना macroeconomic and financial stability. The Reserve Bank will closely monitor निगरानी करना inflation risk while being mindful ध्यान रखना of the evolving growth dynamics ," he said.
The Reserve Bank's decision to raise the repo rate for the second time since September will increase the cost of funds for banks and which in turn will make consumer and corporate loans expensive.Most of the banks, however, would continue with concessional रियायती lending rate for home, auto and consumer durable loans till January.
In view of the festival season, banks have offered concession in interest rate in housing, vehicle and consumer loans in the range of 0.25 to 1 percent, 0.5 to 3.25 percent and 0.1 to 5.75 percent respectively.Many state-run banksसरकारी बैंक have also offered a substantialउल्लेखनीय concession in the processing fee till January 31.
The RBI has left other rates unchanged, such as the cash reserve ratio at 4 percent and the mandatory अनिवार्य holdings in government securities and other liquid assets as a solvency measure देनदारियों को चुकाने की क्षमता बनाये रखने के उपाय (SLR) at 23 percent.
There were no surprises in his first full fledged सम्पूर्ण quarterly policy review when Reserve Bank Governor Raghuram Rajan raised short-term lending (repo) rate by 0.25 percent to 7.75 percent and lowered MSF rate by a similar margin to 8.75 percent, extending his stated policy of gradual withdrawal क्रमिक वापसी of special measures विशेष उपाय announced earlier to checkरोकना falling value of rupee.
Later addressing संबोधित करते हुए the media, the Governor said "if our projectionsअनुमान (on inflation) and data do not quite match, then we will be inducedप्रेरित to take further steps".For the second time in the current fiscal वित्तीय वर्ष , RBI scaled down the growth forecast to 5 percent from 5.5 percent for 2013-14. It had originally projected a growth rate 5.7 percent. The growth rate fell to decade's low of 5 percent in 2012-13.
Giving rationale तर्काधार for its policy stance, Rajan said they "are intended लक्ष्यित to curb रकना mounting बढते हुए inflationary महंगाई वर्धक pressures and manage inflation expectations in a situation of weak growth."These will help strengthen the environment for growth by fostering पोषण करना, मजबूत करना macroeconomic and financial stability. The Reserve Bank will closely monitor निगरानी करना inflation risk while being mindful ध्यान रखना of the evolving growth dynamics ," he said.
The Reserve Bank's decision to raise the repo rate for the second time since September will increase the cost of funds for banks and which in turn will make consumer and corporate loans expensive.Most of the banks, however, would continue with concessional रियायती lending rate for home, auto and consumer durable loans till January.
In view of the festival season, banks have offered concession in interest rate in housing, vehicle and consumer loans in the range of 0.25 to 1 percent, 0.5 to 3.25 percent and 0.1 to 5.75 percent respectively.Many state-run banksसरकारी बैंक have also offered a substantialउल्लेखनीय concession in the processing fee till January 31.
The RBI has left other rates unchanged, such as the cash reserve ratio at 4 percent and the mandatory अनिवार्य holdings in government securities and other liquid assets as a solvency measure देनदारियों को चुकाने की क्षमता बनाये रखने के उपाय (SLR) at 23 percent.
The Governor, however,
doubled the borrowing limit क़र्ज़ सीमा of banks against their cash
positions or NDTL (Net demand and time liability) to 0.5 percent for both 7-day
and 14-day repos with immediate effect तत्काल
प्रभाव से , to
increase liquidity in the system.
With these measures, the RBI has calibratedबारीकी से संशोधित करना the window between the repo rate
(7.75 percent) and MSF (8.75 percent) to 100 basis points, as stated in the
September 20 mid-quarter view.
Accordingly, the bank rate is reduced to 8.75 percent with immediate effect.
Consequently,परिणामस्वरुप the reverse repo rate is adjusted upward to
6.75 percent.
This is the second lending rate hike since Rajan took over on September 4.
While he has increased the lending (repo) rate by 0.50 percent, he also brought
down the MSF rate, or emergency fund borrowing window for banks, by a steeper गहरा 1.5
The RBI said retail inflation is the biggest threat on the price index front
and it will remain elevated बढ़ा हुआ at over 9 percent.
Wholesale price index will edge up बढ़त की और रास्ता
बनाना in the remaining quarters of the year as a
result of cascading मिले जुले effect of rupee's depreciation and
hikes in fuel and food prices, the central bank added.
"The good monsoon should have a salutary सकारात्मक effect
on food inflation, but second-round effects from already high food and fuel
inflation could impart संचारित करना upside pressures on prices of other
commodities and services," it said.
Unhappy with the RBI's action, India Inc expressed strong disappointment निराशा over the decision to hike short-term lending (repo) rate by 0.25
percent, saying the move is bound to hit investments and hamperरूकावट बनना growth.
Giving guidance, Rajan said monetary policy faces an unenviableजिसे कोई करना पसंद न करे task of
anchoringरोकना inflation
expectations, amid tepid धीमी, उत्साहहीन growth and weak business
" To support growth, he said, "complementary संपूरक action
aimed at productivity enhancement बढ़ाना , structural reforms and quick
project implementation will be needed."
Announcing a slewबड़ी संख्या में of consumer-centric उपभोक्ता केंद्रित measures, the Reserve Bank
allowed banks to pay interest on savings deposits and term deposits at
intervals shorter than quarterly ones.
"As all commercial banks are now on core banking platforms, it has been
decided to give banks the option to pay interest on savings deposits and term
deposits at intervals shorter than quarterly intervals," Rajan said in the
Second Quarter Review of Monetary Policy 2013-14.
At present, banks pay interest on savings and term deposits at quarterly or
longer intervals.
Besides, the central bank directed banks to charge customers for SMS alerts on the
basis of usage, instead of imposingलादना a fixed fee, to ensure equity समता and
being reasonable.
"Banks are advised to leverage लाभ उठाना, पूर्ण
दोहन करना the technology available with them and telecom
service providers to ensure that such (SMS) charges are levied वसूल करना on all customers on actual usage basis ," the
RBI Governor said.
The RBI also plans to soon launch a 10-year savings instrument बचत पत्र that will offer inflation-linked returns to small investors as an
alternative to investments in gold.
"It is proposed to launch Inflation Indexed National Saving Securities
(IINSSs) for retail investors in November/December 2013 in consultation with
the government," it said.
The inflation-indexed securities for retail investors will be linked to the new
(combined) consumer price index (CPI). The interest on these securities would
comprise a fixed rate plus inflation.
On new bank licences, the policy review said a high-level panel chaired अध्यक्षता में by former RBI Governor Bimal Jalan will hold its first
meeting on November 1.
Other members of the high-level advisory committee (HLAC) are former RBI Deputy
Governor Usha Thorat, former Securities and Exchange Board of India Chairman C
B Bhave, and Nachiket M Mor, Director of the Central Board of Directors of RBI.
There are 26 applicants for new bank licences, including Tata Sons, India's
biggest business group, and firms controlled by billionaires अरबपति Anil Ambani and Kumar Mangalam Birla. Among public sector units, India
Post and IFCI have submitted applications.
India’s backward polity ever provide a pro-growth economic environment?
September 6, 2013 (The
Times of India)Of course, anything growing at a compound annual rate of 10% will become pretty massive काफी विशालकाय in 30 years (17.4 times, to be precise वास्तव में ). Hence, the sharp minds made an earth-shattering prediction: that anything growing very fast will become very big over time. Clients of financial institutions, seduced मोहित होकर with such a rosy picture about the land of miraclesचमत्कार , bought into the idea. विश्वास कर लिया
Boring economies of Europe, growing at 1-2%, just didn’t carry the spiciness of India मसाला, चटपटापन . Billions अरबों रुपये came into India, and the sudden rush अचानक प्रवाह of money did lead to some growth. The government in power took the entire credit for it. “We have created growth,” the government spokesperson used to say. The party had started. उत्सव प्राम्भ हो चुका था
The analysts were rewarded and flushed with heavy bonuses पैसों से नहला देना at the end of the year. Young M&A bankers bought apartments with a slum-and-racecourse view or a slum-and-sea view in Mumbai. Of course, the idea was to ignore the slum and focus on the sea view or the racecourse.
In all this, a few uncomfortable questions were never asked. For instance, is the government committedवचनबद्ध to providing a pro-business, pro-growth economic environment? Is the Indian राजनीती polity ready to accept this new capitalist पूंजीवादी system? Are we socialist समाजवादी or are we market driven बाजार के हिसाब से चलने वाले ? Can we actually grow so fast every year, considering each power plant or new road or mining approval takes years?
Are we efficientदक्ष, कुशल manufacturers for the world? Are our taxation and regulations in line with fast growth requirements? Do we have an educated or skilled workforce to grow average incomes 17 times in the next 30 years? Is our infrastructureअधो संरचना in place?
No, no and no. But you don’t ask these questions when there is a good party in progress. You sound like the neighbouring पडोसी uncle who crashes खत्म करवाना a party and tells people to turn the music down. Naysayers नकारात्मक विचारधारा वाले are seen to be jealous, doomsday mongers क़यामत के सौदागर who can’t bear to see India come into its own. जो भारत को उभरता हुआ बही देख सकते.
Of course, with none of the fundamentals required for such massive growth in place, the money coming into the country had little to do. Sure, a few projects did happen, and the first few companies who arrived did find their products sold well given the pent up दबी छुपी demand. However, soon, growth petered धीरे धीरे समाप्त होना out.
The government had, of cou-rseनिस्संदेह , used this temporary growth phase to start its own mini-party. Budgets showed higher revenue कमाई but even higher spending. The government spent way more than it earned. Consequently, private players faced interest rates of 15% for borrowings. The government printed so many rupees, it flooded बाद आना the market and the currency bought less and less.
All this was going on behind the scenes , while growth numbers were good. Hence, all was forgiven. भुला दिया गया Media analysis of the budgets included the finance minister’s sartorial पहनावा tastes and the couplets दोहे या शेर spoken in the speech. Everybody was happy in wonderland कल्पना लोक .
Of course, soon the penny dropped.जल्दी ही समझ में आ गया People never saw retu-rns for their money and stopped investing. Dollars stopped coming to India. Local players took their money out too. Growth slo-wed and the government blamed the media, the opposition, the foreigners and even the middle class for it. At the same time, it spent even more, thus increasing borrowing costs and inflation even more.
One day, the party stopped. People figuredदेख पाना there was a bubble. Reality is more than just a growth rate formula in a spreadsheet. A socialist country cannot turn market-friendly overnight. A corrupt nation cannot be competitive in the world. A divided population cannot arrive at decisions fast. A nation cannot decide to welcome investors one year, but pull a fast one धोखा देना on them the next year.
We are, whether the government likes to say it or not, in the middle of an economic crisis. In the next two years, we will see many companies go bustदिवालिया , large layoffsछंटनी , massive inflation and high unemployment. There is no getting away from it. The government could take some steps to sootheराहत देना the situation, but instead it is interested in tokenism सतही कदम – closing petrol pumps, immaterial austerity मितव्ययिता drivesअभियान and controls on consumption.
The economic numbers were bad enough. Now we are appro-aching something much worse – a crisis of confidence. The same analysts who were celebrating India a few years ago, are now telling their clients how to avoid India and its unreliable regimeशासन या व्यवस्था . If the world stops trusting India, this trust will take years to rebuild .
Forget growing 17 times in 30 years, we will find it difficult to sustainनिभाना even modest मध्यमgrowth. Either this government does something drasticजबरदस्त, कठोर and fundamental to restore confidence, विश्वास पुनर्स्थापित or we have another election as soon as possible so the focus can shift from politics to the economy. Otherwise, the future of an entire generation is at stakeदांव पर . And yes, next time, don’t ignore the slum view while taking in the sea view.
Chidambaram points at economic recovery
NEW DELHI: A spate बड़ी संख्या में, बाढ़
of positive dataसकारात्मक
आंकड़े in recent weeks and
expectations of a bumper crop augured शकुन wellशुभ for economic growth,
minister P Chidambaram said on Friday, but cautioned that inflation and
investment remained a challenge.
Chidambaram, who held a news conference after the stock market scaled पहुंचा a record high, said the government would be able to containसीमित रखना the current account deficit at $60 billion or below. This is lower than the FM's earlier estimate of $70 billion and should help calmशांत करना the financial markets.
The finance minister also vowed संकल्प लिया to adhereपालन करना to the "red line" on the fiscal deficit. The CAD is effectively a measure of the amount of net capital flows from abroad विदेश that an economy depends on, whether in the form of borrowings or investment.
While he refrained बचते रहना परहेज करना from coming to any definitive निश्चयात्मक conclusion about possible green shoots of recovery सुधार के संकेत in the economy, Chidambaram said several businessmen had told him that they could see "green shoots" in several sectors. He urged India Inc to start investing and not sit on idle cash to help in reviving growth.
"Core sector growth...strong monsoon and healthy exports augur well for economic growth. There are still many challenges, most important being inflation and revivingपुनर्जीवित investment," Chidambaram said while detailing the bright spots in the economy.
"But I think there will be green shoots even in investment. We are confident that the measures taken by the RBI and our own measures at maintaining fiscal discipline will eventuallyअंततः bring about a लायेंगे moderationकमी of inflation," he said. Government data on Thursday showed the key infrastructure sector output grew by 8% in September, its fastest pace of expansion in 11 months raising hopes of a recovery in industrial growth. Exports have gatheredइकठ्ठा करना pace गति and the steps taken by the government have helped in containing gold imports.
Growth has slowed to a decade's low of 5% in 2013-14 and is expected to be on similar lines in the current fiscal year. Experts say a sharp reboundफिर से उछाल आना in agriculture growth which is expected to be above 5% should provide a boost to the rural economy and have a positive impact on overall economic expansion.
The finance minister was also confident आश्वस्त of meeting the fiscal deficit and the disinvestment target set for the current fiscal year. In the first half of the 2013-14 fiscal year, the fiscal deficit राजकोषीय घाटा has touched 76% of the full year budget estimate of Rs 5.43 lakh crore.
Chidambaram, who held a news conference after the stock market scaled पहुंचा a record high, said the government would be able to containसीमित रखना the current account deficit at $60 billion or below. This is lower than the FM's earlier estimate of $70 billion and should help calmशांत करना the financial markets.
The finance minister also vowed संकल्प लिया to adhereपालन करना to the "red line" on the fiscal deficit. The CAD is effectively a measure of the amount of net capital flows from abroad विदेश that an economy depends on, whether in the form of borrowings or investment.
While he refrained बचते रहना परहेज करना from coming to any definitive निश्चयात्मक conclusion about possible green shoots of recovery सुधार के संकेत in the economy, Chidambaram said several businessmen had told him that they could see "green shoots" in several sectors. He urged India Inc to start investing and not sit on idle cash to help in reviving growth.
"Core sector growth...strong monsoon and healthy exports augur well for economic growth. There are still many challenges, most important being inflation and revivingपुनर्जीवित investment," Chidambaram said while detailing the bright spots in the economy.
"But I think there will be green shoots even in investment. We are confident that the measures taken by the RBI and our own measures at maintaining fiscal discipline will eventuallyअंततः bring about a लायेंगे moderationकमी of inflation," he said. Government data on Thursday showed the key infrastructure sector output grew by 8% in September, its fastest pace of expansion in 11 months raising hopes of a recovery in industrial growth. Exports have gatheredइकठ्ठा करना pace गति and the steps taken by the government have helped in containing gold imports.
Growth has slowed to a decade's low of 5% in 2013-14 and is expected to be on similar lines in the current fiscal year. Experts say a sharp reboundफिर से उछाल आना in agriculture growth which is expected to be above 5% should provide a boost to the rural economy and have a positive impact on overall economic expansion.
The finance minister was also confident आश्वस्त of meeting the fiscal deficit and the disinvestment target set for the current fiscal year. In the first half of the 2013-14 fiscal year, the fiscal deficit राजकोषीय घाटा has touched 76% of the full year budget estimate of Rs 5.43 lakh crore.
In some cases, US spyingजासूसी 'has reached too far': Kerry
1, 2013, 12.14PM IST

After 10 days of scandal with key प्रमुख European allies, a statement on Thursday by Secretary of State John Kerry was the first to explicitlyस्पष्ट तोर पर acknowledge oversteppingसीमा लांघना by US intelligence.गुप्तचर व्यवस्था
Kerry justifiedसही तहराया the surveillanceनिगरानी in broad termsव्यापक तोर पर , citingउल्लेख करते हुए the September 11, 2001 terror attacks in the United States, as well as attacks in London, Madrid and elsewhere to argue that the US and other countries have had to come together to fight "extremism आतंकवाद in the world that is hell-bent अड़ियल and determined to try to kill people and blow people up and attack governments."
He said US intelligence has since 2001 averted विफल करना attacks with intercepts बीच में रोकना of communications. But he acknowledged स्वीकार किया , without going into specifics विस्तार में न जाते हुए , that at times it has been too much.कभी कभी ये बहुत ज्यादा हो गया .Kerry also soughtचाहा to give assurancesआश्वासन that such steps, which have roiledनाराज किया close allies सहयोगी like Germany, would not be repeated.
"I assure you, innocent निर्दोष people are not being abused (ill treated ) बुरा वर्ताव करना in this process, but there's an effort to try to gather information," Kerry told a London conference via video link. "And yes, in some cases, it has reached too far inappropriately."अनुपयुक्तता से
Recent allegations आरोप and reports of widespreadव्यापक spying by the US National Security Agency have sparkedभडकाना a major rift दरार in trans-Atlantic ties.सम्बन्ध
This week German Chancellor Angela Merkel angrily confronted विरोध करना President Barack Obama with allegations that the NSA was snooping ताक झांक करनाon her phone, saying it would amount to a "breach of trust."विश्वास तोडना Kerry spent a good portion of his answer justifying the collection of data as necessary due to the threat खतरा of terrorism and suggested Washington was not alone in doing so.
Kerry also lashed out शाब्दिक आक्रमण at some of the reporting about alleged spying, sparked by leaks from fugitiveभगोड़ा former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, wanted by Washington on espionageजासूसी charges"There's an enormousअत्यधिक मात्रा में amount of exaggeration बढ़ा चढ़ा कर बताना in this reporting from some reporters out there."
Virat Kohli: World's most destructive ODI batsman
Experts generally feel that Virat Kohli's immense असीमित self-confidence has flowed into his batting
seamlessly. आसानी
से , स्मूथली (PTI Photo)
The rise of Virat
Kohli is a fascinating taleसम्मोहक कहानी .
From a precociousउभरती talent, who climbed
through the ranks जो सफलता की सीढिया चढ़ता गया to become part of Team India in 2008, the Delhi boy has become the most devastating विध्वंसकारी batsman in ODI
cricket at the moment. And he is developing into a formidable बेजोड Test batsman too.
However, it's in one-dayers that Kohli has expressed himself in the most telling mannerअपना उत्कृष्ट प्रदर्शन दिया है : 17 centuries, an average of over 52 and strike-rate of over 88 - a proven match-winner in all conditions.
Experts generally feel that his immense self-confidence has flowed into his batting seamlessly. "Kohli has gone from strength to strengthऔर बेहतर प्रदर्शन करना after an impressive campaign in the 2009 Champions Trophy in South Africa.
It's his self-confidence which puts the bowlers immediately on the back footआत्मा रक्षा . And when you have great technique to back that confidence, runs will naturally flow," former chairman of selectors Kris Srikkanth told TOI on Thursday.The former India opener opined that the 2009 Champions Trophy was the turning pointमहत्वपूर्ण मोड in Kohli's career. "Virat had gone to South Africa as a replacementएवज में of Yuvraj Singh and scored an impressive 79 not out against West Indies.
He quickly adapted ढाल लेना to the format and matured quickly. In the meantime, he also made his Test debut and the success that he had in the series Down Under increased his confidence even more," Srikkanth added.
Kohli's former Delhi coach Manoj Prabhakar concurs सहमत with Srikkanth. "Virat is one batsman who is always ready to take on the short ball. When a batsman is not scared घबराना of the bouncer, his feet movement becomes more fluid चंचल and the timing comes as a result," Prabhakar said.
Kohli came close to scoring 1,000 ODI runs (995) in 2010 but hasn't missed that landmark in the next three years - 1,381 in 2011, 1,026 in 2012 and 1,033 in 2013 till date.
Over the course of these three years इन तीन वर्षों के दौरान , he has also amassed इकठ्ठा की 13 centuries and on Wednesday became the quickest to amass 17 tons, in 58 fewer innings than Sourav Ganguly.
At 24, the world is there to be won for Kohli. २४ वर्षीय कोहली के लिए अपार संभावनाए हैं "The manner in which Virat is batting, the record of (Sachin Tendulkar's) 49 hundreds looks possible. Virat needs 32 more and with the number of ODIs Indians play he can do it.
This cricketing season itself, Virat can get to 20 or 22 hundreds," former India captain Sunil Gavaskar told a news channel. From the outside, Kohli might appear to be brashलापरवाह आक्रामकता but his success hasn't come without hard work. Innumerableअनगिनत hours in the gym followed by single-minded dedication समर्पणin the nets नेट अभ्यास have all contributed to his success.
In the ongoing series alone, Kohli has amassed इकट्ठे किये 344 runs at an average of 172 and has been instrumentalमहत्वपूर्ण सिद्ध हुए in keeping India alive. He has even stolen George Bailey's thunder despite the Aussie captain scoring a record number of runs I the series.
Virat Facts
Amongst the batsmen with 2,000 runs or more in successful ODI chases, Kohli's average of 86.53 is the second highest, next only to MS Dhoni's 101.28 (2,127 runs in 55 innings).
His tally of eleven hundreds in successful chases is bettered only by Sachin Tendulkar (14) in ODIs.
Since January 2009, Virat has managed 4,760 runs at an average of 53.48, including 17 hundreds and 25 fifties, in 113 matches. His aggregate and centuries are records by any batsman since January 2009.
However, it's in one-dayers that Kohli has expressed himself in the most telling mannerअपना उत्कृष्ट प्रदर्शन दिया है : 17 centuries, an average of over 52 and strike-rate of over 88 - a proven match-winner in all conditions.
Experts generally feel that his immense self-confidence has flowed into his batting seamlessly. "Kohli has gone from strength to strengthऔर बेहतर प्रदर्शन करना after an impressive campaign in the 2009 Champions Trophy in South Africa.
It's his self-confidence which puts the bowlers immediately on the back footआत्मा रक्षा . And when you have great technique to back that confidence, runs will naturally flow," former chairman of selectors Kris Srikkanth told TOI on Thursday.The former India opener opined that the 2009 Champions Trophy was the turning pointमहत्वपूर्ण मोड in Kohli's career. "Virat had gone to South Africa as a replacementएवज में of Yuvraj Singh and scored an impressive 79 not out against West Indies.
He quickly adapted ढाल लेना to the format and matured quickly. In the meantime, he also made his Test debut and the success that he had in the series Down Under increased his confidence even more," Srikkanth added.
Kohli's former Delhi coach Manoj Prabhakar concurs सहमत with Srikkanth. "Virat is one batsman who is always ready to take on the short ball. When a batsman is not scared घबराना of the bouncer, his feet movement becomes more fluid चंचल and the timing comes as a result," Prabhakar said.
Kohli came close to scoring 1,000 ODI runs (995) in 2010 but hasn't missed that landmark in the next three years - 1,381 in 2011, 1,026 in 2012 and 1,033 in 2013 till date.
Over the course of these three years इन तीन वर्षों के दौरान , he has also amassed इकठ्ठा की 13 centuries and on Wednesday became the quickest to amass 17 tons, in 58 fewer innings than Sourav Ganguly.
At 24, the world is there to be won for Kohli. २४ वर्षीय कोहली के लिए अपार संभावनाए हैं "The manner in which Virat is batting, the record of (Sachin Tendulkar's) 49 hundreds looks possible. Virat needs 32 more and with the number of ODIs Indians play he can do it.
This cricketing season itself, Virat can get to 20 or 22 hundreds," former India captain Sunil Gavaskar told a news channel. From the outside, Kohli might appear to be brashलापरवाह आक्रामकता but his success hasn't come without hard work. Innumerableअनगिनत hours in the gym followed by single-minded dedication समर्पणin the nets नेट अभ्यास have all contributed to his success.
In the ongoing series alone, Kohli has amassed इकट्ठे किये 344 runs at an average of 172 and has been instrumentalमहत्वपूर्ण सिद्ध हुए in keeping India alive. He has even stolen George Bailey's thunder despite the Aussie captain scoring a record number of runs I the series.
Virat Facts
Amongst the batsmen with 2,000 runs or more in successful ODI chases, Kohli's average of 86.53 is the second highest, next only to MS Dhoni's 101.28 (2,127 runs in 55 innings).
His tally of eleven hundreds in successful chases is bettered only by Sachin Tendulkar (14) in ODIs.
Since January 2009, Virat has managed 4,760 runs at an average of 53.48, including 17 hundreds and 25 fifties, in 113 matches. His aggregate and centuries are records by any batsman since January 2009.
Place a bet शर्त, दांव in Dec, collect your winnings in May
An opinion poll is always
more opinion than poll. But any politician who ignores it does so at his peril(रिस्क) जोखिम . It does not provide a result, obviously, or we might not
need that elaborateविस्तृत and expensive propositionप्रस्ताव् called an election. Its sample base always
sounds ridiculously हास्यास्पद ढंग से thin, compared to the actual numbers that will
turn up at the booth in an Indian general election. It is rarely accurate about
seat-numbers in the kind of parliamentary democracy we have, where subjective factorsस्थानीय like the quality and personal history of a
particular candidate can create sufficient micro antipathyशत्रुता to reverse a macro trend.
The best way to read an opinion poll is as a series. Over time, it will plot
quite accurately the direction in which public opinion is moving. The latest
readings of this barometer, done for the television channel CNN-IBN in the
middle of October and revealed this week, indicate that the declineपतन, नीचे गिरना of Congress and its
coalition,गठबंधन UPA, has
accelerated. गति बढ़ना
I wanted to play big: Rohit Sharma
2, 2013, 06.28PM IST

Rohit Sharma celebrates…जश्न मनाना )
BANGALORE: Smiling ear to ear एक चौड़ी मुस्कान लिए अर्थात अत्यंत प्रसन्न after
becoming only the third cricketer ever to smash हिट या प्रहार an ODI double hundred, Indian
batsman Rohit Sharma on Saturday said he went in with the intentइरादा to "play big" and successfully
executed संपन्न
किया the plan on the small
ground.Sharma joined Sachin Tendulkar and Virender Sehwag in the all-Indian club of ODI double-centurionsदोहरा शतक मरने वालों में in international cricket when he cracked a 158-ball 209 against Australia in the seventh ODI.

The 26-year-old said he was looking to play aggressively आक्रामक रूप से after getting a hundred in the second one-dayer in Jaipur, which India won to square बराबर करना the series.
"It is really coming off very well.सब कुछ बहुत अच्छा हो रहा है I got a hundred in the last game and I just wanted to carry on from that. I wanted to play big. I just wanted to keep the momentumप्रवाह , गति going," he said.
In the course of his hurricaneतूफानी innings, Sharma became the record-holder for most sixes in a match, crossed 1000 runs this year besides breaching the 3000-runs mark in his ODI career.
The Mumbaikar laughed when he was asked about the mix-up गडबडझाला with Virat Kohli which led to latter being run out and leaving the field angrily.
"It happens sometimes. It's all a part and parcel of the gameयह सब खेल का हिस्सा है ," he said with a cheekyढीठ smile.
Sharma, who has now played 108 ODIs, has finally got a Test call-up as well and is sure to make his debut श्रीगणेश करना in Sachin Tendulkar's farewell Test series against the West Indies next month.
With gold scarceकमी , festival season loses its shine
MUMBAI/NEW DELHI: A scarcity (शोर्टेज)of gold and high prices are pushing Indians to look to silver
or diamond
jewellery as alternative gifts this festive season, adding to the gloomनिराशा in the gold trade after government measuresकदम to restrictबाधित करना imports. Indians are the biggest buyers of
gold in the world and many believe that buying and giving it on holy days
brings good fortune सौभाग्य . Friday marks Dhanteras, a huge बड़ा festival associated
with Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, and another festival, Diwali, falls on
"So far, we have sold just two gold rings today. It's a far cry from के विपरीत what it was during Dhanteras last year," said executive Sanjay Kumar at Chawla Jewellers in New Delhi. Saleswomen in bright traditional sarees sat idle. खाली बैठना Outside the shop, a big banner trumpetsढिंढोरा पीटना a 1,000 rupee discount on gold market prices and a discount of up to 50 percent on diamond jewellery.
Last year over this festival period इस त्यौहार के दौरान around 60 to 70 tonnes of gold was sold, roughly the amount imported in an average month, according to Bachhraj Bamalwa, a director at the All India Gems and Jewellery Trade Federation. This year, supplies in the domestic market have virtuallyलगभग समझो कि dried up because of restrictions बंधन on gold imports imposed लगाये गए by the government to reduce the trade deficit and support the currency. Import duty on the precious metalबहुमूल्य धातु is at a record high of 10 percent.
Gold is selling for around Rs 30,700 per 10 grams, about $120-130 an ounce over London prices. That's encouraging some recycling, which helps supplies, but buyers that can wait are simply deferringटालना their purchases.
RBI to frame policy on foreign banks branches in 3 weeks "So far, we have sold just two gold rings today. It's a far cry from के विपरीत what it was during Dhanteras last year," said executive Sanjay Kumar at Chawla Jewellers in New Delhi. Saleswomen in bright traditional sarees sat idle. खाली बैठना Outside the shop, a big banner trumpetsढिंढोरा पीटना a 1,000 rupee discount on gold market prices and a discount of up to 50 percent on diamond jewellery.
Last year over this festival period इस त्यौहार के दौरान around 60 to 70 tonnes of gold was sold, roughly the amount imported in an average month, according to Bachhraj Bamalwa, a director at the All India Gems and Jewellery Trade Federation. This year, supplies in the domestic market have virtuallyलगभग समझो कि dried up because of restrictions बंधन on gold imports imposed लगाये गए by the government to reduce the trade deficit and support the currency. Import duty on the precious metalबहुमूल्य धातु is at a record high of 10 percent.
Gold is selling for around Rs 30,700 per 10 grams, about $120-130 an ounce over London prices. That's encouraging some recycling, which helps supplies, but buyers that can wait are simply deferringटालना their purchases.
Mumbai: In another three weeks,the RBI will issue detailed guidelinesविस्तृत दिशा निर्देश on how foreign banks,which currently operate as branches of banks incorporated abroad विदेशों में पंजीकृत बैंक कि शाखाओं के रूप में ,can convert into wholly-owned subsidiaries (WOSs)पूर्ण स्वामित्व वाली अधीनस्थ कंपनी to enjoy a near-national घरेलु बैंको जैसे सुविधा treatment.It would be based on a draft guideline that the central bank had come out with in January 2011.Banks had subsequently sent their views on the same.
Taking into account the feedbackप्रतिक्रियाँ received from stakeholders,a scheme of subsidiarization अधीनस्थ भारतीय कंपनी of foreign banks in India,guided by the two cardinal principles of reciprocity बराबरी का सिद्धांत and single mode of presence,is being finalized, RBI said in its policy document.Foreign banks will be incentivized प्रेरित to convert into WOSs by the attractiveness of the near-national treatment,it added.However,it will not be mandatory for existing foreign banks to convert into WOSs.
Speaking to the media after the policy announcement,Raghuram Rajan,RBI governor,said that foreign banks will get the privilege विशेष अधिकार या सुविधाएँ of being treated as a near-national bank,but the same enhanced उच्च status would also bestowदेगा some additional responsibilities on these entities.Privilege comes with responsibility, Rajan said.
According to bankers,the privileges may include the freedom to open branches within the country and being allowed to handle monetary businesses of the central and state governments like collecting taxes and distributing salaries,some of the things that these banks are currently not allowed to do.Additional responsibilities could mean enhanced priority sector lendingप्राथमिकता वाले क्षेत्रों को ऋण देना ,they said.
RBI said that the initial minimum paid-up capital or net worth for a WOS will be Rs 500 crore.The central bank aims to get large foreign banks with 30 or more branches to be incorporated as a local subsidiary.
Destinationगंतव्य Mars: India’s Marsमंगल odyssey एक लंबी यात्रा begins on a high note की अच्छी शुरुआत
First Phase प्रथम चरण Of Mission अभियान Successful सफल
Arun Ram, Srinivas Laxman & Chethan Kumar TNN
Sriharikota: A day after the last Diwali rockets were fired in this part of the country, ‘the big one’एक बड़ा रॉकेट blasted off धमाके के साथ छुटना from the first launch pad in Sriharikota on Tuesday afternoon, firing the ambitionमहत्वाकांक्षा of a nation, and the imagination of many others. About 44 minutes later, when PSLV-C25 had injected प्रवेश करवाया the Mars orbiter spacecraft into an Earth orbitपृथ्वी की कक्षा , the first phase of India’s first Mars mission was pronounced घोषित a success.
“I am happy to announce that the Mars orbiter mission first phase is a success,” said Indian Space Research Organization (Isro) chairman K Radhakrishnan.
About 90 minutes after a drizzleबूंदाबांदी raised minor concerns about weather मौसम among lay आम आदमी people, the 44.4m PSLV-C25 carrying in its head India’s first Mars orbiter, lifted offचल पड़ा from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre at 2.38pm. Drowning डूबना the cheersखुशिया में at the mission control, about 7km away, the rocket rose to the sky with a roarगर्जना , spewing fire आग उगलना and smoke. धुआं
CRITICS SAY आलोचक क्या कहते हैं.----
No new technology involvedशामिल in Mars mission 460cr fund should’ve been used for gen-next launch system, GSLV, to enhance Isro’s commercial worth. Orbiter would be too far from Mars to carry out any meaningful tests. Aimलक्ष्य to look forढूँढना,पता लगाना methane overlaps with Nasa’s Curiosityनासा के अभियान का नाम है करिओसिटी (मीथेन का पता लगाने का लक्ष्य नासा के लक्ष्य को ही दोहराता है) . Previous missions inconclusive पिछला अभियान अभी तक अपूर्ण है |
ISRO CHIEF SAYS इसरो प्रमुख का जवाब
Mission not in conflictटकराव with GSLV plans. Both projects are on दोनों परियोजनाएं चल रही है Mission 85% tech demonstration, 15% scientific questखोज . It’ll boost बढ़ाएगी Isro’s credibility विश्वसनीयता , attract business .Orbiter would get close enough to Mars for on-board instruments to detect methane यान मंगल के पर्याप्त नजदीक रहेगा कि वह मीथेन कि उपस्थिति पहचान सके.. Critics blasted आलोचना की Chandrayaan-1, but it alone found moistureनमी in moon’s polar region
RED LETTER DAY महत्वपूर्ण दिन | TOI goes behind the scenesनेपथ्य, परदे के पीछे at Sriharikota to bring you the in-depth विस्तृत story behind the successful launch of Mangalyaan and what the mission hopes to achieveप्राप्त करना | P 8 Isro chief: Bigger challenges ahead
Sriharikota: The nail-biting —रोमांचक एवं तनावभरी स्थिति albeit यद्यपि expected अपेक्षित — phaseचरण of PSLV-C25 launchप्रक्षेपण came soon after the third stage of the rocket burned out, and the blipसंकेत on the tracking screens disappeared. As Isro chairman K Radhakrishnan had explained earlier, the rocket would be on a coasting phase आउट ऑफ सिग्नल for almost 25 minutes, 10 minutes of which was a “total blind phase”. The mission control witnessed देखे some silent moments सन्नाटा during this period.
And, when mission director P Kunhikrishnan reported that the first of the two ships in the south Pacific Ocean had tracked पता लगा लिया है the rocket, the scientists’ faces finally lit up. चेहरे अंततः चमक उठे
Around 35 minutes into the flight, the rocket was cruising at an altitude “slightly higher than the अपेक्षित expected trajectory”पथ से कुछ ज्यादा ऊँचा चला गया था , as a scientist put it. “But the rocket will self-correct its course,”मगर वह स्वयं ही अपना रास्ता ठीक कर लेगा he assured.
And correct it did,और उसने किया भी after the fourth-stage engine fired on its own, bringing the rocket back to life. Soon, the orbiter यान was injectedप्रवेश कराया into an ellipticalअंडाकार Earth orbit कक्षा in what Kunhikrishnan called a “precision परफेक्शन, १०० फीसदी सही करना exercise.” What follows in the next 10 days would be six crucialमहत्वपूर्ण “orbit-raising operations” in the early hours of November 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 and 16. And then, at 12.42am on December 1, the orbiter will leave the earth’s orbit for its 300-day journey to the red planet.
“It’s only the beginningशरुआत ; bigger challengesबड़ी चुनौतिया are aheadआगे हैं ,” said the Isro chairman. “We expect the orbiter to be in Mars’ orbit on September 24, 2014.”
Sebastian Vettel wins Indian GP to clinch जकड लेना , 4th successive F1 drivers' title
27, 2013, 04.34PM IST

(Red Bull Formula One driver…)
Vettel सेबेस्टियन
वेटल (रेड बुल जर्मन रेसर) roared गरजते हुए इतिहास में प्रवेश किया into history as
Formula One's youngest four-time champion in superlative शानदार style as he
dominated आगे रहा
the Indian Grand Prix on Sunday. Pole-sitter पोल सिटर वह खिलाडी जो अभ्यास दौर में प्रथम आने के
आधार पर रेस में सबसे आगे खड़ा किया जाता है
Vettel pitted early to change his soft tyres but then sped गति बढ़ाना through
the field to win 30 seconds ahead of Mercedes's Nico Rosberg,
with Lotus
driver Romain
Grosjean third.
Vettel celebratedजश्न मनाना in uproariousकोलाहलपूर्ण fashion by spinning doughnutsअंगूठी के आकार कि केक घुमाते हुए in front of the grandstand. He then stood on top of his Red Bull कार and salutedसलाम the crowd before bowingझुकना to his car in mock नकली या बनावती worship.
Ferrari's Fernando Alonso, who was Vettel's nearest challenger going into the race but 90 points adrift, managed only 11th place.Vettel's sixth win in a rowकतार में , 10th in 16 races this season and 36th of his career left him poised संतुलित एवं तैयार (इन रेडीनेस ) to shatter तोडना more records in the remaining three races in Abu Dhabi, America and Brazil.If he wins all three, Vettel will equal बराबरी करना Schumacher's record of 13 wins in 2004 and become the only driver to secureप्राप्त करना nine consecutiveलगातार victoriesजीत in a season.
The German, who won the Indian race in both 2011 and 2012, once again dominated the circuit परिक्रमा पथ with record times in all three practice sessions this year and a perfect qualifying round on Saturday.
S&P to reviewपुनर्विचार rating after LS polls चुनाव
NEW DELHI: Global ratings
agency Standard & Poor's said on Thursday that it will review its rating on
India after the 2014
general elections but cautioned सावधान किया that it may lower it within a year if there is
continued policy drift.भटकाव , अनिश्चितता However, it also said that it may revise the
outlook झुकाव to
stableस्थिर if it believes that the new government can
करना the country's lost growth
potential विकास
कि सम्भावना , consolidate its finances वित्तीय स्थिति मजबूत करे and ensure an
effective monetary policy. प्रभावी मौद्रिक नीति सुनिश्चित करे
The agency retained बरकरार रखना its BBB (minus) rating on India and said the negative outlookनकारात्मक झुकाव indicated इंगित करना that it may lower the rating to speculative अस्थिर श्रेणी grade next year if the government that takes officeजो भी सरकार सत्ता में आएगी after the general elections does not appear capable क्षमता न रखती प्रतीत हो of reversing रुख पलट देना the country's low economic growth. The BBB (minus) is the lowest investment grade rating. निवेश करने योग्य
The agency retained बरकरार रखना its BBB (minus) rating on India and said the negative outlookनकारात्मक झुकाव indicated इंगित करना that it may lower the rating to speculative अस्थिर श्रेणी grade next year if the government that takes officeजो भी सरकार सत्ता में आएगी after the general elections does not appear capable क्षमता न रखती प्रतीत हो of reversing रुख पलट देना the country's low economic growth. The BBB (minus) is the lowest investment grade rating. निवेश करने योग्य
"Barring सिवाय an
deteriorationस्थिति बिगडना of the fiscalराजकोषीय or external विदेशी मुद्रा accounts खाते before the
election, we expect to review the rating on India after the next general
elections when the new government has announced its policy agenda कार्य सूचि ," the
agency said in a statement.The government has been pitching पक्ष रखना for a ratings upgrade सुधार and had cited उल्लेख करना the measures takenलिए गए कदम to contain सीमित रखना the current account deficit and the fiscal
deficit चालू खता
एवं राजकोषीय घाटा. . A downgrade दर्जा घटना at this point in time would have hurt
confidence विशवास
and the nascent recoveryसुधार कि प्रारंभिक अवस्था , choked foreign fund
inflows विदेशी
निवेश को अवरुद्ध करना and made it
difficult for domestic घरेलु companies to raise funds abroad कंपनियों को विदेश से धन जुटाने में कठिनाई .
It would have also have been difficult to defend a downgrade दर्जा गिरने के कारणों का
स्पष्टीकरण दिन at a time of
के समय में
The government has taken several stepsकई कदम to avert रोकने या बचाने के लिए a ratings downgrade and the efforts of the new Reserve Bank of India (RBI) governor, Raghuram Rajan, won praise from प्रयासों कि सराहना हुई S&P. ".... we expect the financial sector, under the new leadership in the central bank, to be gradually धीरे दीरे liberalized उदार बनाया जावेगा and a steady स्थिर रूप से disinflationary महंगाई कम रहने कि स्थितिया environment to emerge उभरेंगी ," the agency said.
S&P said India's strengths are counter-balanced by significant weaknesses, which include an onerous burden भारी बोझ from its public finance, lack of progress on structural reforms and shortfalls in basic services.It said that the next government, regardless of its composition चाहे जो उसके घटक हों , will face several challenges. The 13th Finance Commission has recommended a central government fiscal deficit target of 4.2% of GDP in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2013.
It said achieving the government's own fiscal deficit target of 4.8% of GDP in fiscal 2014 would depend partly on the government's resolve संकल्प on the level of election spending चुनावी खर्च and on the evolution of commodity prices चीजों के दाम . S&P said on the negative side, the government has secured प्राप्त कर ली है Parliamentary approval संसद की सहमति to expand बढ़ाना coverage of food subsidies to almost two-thirds of India's households परिवार . "This act could almost doubleलगभग दुगना कर देगी the size of the government's food subsidy in future budgets to about 1.5% of GDP," it said.
The rating agency said the new government will face difficult tasks to place its fiscal accounts on a firmer footing: Phasing out धीरे धीरे समाप्त करना of diesel subsidiesडीजल पर अनुदान , financing the expansion of food subsidies बढ़ता हुए खाद्य अनुदान के लिए पैसे जुटाना , addressing other subsidies अन्य अनुदान की व्यवस्था करना such as those for fertilizer, and introducing the nationwide rollout लागू करना, फैलाना of a common goods and services tax. It said it expects the current account deficit to narrow slightly थोडा कम होने की उम्मीद to about 3.7% of GDP by March 2014, largelyमुख्यतः due to government restrictions on gold imports and weaker domestic demand कमजोर घरेलु मांग . Many Indians buy gold for investment.निवेश
The government has taken several stepsकई कदम to avert रोकने या बचाने के लिए a ratings downgrade and the efforts of the new Reserve Bank of India (RBI) governor, Raghuram Rajan, won praise from प्रयासों कि सराहना हुई S&P. ".... we expect the financial sector, under the new leadership in the central bank, to be gradually धीरे दीरे liberalized उदार बनाया जावेगा and a steady स्थिर रूप से disinflationary महंगाई कम रहने कि स्थितिया environment to emerge उभरेंगी ," the agency said.
S&P said India's strengths are counter-balanced by significant weaknesses, which include an onerous burden भारी बोझ from its public finance, lack of progress on structural reforms and shortfalls in basic services.It said that the next government, regardless of its composition चाहे जो उसके घटक हों , will face several challenges. The 13th Finance Commission has recommended a central government fiscal deficit target of 4.2% of GDP in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2013.
It said achieving the government's own fiscal deficit target of 4.8% of GDP in fiscal 2014 would depend partly on the government's resolve संकल्प on the level of election spending चुनावी खर्च and on the evolution of commodity prices चीजों के दाम . S&P said on the negative side, the government has secured प्राप्त कर ली है Parliamentary approval संसद की सहमति to expand बढ़ाना coverage of food subsidies to almost two-thirds of India's households परिवार . "This act could almost doubleलगभग दुगना कर देगी the size of the government's food subsidy in future budgets to about 1.5% of GDP," it said.
The rating agency said the new government will face difficult tasks to place its fiscal accounts on a firmer footing: Phasing out धीरे धीरे समाप्त करना of diesel subsidiesडीजल पर अनुदान , financing the expansion of food subsidies बढ़ता हुए खाद्य अनुदान के लिए पैसे जुटाना , addressing other subsidies अन्य अनुदान की व्यवस्था करना such as those for fertilizer, and introducing the nationwide rollout लागू करना, फैलाना of a common goods and services tax. It said it expects the current account deficit to narrow slightly थोडा कम होने की उम्मीद to about 3.7% of GDP by March 2014, largelyमुख्यतः due to government restrictions on gold imports and weaker domestic demand कमजोर घरेलु मांग . Many Indians buy gold for investment.निवेश
Supreme Court stays स्थगन Gauhati High Court's order that held CBI 'unconstitutional'असंवेधानिक
Delhi: In a major relief राहत for
the government, the Supreme Court today stayed the Gauhati High Court's
unprecedented अभूतपूर्व
declaring the Central Bureau of
Investigation or CBI as "unconstitutional"असंवैधानिक which didn't have the power to investigate
crimes. The top court has fixed December 6 as the next date for hearingसुनवाई in the matter.
Here are 10 developments in this big story:
1. The
Centre had movedगई
या पहुंची the top court सर्वोच्च अदालत today,
seeking चाहना an
immediate stay on Wednesday's High Court order which it called
"erroneous"त्रुटिपूर्ण , arguing दलील पेश करना that the verdict फैसला would adverselyविपरीत impact प्रभाव thousands of criminal cases pending लंबित across the
country.देश भर
2. "There
shall be a stay of operation of impugnedजिसके गलत होने का दावा किया गया हो,विवादस्पद judgement of Nov 6, 2013 passed by Gauhati
High Court," said a bench of Chief Justice P Sathasivam and Justice
Ranjana Desai at an urgent hearing held at the former's residence this
3. The
bench also observed पाया that "the judgement has to be stayed as accusedआरोपी in two sensational सनसनीखेज cases have
sought चाहा stay
of the trialमुक़दमा
4. It
was referring
सन्दर्भ to former Telecom
Minister A Raja and other accused in the 2G spectrum scamघोटाला as well as Congress leader Sajjan Kumar,
accused in the 1984 anti-Sikh riotsदंगे case,
who had cited
उल्लेख किया the High Court's
order to stop proceedingsकार्यवाही against them.
5. "We
are concerned
चिंतित with all other CBI
cases," the bench added after the Centre, in its appeal, had contended प्रतिवाद करना that
the High Court's order directly impacted about 9,000 trialsमुकदमे currently underway वर्तमान में जारी हैं and
about 1,000 investigations जांचे being undertaken by
the CBI.
6. The
Gauhati High Court had said that the CBI could not be treated as a police forceपुलिस बल के समकक्ष नहीं
माना जा सकता ; it could only conduct "inquiries" सिर्फ पूछताछ कर सकती
है . This meant इसका मतलब the government's premier investigating
की प्रमुख जांच एजेंसी stood to
देगी its power to probeजांच का अधिकार ,
file FIRs or First Information Reports,प्रथम सूचना रिपोर्ट दाखिल करना arrest suspects अभियुक्तों को गिरफ्तार करना and
file charge-sheets. अभियोग पत्र
7. The
High Court order was based on the premiseआधार that the Union Home Ministry's order, under
which the CBI was set up बनाई गई in 1963, was invalidअवैध as police investigations are under a state's
के अधिकार क्षेत्र के अधीन . The court said the Centre had failed to
करने में असफल that the CBI had
been constitutedगठन करना as a special police
force under the Delhi Special Police Establishment Act of 1946, from which it
करती है its powers to investigateजांच करने का अधिकार .
The Centre's resolution,प्रस्ताव it
noted, was not even sent to the President and never received his assent.स्वीकृति
8. But
Attorney Generalसरकार
के महाधिवक्ता Goolam E Vahanvati,
appearing for the Centre today, said "the High Court's reasoningतर्क that the DSPE Act not applicable लागू to CBI is a
हुआ logic." The Centre had
earlier contendedप्रतिवाद that the CBI has
stood the test of time.समय की कसौटी पर खरी उतारी है
9. The
High Court's order had come on a petitionयाचिका challenging a CBI chargesheet by a Mahanagar
Telephone Nigam employee.
10. The top
court today issued notices to the petitioner as well as the Home Ministry and
the CBI seeking their response on the High Court ruling.
The most important person in my life, and I have missed him a lot since 1999 when he passed away गुजर गए , my father. Without his guidance, I don't think I would have been standing here in front of you. He gave me freedom at the age of 11, and told me that [I should] chaseपीछे भागना my dreams, but make sure you do not find shortcuts. The path might be difficult but don't give upहिम्मत मत हारना , and I have simply followed his instructions. Above all, he told me to be a nice human being, which I will continue to do and try my best. Every time I have done something special [and] showed my bat, it was [for] my father.
My mother, I don't know how she dealt withकैसे संभाला such a naughty शरारती child like me. I was not easy to manage. She must be extremely patient. For a mother, the most important thing is that her child remains safe and healthy and fit. That was what she was most bothered परेशां and worried aboutचिन्तित्. She took care of me for the last 24 years that I have played for India, but even before that she started praying for me the day I started playing cricket. She just prayed and prayed प्रार्थना and I think her prayers and blessingsआशीर्वाद have given me the strength to go out and perform, so a big thank you to my mother for all the sacrifices.त्याग
In my school days, for four years, I stayed with my uncle and aunt because my school was quite far from my home, and they treated me like their son. My aunt, after having had a hard day's play, I would be half आधी नींद में asleep and she would be feeding me food so I could go again and play tomorrow. I can't forget these moments. I am like their son and I am glad it has continued to be the same way.
My eldest brother, Nitin, and his family, have always encouraged उत्साहित me. My eldestसबसे बड़े brother doesn't like to talk much, but the one thing he always told me is that whatever you do, I know you will always give it 100%, and that I have full faith and confidence in you. His encouragementउत्साहवर्धन meant a lot to me. My sister, Savita, and her family, was no different. The first cricket bat of my life was presented to me by my sister. It was a Kashmir willow bat. But that is where the journey began. She is one of those many who still continue to fast उपवास , व्रत रखना when I bat, so thank you very much.
Ajit, my brother, now what do I talk about him? I don't know. We have lived this dream together. He was the one who sacrificedत्याग देना his career for my cricket. He spotted देखि या पाई the sparkचिंगारी in me. And it all started from the age of 11 when he took me to Archrekar sir, my coach, and from there on my life changed. You will find this hard to believe but even last night he called to discuss my dismissal, knowing that there was a remoteबहुत कम chance of batting again, but just the habit we have developed, the rapport आपसी समझ we have developed, since my birth, has continued and it will continue. Maybe when I'm not playing cricket we will still be discussing technique.
Various things we agreed upon, my technique, and so many technical things which I didn't agree with him, we have had arguments वाद विवाद and disagreementsअसहमति , but when I look back में पीछे देखता हूँ at all these things in my life, I would have been a lesser cricketer.
The most beautiful thing happened to me in 1990 when I met my wife, Anjali. Those were special years and it has continued and will always continue that way. I know Anjali, being a doctor; there was a wonderful career in front of her. When we decided to have a family, Anjali took the initiativeपहल to step back पीछे हटना and say that 'you continue with your cricket and I will take the responsibility of the family'.
Without that, I don't think I would have been able to play cricket freely and without stress. Thanks for bearing with all my fuss अत्यधिक व्यग्रता and all my frustrationsनिराशाएं , and all sorts of rubbishउल जलूल that I have spoken. Thanks for bearing with meबर्दाश्त करना and always staying by my side through all the ups and downs.अच्छे और बुरे समय मैं You are the best partnership I've had in my life.
Then, the two precious diamonds हीरे my life, Sara and Arjun. They have already grown up.बड़े हो गए है My daughter is 16, my son is 14. Time has flown byसमय तेजी से बीत गया . I wanted to spend so much time with them on special occasions like their birthdays, their annual days, their sports day, going on holidays, whatever. I have missed out on all those things.में वो कुछ नहीं कर पाया Thanks for your understanding. Both of you have been so, so special to me you cannot imagine. I promise you [that] for 14 and 16 years I have not spent enough timeसमय नहीं बिता पाया with both of you, but the next 16 years or even beyond के आगे that, everything is for you. सबकुछ तुम्हारे लिए है
My in-lawsसास ससुर , Anand Mehta and Annabel, both have been so, so supportive [and] loving and caring. I have discussed on various things in life, generally with them, and have taken their advice. You know, it's so important to have a strong family who is always with you and who are guiding you. Before you start clappingताली बजाना शुरू करें , the most important thing they did was allowing me to marry Anjali, so thank you very much.
In the last 24 years that I have played for India I have made new friends, and before that I have had friends from my childhood. They have all had a terrific contribution.जबरदस्त सहयोग As and when I have called them to come and bowl to me at the nets, they have left their work aside to come and help me. Be it joining me on holidays and having discussions with me on cricket, or how I was a little stressed तनाव ग्रस्त and wanting to find a solution so I can perform better.
All those moments my friends were with me. Even for when I was injured,चोटग्रस्त I would wake up in the morning because I couldn't sleep and thought that my career was over because of injuries, that is when my friends have woken up at 3 o'clock in the morning to drive with me and make me believe that my career was not over. Life would be incomplete without all those friends. Thanks for being there for me.
My cricket career started when I was 11. The turning point of my career was when my brother (Ajit) took me to Achrekar sir. I was extremely delighted बहुत खुश था to see him up in the standsउन्हें दर्शक दीर्घ में देखकर . Normally he sits in front of the television and he watches all the games that I play. When I was 11/12, those were the days when I used to hop back पीछे बैठकर on his scooter and play a couple of practice matches a day. The first half the innings I would be batting at Shivaji Park, the second half, at some other match in Azad Maidan. He would take me all over Mumbai to make sure I got match practice.
On a lighter note, in the last 29 years, sir has never ever said 'well played' to me because he thought I would get complacent आत्मसंतुष्ट , and I would stop working hard. Maybe he can push his luck and wish me now, well done on my career, because there are no more matches, sir, in my life. I will be witnessing cricket, and cricket will always stay in my heart, but you have had an immense contributionविशाल सहयोग in my life, so thank you very much.
Sachin Tendulkar's farewell speech at Wankhede Stadium
Saturday, Nov 16, 2013, 20:34 IST | Place: Mumbai | Agency:
All my friends. Settle downशांत हो जाइए let me talk, I will get more and more
emotional भावुक (crowd
gets louder as he composes संयत करना himself). My life,
between 22 yards२२
गज की पिच for 24 years, it is
hard to believe that that wonderful journey has come to an end, but I would
like to take this opportunity to thank people who have played an important role
in my life. Also, for the first time in my life I am carrying this list, to
remember all the names in case I forget someone. I hope you understand. It's
getting a little bit difficult to talk but I will manage.The most important person in my life, and I have missed him a lot since 1999 when he passed away गुजर गए , my father. Without his guidance, I don't think I would have been standing here in front of you. He gave me freedom at the age of 11, and told me that [I should] chaseपीछे भागना my dreams, but make sure you do not find shortcuts. The path might be difficult but don't give upहिम्मत मत हारना , and I have simply followed his instructions. Above all, he told me to be a nice human being, which I will continue to do and try my best. Every time I have done something special [and] showed my bat, it was [for] my father.
My mother, I don't know how she dealt withकैसे संभाला such a naughty शरारती child like me. I was not easy to manage. She must be extremely patient. For a mother, the most important thing is that her child remains safe and healthy and fit. That was what she was most bothered परेशां and worried aboutचिन्तित्. She took care of me for the last 24 years that I have played for India, but even before that she started praying for me the day I started playing cricket. She just prayed and prayed प्रार्थना and I think her prayers and blessingsआशीर्वाद have given me the strength to go out and perform, so a big thank you to my mother for all the sacrifices.त्याग
In my school days, for four years, I stayed with my uncle and aunt because my school was quite far from my home, and they treated me like their son. My aunt, after having had a hard day's play, I would be half आधी नींद में asleep and she would be feeding me food so I could go again and play tomorrow. I can't forget these moments. I am like their son and I am glad it has continued to be the same way.
My eldest brother, Nitin, and his family, have always encouraged उत्साहित me. My eldestसबसे बड़े brother doesn't like to talk much, but the one thing he always told me is that whatever you do, I know you will always give it 100%, and that I have full faith and confidence in you. His encouragementउत्साहवर्धन meant a lot to me. My sister, Savita, and her family, was no different. The first cricket bat of my life was presented to me by my sister. It was a Kashmir willow bat. But that is where the journey began. She is one of those many who still continue to fast उपवास , व्रत रखना when I bat, so thank you very much.
Ajit, my brother, now what do I talk about him? I don't know. We have lived this dream together. He was the one who sacrificedत्याग देना his career for my cricket. He spotted देखि या पाई the sparkचिंगारी in me. And it all started from the age of 11 when he took me to Archrekar sir, my coach, and from there on my life changed. You will find this hard to believe but even last night he called to discuss my dismissal, knowing that there was a remoteबहुत कम chance of batting again, but just the habit we have developed, the rapport आपसी समझ we have developed, since my birth, has continued and it will continue. Maybe when I'm not playing cricket we will still be discussing technique.
Various things we agreed upon, my technique, and so many technical things which I didn't agree with him, we have had arguments वाद विवाद and disagreementsअसहमति , but when I look back में पीछे देखता हूँ at all these things in my life, I would have been a lesser cricketer.
The most beautiful thing happened to me in 1990 when I met my wife, Anjali. Those were special years and it has continued and will always continue that way. I know Anjali, being a doctor; there was a wonderful career in front of her. When we decided to have a family, Anjali took the initiativeपहल to step back पीछे हटना and say that 'you continue with your cricket and I will take the responsibility of the family'.
Without that, I don't think I would have been able to play cricket freely and without stress. Thanks for bearing with all my fuss अत्यधिक व्यग्रता and all my frustrationsनिराशाएं , and all sorts of rubbishउल जलूल that I have spoken. Thanks for bearing with meबर्दाश्त करना and always staying by my side through all the ups and downs.अच्छे और बुरे समय मैं You are the best partnership I've had in my life.
Then, the two precious diamonds हीरे my life, Sara and Arjun. They have already grown up.बड़े हो गए है My daughter is 16, my son is 14. Time has flown byसमय तेजी से बीत गया . I wanted to spend so much time with them on special occasions like their birthdays, their annual days, their sports day, going on holidays, whatever. I have missed out on all those things.में वो कुछ नहीं कर पाया Thanks for your understanding. Both of you have been so, so special to me you cannot imagine. I promise you [that] for 14 and 16 years I have not spent enough timeसमय नहीं बिता पाया with both of you, but the next 16 years or even beyond के आगे that, everything is for you. सबकुछ तुम्हारे लिए है
My in-lawsसास ससुर , Anand Mehta and Annabel, both have been so, so supportive [and] loving and caring. I have discussed on various things in life, generally with them, and have taken their advice. You know, it's so important to have a strong family who is always with you and who are guiding you. Before you start clappingताली बजाना शुरू करें , the most important thing they did was allowing me to marry Anjali, so thank you very much.
In the last 24 years that I have played for India I have made new friends, and before that I have had friends from my childhood. They have all had a terrific contribution.जबरदस्त सहयोग As and when I have called them to come and bowl to me at the nets, they have left their work aside to come and help me. Be it joining me on holidays and having discussions with me on cricket, or how I was a little stressed तनाव ग्रस्त and wanting to find a solution so I can perform better.
All those moments my friends were with me. Even for when I was injured,चोटग्रस्त I would wake up in the morning because I couldn't sleep and thought that my career was over because of injuries, that is when my friends have woken up at 3 o'clock in the morning to drive with me and make me believe that my career was not over. Life would be incomplete without all those friends. Thanks for being there for me.
My cricket career started when I was 11. The turning point of my career was when my brother (Ajit) took me to Achrekar sir. I was extremely delighted बहुत खुश था to see him up in the standsउन्हें दर्शक दीर्घ में देखकर . Normally he sits in front of the television and he watches all the games that I play. When I was 11/12, those were the days when I used to hop back पीछे बैठकर on his scooter and play a couple of practice matches a day. The first half the innings I would be batting at Shivaji Park, the second half, at some other match in Azad Maidan. He would take me all over Mumbai to make sure I got match practice.
On a lighter note, in the last 29 years, sir has never ever said 'well played' to me because he thought I would get complacent आत्मसंतुष्ट , and I would stop working hard. Maybe he can push his luck and wish me now, well done on my career, because there are no more matches, sir, in my life. I will be witnessing cricket, and cricket will always stay in my heart, but you have had an immense contributionविशाल सहयोग in my life, so thank you very much.
Bhartiya Mahila Bank
Inaugurating उद्घाटन करते हए India’s first all women’s bank in Mumbai,
Finance minister P Chidambaram said that the Bhartiya Mahila Bank is not a
symbolप्रतीक of women empowermentमहिला सशक्तिकरण but the substance of empowerment and will provide
services predominantly मुख्यतः to women and
self-help groups.स्व सहायता समूह Chidambaram
said that only 26 percent of women in India have bank accounts and per capita
व्यक्ति ऋण for women is currently
8 percent lower than that for men. With
the launch of the all-women’s bank, Chidambaram said the board of directors
will include eight women. The bank will cater to everybody from self help
groups to lower middle class women to high net worth individuals उच्च आर्थिक क्षमता वाले व्यक्ति
and will offer all services that other commercial banks do. The
all-women’s bank will focus on centres where working women कामकाजी महिलाए population
is significant. Initially, the bank will open branches across the country, but
will expand overseasविदेश in due course उचित समय सीमा में ,
said Chidambaram. “Bhartiya Mahila Bank will be a universal bank वैश्विक बैंक which will establish branches across India
and in due course some branches abroad,” he said. The credit growth ऋण वृद्धि is expected to be at a compounded चक्रवृद्धि दर annual
growth rate of 16.5 pe cent during the 2010-2030, while the deposit growth is
expected to stay at 14.6 per cent for the 20 years period,” Chidamabarm said.
Sonia Gandhi, Congress President said the bank will mainly serve women and to
businesses which are either managed by or make products for women. The
Bharatiya Mahila Bank will accept deposits as well as give loans from day one.
There will also be emphasisजोर on funding for skills
developments to help in economic activity. Moreover, the products will be
designed in a manner to give a slight concession on loan rates to women. Union
Finance Minister P Chidambaram in his budget speech earlier this year had
announced the formation of the Bharatiya Mahila Bank with an initial capital of
Rs 1,000 crore.” Today I have fulfilled that promise,” he said. Bhartiya Mahila
Bank will be a uniqueअनोखा financial institution
and will pre-dominantlyमुख्यतः be run by women, said
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who along with Sonia Gandhi inaugurated the
bank. Singh also congratulated Chidambaram for making Bharatiya Mahila Bank
operational in such a short span of timeइतने कम समय में . The government has targeted
setting up of 25 such branches across the country by March 31, 2014. The first
branches are opening on the birth anniversary जन्म दिन की वर्षगाँठ of late prime minister
Indira Gandhi. Apart from the Nariman Point branch in Mumbai, other branches
that would become operationalकार्यशील हो जायेंगी today include Guwahati, Kolkata, Chennai, Bengaluru,
Lucknow and
Ahmedabad. Two more branches will open by 5 December. Accordingअनुसार to reports, the bank will have 39 branches
(including mobile and satellite branches) and 127 ATMs by the end of the first
yearप्रथम वर्ष के
अंत तक of its operationsकार्यशील होने के .
It will reportedly haveजानकारी (रिपोर्ट) के अनुसार 33,299 customer accounts by the end of the
first year. Apart from direct recruitment,सीधी भरती the lender ऋणदाता अर्थात बैंक is also banking onनिर्भर होना lateral recruitment सीधी भरती to hire senior
professionals. The senior-level hires उच्च पदाधिकिरी will come from various public
sector lenders. According to a circularपरिपत्र by
a Delhi-based public sector bank, the Bharatiya Mahila Bank had sought 125
employees for a period of three years. “While men could also apply, preferenceप्राथमिकता would be given to women,” the circular read.
The bank has a 7-year ramp up planमजबूतीकरण योजना and is being headed by Usha
Ananthasubramanian. In a career spanning फैला हुआ over 31 years, she has worked in various
positions in banking and alliedसहयोगी क्षेत्र areas and before joining BMB, she was
executive director with Punjab National Bank. The other members on the board
include Chhavi Rajawat – a sarpanch from Rajasthan, Nupur Mitra – exभूतपूर्व -CMD of
Dena bank, Renuka Ramnath of Multiples Alternate Asset Management, MBN Rao –
Ex-CMD of Canara Bank, Tanya Dubash – Executive Director and President
(Marketing) of the Godrej group, Kalpana Saroj – CEO of Kamani Tubes and
government nominee Priya Kumar. Chidambaram also the bank will addressध्यान देना gender
related issues and design a lot of special products for women. For instance,
the bank will offer a higher rate of interest on savings accounts. We are looking
to विचार कर रहे है
give 4.5% on savings accounts up
to Rs.1 lakh and 5% for above Rs1 lakh to encourageबढ़ावा केन more savings,” Ananthasubramania said today.
It will create more job opportunitiesनौकरी के अवसर for women and will pay special attention to
rural women.
lost her husband in a car accident in August this year, Tehrunnisa is the soleअकेली breadwinner कमाने वाली of the family and
tries to
make ends meet जैसे तैसे गुजारा करना and fuelजिन्दा रखना the sporting hopes of her kids within the Rs
12000 that she makes every month. Cutting corners पैसे बचा बचा कर काम चलाना is the only way to live.
Indirect taxes: Seamless जोड़ रहित , स्मूथ , pan-Indiaसंपूर्ण भारत में regime
On the indirect tax front, political compulsions have repeatedly delayed introduction of the streamlined सुव्यवस्थित pan-India goods & service tax (GST). Value Added Tax, which has replaced state specific sales tax in most states since April 2005, started off on the right note - with an intent नीयत to provide for uniform tax rates, an input tax credit mechanism to prevent 'tax on tax', and relatively standard processes. Today, because of local revenue compulsions, states have increased VAT rates and blocked or reduced input tax credit (which allowed a credit for taxes paid on intra-state purchases), thus hampering pan-India trade. India needs to be a seamless, not a fragmented बिखरा हुआ , marketplace. VAT must be put back on track by bringing about uniformity in tax rates, rules and procedures in different states. In the long run, call it GST or by any other name (say, central VAT or consumption tax), but there needs to be an economically efficient indirect tax regime that promotes growth. Many developed countries have introduced a federal केंद्रीय consumptionउपभोग कर tax. This is also emerging as the preferred alternative to customs duties in the context of trade liberalization. उदारीकरण
No retrospective पूर्व तिथि से प्रभावशील changes
Retrospective amendmentsसुधार to law must be introduced only in the rarest of rare occasions to correct a flawत्रुटि in the tax provisions and not to earn revenue. Otherwise it will only add to pending litigation मुकदमा (worth Rs 2.7 lakh crore in 2012-13).
Review appeals
A review of the appeals process may be worth undertaking. The first stage of tax appeal in India is the Commissioner (Appeals). Some countries ensure that the appeals division is independent and has no links with the tax department which is responsible for tax assessment, scrutiny and tax demands. In the US, the appeals division is an independent body, whose officers are evaluated based on their ability to settle cases without next-step litigation.
End wasteful govt expenditure
Instead, focus on a handful of critical areas such as education, healthcare, infrastructure and law and order/security, but with a far stricter audit of performance and finances. Give taxpayers a clear, unambiguous स्पष्ट आशय का idea of where and how their money is being spent. Several ministries, ranging from textiles and steel to culture and youth affairs can be disbanded.समाप्त करना , बंद करना Also, the government should exit slothful अकर्मण्य , perenniallyसतत hemorrhaging रक्त बहना , बीमार रहना , undertakings like Air India.
Allocate resources in a transparent manner
Some of the biggest corruption scandals कांड of the past several years have arisen out of either misconceived त्रुटिपूर्ण or riggedहेराफेरी allocation of resources such as coal, ore, spectrum and land. The 1991 industrial policy of the Narasimha Rao government was meant to usher out बाहर कदम रखना the licence raj, but just the opposite has happened; sale of government-controlled resources has become the new frontier of crony capitalism. The process by which natural resources are allocated to the private sector must be made transparent and designed to serve public interest rather than the government of the day and its favoured few. This can be done once it is recognized that maximizing short-term revenues for the government does not maximize public interest. Public interest is best served when we ensure a healthy, competitive industry, which is then able to offer goods and services to consumers at a reasonable price. A one-step e-auction, conducted by an independent body, is the best means of addressing these multiple objectives.
Bring black money back
A report by Global Financial Integrity states that India has lost nearly $213 billion (about Rs 14 lakh crore) in illicit अवैध capital flightपूंजी का देश से बाहर जाना since Independence (till 2008). Even if, say, 20% of it can be brought back, through an amnestyआम माफ़ी scheme, that is close to Rs 3 lakh crore, which is more than the Centre's annual education and healthcare budgets. The repatriated स्वदेश लौटना funds could be taxed at 3-5% above current Indian rates, as a moderate penalty. Three-fourths of it (Rs 2.25 lakh crore) could be exclusively earmarked for spending on health, education and infrastructure, and the remaining one-fourth (Rs 75,000 crore) could be distributed as a onetime rebate among all individual taxpayers in proportion to their taxable income - as a reward for honesty (yes, it might be difficult to execute, but worth considering). Total income tax collections are budgeted at less than Rs 2.5 lakh crore in 2013-14. A large inflow of dollars would also help strengthen the rupee. In the US, the American Jobs Creation Act, 2004, offered a temporary tax sop to companies that repatriated dividends by imposing a tax levy of just 5% instead of 35%. However, the repatriated money was allowed to be spent on specific permissible activities like R&D and capital expenditure which would promote growth and job creation. (It could not be used for, say, declaring dividends or for share buybacks.)
Create jobs through private sector incentives
About 50% of India's 1.21 billion population is less than 25 years old. The government will need to ensure that the employment expectations of its skilled and educated youth are met - a need that cannot be fulfilled via government sector employment or funded schemes alone. The participation of the private sector is critical.महत्वपूर्ण Tax exemptions, grants for job creation, credits against tax payable, weighted deductions for the cost of new hires जिन्हें काम पर लिया गया हो and their training costs are some of the variants विविध तरीके used globally to encourage job creation in the private sector. Countries such as Hungary, Portugal and Switzerland offer tax breaks for investments that result in a specific number of new jobs. Luxembourg incentivizesप्रोत्साहन देना both training and hiring - 10% of training costs and 15% of gross salary paid to persons who were earlier unemployed can be offset समायोजन, एडजेस्ट as a credit against corporate income tax. Direct incentive by way of a cash grant is available on newly created jobs in the Slovak Republic.
Promote foreign direct investment सीधा विदेशी निवेश
All industries, including retail, media and defence, should be opened up to FDI. The Indian retail market is expected to be worth $500 billion by 2020 and could create up to 100 million jobs in the next 10 years. Also, a decision taken by the Union Cabinet to allow FDI in a sector must be respected across the country; states mustn't be allowed to block entry.
Privatize and disinvest as far as possible
PSUsसरकारी उद्यम / कंपनियां should be privatized निजीकरण as far as possible - especially in industries such as aviation, hotels and steel - but in a fair, transparent manner (just as with resource allocation). Elsewhere, the disinvestment route should be taken.
Make it easier to start a business
India ranks 134th among 189 countries, according to a World Bank report on ease of doing business. On ease of starting a business, it ranks even lower: 166. The report says that 35 permissions/procedures are required to construct a warehouse, which takes an average of 168 days. One can only imagine the time and number of clearances it takes to build a factory. Small businesses, too, face frustrating hurdles: for instance, to open a bar & restaurant in Maharashtra, 38 licences are required, many of which date back to colonial timesब्रिटिश ज़माने के and are outright bizarreविचित्र . This allows corrupt inspectors to make money at every turn; those who resist, are harassed till they pay up or shut shop. Why should it be so difficult to start a business? It provides employment, creates wealth and generates revenue for government. There's a crying need प्रबल आवश्यकता to drasticallyसख्ती से reduce the number of permissions required, set a tight time limit for them to be granted (if all the paperwork is in order) and penalizeअर्थदंड देना babus if they take longer. Also, the entire system should be online and transparent.
Promote micro, small & medium enterprises
MSMEs generate the largest employment (nearly six crore) after agriculture. In terms of value, MSMEs account for 45% of total manufacturing output, 40% of exports, and contribute around 8% to GDP. But they find themselves stymied by बाधित their very regulatory definition. For instance, under the MSME Development Act, a small enterprise in the manufacturing sector is one whose investment is between Rs 25 lakh and Rs 5 crore, and for the service sector Rs 10 lakh to Rs 2 crore, which is too low. Those who wish to expand find themselves bereft of वंचित credit - which either flows to the 'well-defined' MSME sector or large companies. For growth to be encouraged there is a need to redefine what constitutes MSMEs. Across the European Union, three parameters are used to define what constitutes a micro, small or medium-sized enterprise: employee strength, turnover, balance sheet value. While employee strength is a fixed criterion, a company can chose to opt for either the turnover or balance sheet criterion. In the MSM ranking, a medium-sized enterprise is one which employs fewer than 250 persons and which has either an annual turnover of less than 50m euros (Rs 426cr) or a balance sheet value of not more than 43m euros (Rs 366cr). If enterprises fall in this range they are eligible for a variety of funding. Providing a tax credit or investment allowance to MSMEs is another solution.
Flexible labour market, but with a safety net
Innumerable असंख्य surveys around the world have shown that labour market inflexibility लचीलेपन का अभाव actually hurts creation of jobs - employers are wary of सतर्क hiring even in boom timeमांग का उच्च स्तर if they are not allowed to trimकाट छांट their workforce in a downturn मांग में गिरावट . A flexible labour market, on the other hand, gives employers the confidence to add staff. But this must be accompanied by a comprehensive social security programme, including unemployment benefits/insurance and assistance in retraining and finding alternative avenues of income generation. (Obviously, people who have no interest in working cannot be kept on a doleउपहार, दान .)
Ease land acquisition भूमि अधिग्रहण for industry
Industry is complaining that the new law will make it very difficult for it to acquire land, even for important infrastructure projects. There is a need for better compensation, but the price of acquisition should not be so exorbitant बहुत ज्यादा that it hobblesपंगु बनाना industry. A middle path that is fair to all sides needs to be found.
Implement CIC decision bringing parties under RTI: None of the six national parties has complied withपालन करना the CIC's path-breaking साहसी , अलग हट के decision in June 2013 to appoint information officers and appellate authorities under the RTI. The Repre sentation of the People Act should be amended to make it mandatory for all recognized parties, national or state, to set up the necessary RTI machinery.
Sec 377 should apply only to non-consensual बिना सहमति gay sex: The retrograde अधोगामी, पुरातन युग कि और ले जाने वाला Supreme Court judgment on homosexuality needs to be overturned उलटना . The new provision should be clearly limited to penalizing non-consensual gay sex.
Introduce a law against torture: Despite signing the Conventionसम्मलेन against Torture यातना in 1997, India is yet to enact स्वरुप देना a law which would enable it to ratifyपुष्टि the treatyसंधि. The Bill introduced in 2010 needs to be enacted at the earliest.
Overhaul आमूलचूल परिवर्तन seditionदेशद्रोह and blasphemyईशनिंदा laws: The colonial provisions of sedition and blasphemy don't belong in the 21st century. In different ways, they hollow out खोखला करना the freedom of speech and expression. The sedition provision — section 124A IPC — needs to be amended to check the recurring misuse of sedition by state authorities against political malcontents. The amendment should incorporate the SC's liberal interpretation in 1962 that, no matter how much the accused spreads 'disaffection'अप्रियता against the government, sedition can't be invoked unless he incites people to violence. The blasphemy provision — 295A IPC — needs to be scrapped हटाना as the inbuilt safeguard has proved inadequate.
Get rid of मुक्ति पाना obsolete अप्रचलित एवं अनुपयोगी laws: After over two decades of economic reforms, our laws have still not been rid of obscure गुढ़ and obsolete provisions. Whether they are central or state, the laws continue to offer ample scope to 'authorities' to harass law-abiding citizens. You can be arrested, your homes and establishments raided, your businesses shut down, and your reputation besmirched कीचड उछालना for reasons that no right-thinking person would consider criminal or immoral. For instance, a five-star hotel was harassed under the Sarai Act, 1867, which makes it mandatory for hotels to serve water to passersby. The Jain Commission, which reviewed administrative laws, admitted that multiplicity and complexity of laws and rules, as well as lack of information about them, leads to misuse (read facilitates corruptionभ्रष्टाचार को बढ़ावा देते है and hampers अवरुद्ध करना growth. It sought repeal of over 1,300 central laws (including 11 British statutes). The Commission admitted that there isn't even a rough estimate of similar state laws, which could run into several thousand. The National Law Commission has, down the years, also been giving its recommendations for repeal or revision of laws. Yet, apart from a onestroke repeal of 315 Amendment Acts in March 2002, progress is patheticallyदयनीय रूप से slow. Owing to our legislative framework, a law or Act never dies unless specifically repealed.समाप्त करना There is a need to institute a mechanism that makes it easier to repeal laws or read down provisions that have either lost relevance or are pernicious. अति नुकसानदेह
Stop relying on AFSPA to deal with 'disturbed areas': The strategy of controlling Kashmir and the North-East by conferring draconianकठोर या निष्ठुर powers on the Army has yielded diminishing returns.असर कम होना There is a need to look afresh at the Justice Jeevan Reddy Committee's 2005 recommendation to replace AFSPA with a more humane approach, balancing security with human rights.
Enact laws on judicial appointments and accountability: The existing system of appointments to the superior judiciary, through a collegium of senior judges in every high court and the Supreme Court, has proved to be ineffective because it is completely in-house and opaque.अपारदर्शी The Judicial Appointments Commission Bill, introduced in the Rajya Sabha in 2013 to redress निवारण these two deficiencies,कमियां should be enacted. The older Bill relating to probityईमानदारी , the Judicial Standards and Accountability Bill, also needs to be revived, especially because of its virtue of giving a say to non-judicial voices without compromising on judicial independence.
Improve judge-population ratio: It is 12 years since the Supreme Court, with regard to the subordinate judiciary, directed an increase in the judge strength from 10.5 per 10 lakh people to 50 per 10 lakh people. Successive governments have made little budgetary allocations to achieve such a five-fold increase in the human resources and infrastructure of the subordinate judiciary, where the bulk of the 3.2 crore cases are pending. Since no government wants it to be strong, the judiciary must have a greater say in the allocation of funds for its needs.
Make the Supreme Court more accessible: The government should implement the 2009 Law Commission recommendation that the highest court in India , be split into a Constitution Bench in New Delhi and Cassation Benches in the four regions to deal with all the appellate work arising out of high court decisions. Though the Supreme Court has expressed reservations about such radical मुलभूत re- structuring, Parliament should give greater weight to the public interest involved in sparing litigants the trouble of approaching the Capital from distant states.
Raise spending: India must meet the globally accepted norm of central and state governments spending at least 6% of GDP on education rather than the roughly 4% that states and Centre put together spend currently. This is essential if the shocking dropout rate बीच में स्कूल छोड़ देने कि दर of about 50% by class 10 is to be brought down, and the gross enrolment ratio in higher education raised beyond the current 16-17%. That number compares poorly with China's 24%, not to mention the OECD's 62%. The Centre must take the lead in this. The enhanced outlay बढ़ा हुआ व्यय should go not only towards beefing up मजबूत करना infrastructure in schools, but also in ensuring decent salaries for teachers so that quality talent is attracted. At the same time, teachers should be made accountable उत्तरदायी through an effective monitoring निगरानी body that includes parents of students from the school. To improve quality of education imparted, training of teachers at school level needs to be modernized.
Bridge skill gap: With just 2% of the youth having technical education, the skills gap is becoming a gigantic विशालकाय problem. A strong technical education stream linked to industry must be put in place and fostered(पोषित करना ). Vocational/technical curricula need to be up- graded and dynamically linked to labour market demands.
Incentivize private sector: In higher education, regulation - particularly of professional institutions like engineering and medical colleges - must be strengthened. (There have been far too many instances of fly-by-night operators रातों रात गायब हो जाने वाली कंपनिया / संस्थान and shady स्वार्थी politicians setting up colleges without basic amenities and pathetic or non-existent faculties.) The government, on its part, must invest in setting up enough colleges to ensure that quality higher education is available at affordable prices. The private sector, especially reputed business houses, must be encouraged and incentivized to invest in education; but this must be accompanied by rigorous monitoring and regulation to ensure no corners are cut. नो शार्टकटस आर टेकन
Make English education accessible सुलभ : According to a recent report, those who speak English fluently earn up to 34% more and those who speak a little English earn about 13% higher on average than those who don't. But only 20% of Indians can speak English, and only 4% can do so fluently. English education is often expensive and difficult to access. In most government-funded schools, which account for about 70% of school education, the medium of instruction is Hindi or the local language. No wonder poor parents willingly opt for not-so-cheap private school education. The number of children enrolled in English- medium schools has more than doubled since the turn of the century. English as the medium of instruction, which was in fourth place behind Hindi, Bengali and Marathi in 2006, is now next only to Hindi, and will soon overtake it. The government must recognize and address this need by vastly improving the quality of English education in its schools. The benefits to society from this relatively small investment would be enormous. The hypocrisy ढोंग of some politicians who advocate vernacular मातृभाषा education for the masses while sending their own children to English-medium schools must not be allowed to derail this effort.
Hike बढ़ाना expenditure: India's public health spending barely accounts for 1% of GDP, among the lowest in the world. There are just a few countries like Chad, Eritrea, and Yemen which spend a smaller proportion. As a result, over 70% of all health expenditure is paid for by people from their own pockets. Barring को छोड़कर a handful of African countries, Yemen and Myanmar, nowhere else is out-of-pocket व्यक्तिगत spending on health a larger proportion than in India. In most of the developed world, private expenditure is well below 25% of total health expenditure. One fallout दुष्परिणाम of this is that health expenses are the second most common reason for people's indebtednessक़र्ज़ में डूबना in India. Public spending on health must rise manifold कई गुना to counter this as well as ensure that crucial indicators such as maternal mortality rate जननी म्रत्यु दर (MMR), infant mortality rate शिशु मृत्यु दर (IMR) and the immunization rate for children do not remain abysmal. India's IMR is a shameful 42 deaths per 1,000 live births. Even Bangladesh and Nepal have cut IMR to 33 without the kind of economic growth that India has had in the last decade. MMR in India is 178 deaths per 100,000 live births; even Nepal is better off at 170. Only about 44% of kids are fully immunized compared to 84% in Bangladesh and 87% in Nepal.
India ready to block WTO deal at Bali
NEW DELHI: The government on
Thursday decided that it will refuse to accept स्वीकार नहीं करेगी any deal at the World
Trade Organization's (WTO) Bali meeting that does
not protect its rightअधिकार की सुरक्षा to offer
subsidized food, सस्ता अनाज even if resulted in India being blamed दोषी ठहराना for blocking
progressविकास को अवरुद्ध
करना . The tough posture सख्त रवैया ahead of next week's ministerial meeting was
endorsed पुष्टि करना at the Union cabinet meeting
chaired by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh
after WTO members failed to agree to India's demand for a restriction on any
disputes at the multilateral body बहुआयामी संस्था in case the 10% subsidy cap लिमिट , सीमा is breached.टूटना
India wants the interim solution अंतरिम हल or the "peace clause" तात्कालिक शांति प्रस्ताव to be in place till a permanent solution स्थाई समाधान is found. But, WTO members, led by की अगुवाई में the US , are willing to offer truce शांति only for four years, while promising आश्वासन to work out a final solution during this period, something that the government is not convinced about.जिससे हमारी सरकार संतुष्ट/सहमत नहीं है
Under current rules, amount spent on purchase of foodgrains at the minimum support price न्यूनतम समर्थन मूल्य and sale at subsidized ratesरियायती दरों through the public distribution system cannot exceed 10% of the value of production. India fears that it may go past the limit सीमा पर कर जाएगा once the Food Security Act is fully implemented. India is a key member of the G-33 alliance गठबंधन , which also includes China and Indonesia, which are seeking a change in the rules for calculation of subsidy.
India wants the interim solution अंतरिम हल or the "peace clause" तात्कालिक शांति प्रस्ताव to be in place till a permanent solution स्थाई समाधान is found. But, WTO members, led by की अगुवाई में the US , are willing to offer truce शांति only for four years, while promising आश्वासन to work out a final solution during this period, something that the government is not convinced about.जिससे हमारी सरकार संतुष्ट/सहमत नहीं है
Under current rules, amount spent on purchase of foodgrains at the minimum support price न्यूनतम समर्थन मूल्य and sale at subsidized ratesरियायती दरों through the public distribution system cannot exceed 10% of the value of production. India fears that it may go past the limit सीमा पर कर जाएगा once the Food Security Act is fully implemented. India is a key member of the G-33 alliance गठबंधन , which also includes China and Indonesia, which are seeking a change in the rules for calculation of subsidy.
The commerce
department has suggested two options to the cabinet but the government
decided that it will not agree to the proposed agreement on trade facilitation व्यापर सुविधाजनक बनाने
का समझौता if India's
interests भारत के
हित on food security were not protected. "Since India has consistently लगातार insisted आग्रह करना on balanceसंतुलन in the Bali
package बाली इंडोनेसिया
का एक शहर , it may not be desirableवांछनीय to endorse the Trade Facilitation Agreement
(TFA)," said a source, quoting उल्लेख करते हुए the cabinet note. TFA is meant to
ease shipment of goods वस्तुओं का लदान across the border by simplifying customs procedures
and speeding up clearances.Apart from insisting अड़े रहना on a permanent solution to the food security
issues, G-33 also wants an exemption मुक्ति from any disputeविवाद at the WTO for violationअवहेलना of the agreement on subsidiesअनुदान and countervailing measures.अन्य सामान उपाय
Nursing dreams, sleeping on platforms
Bilkis TNN
Mumbai: Dressed in a pair of worn-out घिसे पिटे track pants and a jacket,Tehrunnisa calls herself a
‘sportswallah’ — a word she uses to describe her life and career as an athleteखिलाडी . A police
constable by profession and an athlete,the48-year-old mother of two travelled
all the way from Allahabad
to accompany साथ देना her children to the third edition of NSCI Squash
open Championship at the Sardar VallabhbhaiPatel
Stadium. She calls it her City of Dreams.
Logistics issues रहने एवं आने जाने का प्रबंध though have made her stay a nightmarish भयावह, बहुत बुरा experience.
The trio तीनो who arrived in the city on Tuesday
night, have been camping डेरा डाले हुए है at the LTT
platforms. As the NSCI Open is a club tourneyप्रतियोगिता , the
organizersआयोजक do not provide accommodationरहने का स्थान . “We don’t have money
or the time to find a place to stay in this city. We have travelled to metro
cities before and at times I’ve used my contactsसंपर्क in the police to find accommodation. Nothing
has materialized कार्यान्वित होना here as of now. We will survive काम चला लेंगे . They say
squash is a rich-man’s sport. I want to prove them wrong,” says Tehrunnisa, who
stayed at the bus depot in Indore
with her children during the Nationals in February.
“It is a four-day event. Instead बजाय of wasting
timeसमय नष्ट करने
के hankering afterकिसी हेतु से आगे पीछे घूमना people in power, I might as well help my kids
stay here and practise. It is all an experience for them. You learn by watching
and they will get the chance to meet the likes जैसे लोग of Saurav Ghosal and Joshna Chinappa. It is a great
honour for us to just sit in this facility विशेष स्थान today,” says
Tehrunnisa, who reminiscesयाद करते हुए about the time she was awarded the 400m gold
in Police Games by then तत्कालीन Governor of UP, Motilal Vohra.
lost her husband in a car accident in August this year, Tehrunnisa is the soleअकेली breadwinner कमाने वाली of the family and
tries to
make ends meet जैसे तैसे गुजारा करना and fuelजिन्दा रखना the sporting hopes of her kids within the Rs
12000 that she makes every month. Cutting corners पैसे बचा बचा कर काम चलाना is the only way to live.
“They started playing in 2010. They couldn’t get into
the Amitabh Bachchan Sports
Academy. Excusesबहाने such as gender and lack of seatsस्थान की कमी were cited हवाला देना . But
finally my children found a way,” she stresses as her son Masoodullah (17)
returns from his round one match against Yohan Poncha with a 8-11, 11-8, 11-4,
11-9 win. “I wish Amitabh Bachchan could visit the academy. He is our local
hero and a word from him can do wonders for the children who are playing
without any facilities.”
Daughter Tamanna (19), her eldest, was in action on
Wednesday.Being the only girl playing in the academy in Allahabad. Tamanna
has had her share of
prejudiceपक्षपात and neglect from authorities as well as
coaches. “They said girls don’t play squash. There was no encouragement or facilities
from anywhere,” says Tehrunnisa. “Travelling across the country I was sometimes
worried about Tamanna’s safety. With a girl your worry escalates बढ़ जाती हैं .But as long as I am alive पर जब तक में जिन्दा हु I shall be with both my children
all through the journey.”
SC gives life to 15 after President okayed death
NEW DELHI: In an unprecedented अभूतपूर्व judgment फैसला , the Supreme Court
on Tuesday freedमुक्त
किया 15 condemned दण्डित prisoners, each awarded death sentence
मृत्यु दंड for
multiple brutal न्रशंस
, क्रूर murders, from the fear of the hangman's nooseफंदा by commuting सजा कम करना their punishment to life term
on ground
आधार that
the President took an inordinately असामान्य देरी long time to reject their mercy pleas.दया निवेदन
The court came to the rescue बचाव of the 15, some of whom had been served with execution फांसी warrants नोटिस , on two grounds -- "inordinate, undueअनुचित and unexplained" delay in disposal निपटान of their mercy pleas and "non-consideration of their mental illness".
The court also fixed a mandatory नियमानुसार आवश्यक 14-day gap between the mercy petition being rejected and the convict being hanged to allow the prisoner to prepare for death and meet his family for the last time.
A bench of Chief Justice P Sathasivam and Justices Ranjan Gogoi and Shiva Kirti Singh said, "Keeping a convictदोषी in suspense while consideration of his mercy petition by the President for many years is certainly an agony मानसिक यंत्रणा for him/her. It creates adverse physical conditions and psychological stresses मानसिक तनाव on the convict under sentence of death."
Authoringलिखते हुए the 157-page judgment for the bench, Justice Sathasivam said gravity गंभीरता and heinousness जघन्यता of crime committed by the condemned prisoners could not wipe out हटा सकना the ill-effects of undue and unexplained delay in disposal of their mercy petition which affected their right to life.
"Indisputablyनिर्विवादित रूप से , this court, while considering the rejection of the clemency माफ़ी petitions by the President, cannot excuseबहाना / कारण the agonizing तकलीफ पहुचाने वाली delay caused to the convict only on the basis of gravity of the crime," he said.
While 13 were spared the noose फंदे से बच गए for delay in disposal of mercy petitions that ranged between six-and-a-half years to 12 years, two others were saved from the gallows फांसी का तख्ता as the court found that they suffered from mental illness.
"The direction निर्देश of United Nations International Conventions, to which India is a partyसदस्य , clearly shows that insanityपागलपन /mental illnessमानसिक बीमारी /schizophrenia is a crucial supervening आकस्मिक circumstance परिस्थिति , which should be considered by this court in deciding whether in the facts and circumstances of the case of death sentence could be commuted to life imprisonment. To put it clear, insanity is a relevant प्रासंगिक supervening factor for consideration by this court," it said.
The beneficiaryलाभार्थी of this judgment could be Devenderpal Singh Bhullar, who was handed down death penalty for his role in the bomb attack on then Youth Congress president M S Bitta in 1993 in which nine policemen were killed and 25 people were injured including Bitta. Bhullar had pleaded for commutation of the death sentence on the ground that he had undergone imprisonment for 20 years which was akin to के समकक्ष a life term and that he had lost mental equilibrium in the despairing निराशाजनक 11-year wait.
This judgment could also be of vital अत्यधिक importance to the Rajiv assassination हत्या case condemned दोषी prisoners - Santhan, Perarivalan and Murugan - who have moved court citing delay in disposal of their mercy pleas and the apex court two years ago had stayedस्थगित their execution.फांसी
The apex court also laid downस्थापित करना elaborate guidelines विस्तृत दिशानिर्देश to speed up the processप्रक्रिया तेज करना for presidential consideration राष्ट्रपति के विचारार्थ of mercy pleas दया याचिकाओं and said each of them were entitledअधिकार रखते है to free legal aid मुफ्त विधिक सहायता from the state to help them prepare mercy petitions and challenge their rejection in court.
Party is over for socialist - an article by M J Akbar in Times of india dated 02/03/2014
The court came to the rescue बचाव of the 15, some of whom had been served with execution फांसी warrants नोटिस , on two grounds -- "inordinate, undueअनुचित and unexplained" delay in disposal निपटान of their mercy pleas and "non-consideration of their mental illness".
The court also fixed a mandatory नियमानुसार आवश्यक 14-day gap between the mercy petition being rejected and the convict being hanged to allow the prisoner to prepare for death and meet his family for the last time.
A bench of Chief Justice P Sathasivam and Justices Ranjan Gogoi and Shiva Kirti Singh said, "Keeping a convictदोषी in suspense while consideration of his mercy petition by the President for many years is certainly an agony मानसिक यंत्रणा for him/her. It creates adverse physical conditions and psychological stresses मानसिक तनाव on the convict under sentence of death."
Authoringलिखते हुए the 157-page judgment for the bench, Justice Sathasivam said gravity गंभीरता and heinousness जघन्यता of crime committed by the condemned prisoners could not wipe out हटा सकना the ill-effects of undue and unexplained delay in disposal of their mercy petition which affected their right to life.
"Indisputablyनिर्विवादित रूप से , this court, while considering the rejection of the clemency माफ़ी petitions by the President, cannot excuseबहाना / कारण the agonizing तकलीफ पहुचाने वाली delay caused to the convict only on the basis of gravity of the crime," he said.
While 13 were spared the noose फंदे से बच गए for delay in disposal of mercy petitions that ranged between six-and-a-half years to 12 years, two others were saved from the gallows फांसी का तख्ता as the court found that they suffered from mental illness.
"The direction निर्देश of United Nations International Conventions, to which India is a partyसदस्य , clearly shows that insanityपागलपन /mental illnessमानसिक बीमारी /schizophrenia is a crucial supervening आकस्मिक circumstance परिस्थिति , which should be considered by this court in deciding whether in the facts and circumstances of the case of death sentence could be commuted to life imprisonment. To put it clear, insanity is a relevant प्रासंगिक supervening factor for consideration by this court," it said.
The beneficiaryलाभार्थी of this judgment could be Devenderpal Singh Bhullar, who was handed down death penalty for his role in the bomb attack on then Youth Congress president M S Bitta in 1993 in which nine policemen were killed and 25 people were injured including Bitta. Bhullar had pleaded for commutation of the death sentence on the ground that he had undergone imprisonment for 20 years which was akin to के समकक्ष a life term and that he had lost mental equilibrium in the despairing निराशाजनक 11-year wait.
This judgment could also be of vital अत्यधिक importance to the Rajiv assassination हत्या case condemned दोषी prisoners - Santhan, Perarivalan and Murugan - who have moved court citing delay in disposal of their mercy pleas and the apex court two years ago had stayedस्थगित their execution.फांसी
The apex court also laid downस्थापित करना elaborate guidelines विस्तृत दिशानिर्देश to speed up the processप्रक्रिया तेज करना for presidential consideration राष्ट्रपति के विचारार्थ of mercy pleas दया याचिकाओं and said each of them were entitledअधिकार रखते है to free legal aid मुफ्त विधिक सहायता from the state to help them prepare mercy petitions and challenge their rejection in court.
Party is over for socialist - an article by M J Akbar in Times of india dated 02/03/2014
Revolutions, famously, are devoured निगलना by their children. It
was characteristic of Indian socialists that they waited until senility दुर्बलता, बुढ़ापा to gobble
upनिगल जाना the caste-and-community insurrection बगावत conceived नए विचार को जन्म देना by Dr Ram Manohar Lohia in the 1950s and
1960s. There will be many stories within and around the 2014 general elections.
A principal occurrence will be the earthquake that swallowsनिगलना the socialists. Its
epicenter केंद्र बिंदु will be Bihar,
but the perimeter दायरा of devastation तबाही will extend across Uttar Pradesh.
The last three heirs उत्तराधिकारी of Lohia, Nitish Kumar, Lalu Prasad Yadav and Mulayam Singh Yadav surely know in their hearts what their minds might refuse to admit. The party’s over. Ever since they first sipped चुस्की लेना power at the fountain झरना of coalitions in 1967, one fact has been transparently clear. Indian socialists have always been far better at politics than government. Such talent should not be underestimated in a democracy. It is difficult enough to win elections even after delivering on the promise of incremental prosperity. To do so through sheer सिर्फ emotional arithmetic is genius.
Since that high point of emotion in 1989, when temple, mosque and caste dominated the debate, Lohia’s children have ruled Bihar with a tenacity जिद that remains a formidableअजेय tribute श्रध्धांजलि to their rhetorical शब्दजाल craft. कला
Their formula began to seem infallibleकभी फेल न होने वाला : the Chief Minister’s loyal castes were rewarded with a stake in power सत्ता में भागीदारी , allies सहयोगी दल were kept onside with marginal benefits, and the vital Muslim vote was patched on with a debilitating कमजोर कर देने वाला concoction मिश्रण of illusion भरम and fear. Muslims got prayer and tokenism प्रतीकवाद ; jobs went to others. Religion became the opium नशे कि चीज of the people.
Nitish Kumar’s brief encounter संक्षिप्त सामना / साथ with glory had little to do with the quality of governance. He was the much-needed relief vessel after the Lalu shipwreck. His years in power were primarily consumed by a relentless searchअथक तलाश of sub-castes to knead गूंथना into a political dividend. It was vote bank politics, but with rural banks, a low capital base and insufficient transactions. As a long-term business model, it offered little chance of success. Now that Nitish Kumar has run out of time and ideas, the alibi बहाने game has begun. It won’t work.
His problem was compounded by the disability that Indian socialism, like its cousins across the globe, simply did not have the legs to stride कदम रखना into the 21st century. Nor did its leaders possess the imagination to re-invent पुनः प्रतिपादन करना their philosophy, and adjust dogma स्थापित सिद्धांत या मत to new demands. Its office-bearers became its pallकफ़न -bearers.
Today’s voter is sick to the stomach पचा नहीं पाना of deceptive jargonलुभावने शब्दजाल . Politics, unfortunately, has become a malevolent दुर्भावना पूर्ण word. Indians want jobs, security and empowerment through economic growth. They are equally tired of the misuse of secularism to justify corruption, dynasty वंशवाद and piteously weak administration. In any case, when the opening sentence of a book on Narendra Modi’s views states that secularism is the equality of all faiths before the law, when he aversदावे के साथ कहना in his speeches that the only religion of a politician is the Constitution of India, there is not much left to discuss apart from riots. Voters then compare facts. They know that a former Gujarat minister is in jail, while no one has been punished for the Sikh massacres of 1984 or the vicious Mumbai riots of 1992-93.
This is why Ram Vilas Paswan, who left the BJP coalition a decade ago over riots, will become a partner in 2014 and address a rally alongside Modi in Bihar. This is why America’s ambassador Nancy Powell goes with conciliatory सुलह सफाई flowers to Ahmedabad. This is why BJP is picking up new allies each week. Once Bihar changes, you might say, there is nothing left to change.
The long-term consequences are significant. For four decades, Indian socialists have denied वंचित रखा BJP primacy in the crucial Ganga-Jamuna belt. BJP was successful in displacing socialists in Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan (Lohia’s home province), but could never quite get their act together in UP and Bihar. The party touched nadir निम्नतम स्तर when two years ago Mulayam Singh Yadav won UP by unprecedented अभूतपूर्व margins, and Nitish Kumar chose this psychological moment to distance himself from BJP, and start a flirtation प्रेम कि पींगे बढ़ाना with Congress. Today, instead of being wooedप्रेम का पात्र होना , Nitish has been isolated. And Lalu Yadav, who was so certain about his own resurrection उदय and Paswan’s subservience सहायता that he began issuing ultimatums, has been hit by a thunderbolt from blue skies. खुले आसमान से बिजली गिरना
If Bihar’s personality-driven socialists cannot recover, and it does seem unlikely, then the confrontation आपसी टकराव in UP and Bihar will become a direct contest between BJP and Congress. This process might take a little longer in UP, since Mayawati remains a formidable मजबूत third force, but the trend cannot be missed.
The last three heirs उत्तराधिकारी of Lohia, Nitish Kumar, Lalu Prasad Yadav and Mulayam Singh Yadav surely know in their hearts what their minds might refuse to admit. The party’s over. Ever since they first sipped चुस्की लेना power at the fountain झरना of coalitions in 1967, one fact has been transparently clear. Indian socialists have always been far better at politics than government. Such talent should not be underestimated in a democracy. It is difficult enough to win elections even after delivering on the promise of incremental prosperity. To do so through sheer सिर्फ emotional arithmetic is genius.
Since that high point of emotion in 1989, when temple, mosque and caste dominated the debate, Lohia’s children have ruled Bihar with a tenacity जिद that remains a formidableअजेय tribute श्रध्धांजलि to their rhetorical शब्दजाल craft. कला
Their formula began to seem infallibleकभी फेल न होने वाला : the Chief Minister’s loyal castes were rewarded with a stake in power सत्ता में भागीदारी , allies सहयोगी दल were kept onside with marginal benefits, and the vital Muslim vote was patched on with a debilitating कमजोर कर देने वाला concoction मिश्रण of illusion भरम and fear. Muslims got prayer and tokenism प्रतीकवाद ; jobs went to others. Religion became the opium नशे कि चीज of the people.
Nitish Kumar’s brief encounter संक्षिप्त सामना / साथ with glory had little to do with the quality of governance. He was the much-needed relief vessel after the Lalu shipwreck. His years in power were primarily consumed by a relentless searchअथक तलाश of sub-castes to knead गूंथना into a political dividend. It was vote bank politics, but with rural banks, a low capital base and insufficient transactions. As a long-term business model, it offered little chance of success. Now that Nitish Kumar has run out of time and ideas, the alibi बहाने game has begun. It won’t work.
His problem was compounded by the disability that Indian socialism, like its cousins across the globe, simply did not have the legs to stride कदम रखना into the 21st century. Nor did its leaders possess the imagination to re-invent पुनः प्रतिपादन करना their philosophy, and adjust dogma स्थापित सिद्धांत या मत to new demands. Its office-bearers became its pallकफ़न -bearers.
Today’s voter is sick to the stomach पचा नहीं पाना of deceptive jargonलुभावने शब्दजाल . Politics, unfortunately, has become a malevolent दुर्भावना पूर्ण word. Indians want jobs, security and empowerment through economic growth. They are equally tired of the misuse of secularism to justify corruption, dynasty वंशवाद and piteously weak administration. In any case, when the opening sentence of a book on Narendra Modi’s views states that secularism is the equality of all faiths before the law, when he aversदावे के साथ कहना in his speeches that the only religion of a politician is the Constitution of India, there is not much left to discuss apart from riots. Voters then compare facts. They know that a former Gujarat minister is in jail, while no one has been punished for the Sikh massacres of 1984 or the vicious Mumbai riots of 1992-93.
This is why Ram Vilas Paswan, who left the BJP coalition a decade ago over riots, will become a partner in 2014 and address a rally alongside Modi in Bihar. This is why America’s ambassador Nancy Powell goes with conciliatory सुलह सफाई flowers to Ahmedabad. This is why BJP is picking up new allies each week. Once Bihar changes, you might say, there is nothing left to change.
The long-term consequences are significant. For four decades, Indian socialists have denied वंचित रखा BJP primacy in the crucial Ganga-Jamuna belt. BJP was successful in displacing socialists in Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan (Lohia’s home province), but could never quite get their act together in UP and Bihar. The party touched nadir निम्नतम स्तर when two years ago Mulayam Singh Yadav won UP by unprecedented अभूतपूर्व margins, and Nitish Kumar chose this psychological moment to distance himself from BJP, and start a flirtation प्रेम कि पींगे बढ़ाना with Congress. Today, instead of being wooedप्रेम का पात्र होना , Nitish has been isolated. And Lalu Yadav, who was so certain about his own resurrection उदय and Paswan’s subservience सहायता that he began issuing ultimatums, has been hit by a thunderbolt from blue skies. खुले आसमान से बिजली गिरना
If Bihar’s personality-driven socialists cannot recover, and it does seem unlikely, then the confrontation आपसी टकराव in UP and Bihar will become a direct contest between BJP and Congress. This process might take a little longer in UP, since Mayawati remains a formidable मजबूत third force, but the trend cannot be missed.
TOI manifesto घोषणा पत्र : An agenda कार्य सूचि for the new government
Government should be a force for good. Sadly, in India,
it has become synonymous पर्याय with corruption and intimidation धमकी , even as we as a
society have become increasingly illiberalअसहिष्णु and fractious झगडालू. What this nation desperately needs
is a clean and caring, efficient and enlightened government. A government that
serves the people instead of harassing सताना them; that facilitates instead of
obstructing; that creates opportunities for the greatest number instead of
favouring a select few; that is fair and consistent, not vengeful बदले कि भावना से and
whimsical सनक ;
that instils hope आशा जगाना instead of spreading fear; that encouragesप्रोत्साहित करना initiative पहल करने कि प्रवृत्ति and entrepreneurship उद्यमिता instead
of killing it.
Five years ago, there was a buzz चर्चा around India. We appeared to be a nation headed, almost inevitablyजिसका होना अटल हो , for superpower status. China and India were spoken of in the same breath. That promise has clearly been belied झूठा सिद्ध हुआ . Growth has plummeted तेजी से नीचे गिरना from sub-10% to sub-5%. Corruption has become endemic स्थानीय विशेषता , and is eating into the very soul of this nation. It's obvious that the priority of the next government should be to get growth back as close to double digits as possible. But will that alone put India back in the superpower sweepstakes?घुडदौड A nation that cannot provide basic healthcare or education or housing to large swathes हिस्सा of its people, and where millions go without a full meal a day, cannot claim to be 'developed'. Our socio-economic indicators are dismal निराशाजनक — trailingपीछे रहना , on several countsकई मामलों में , even our neighbours Bangladesh and Nepal. We tend not to take sports seriously (except cricket), but our shameful record at the Olympics is emblematic प्रतीक of a deeper malaise.गहरी बीमारी
Perhaps we should stop botheringचिंता करना about tagsलेबल (मतलब कोई हमें क्या कहता है ), and simply focus on doing the right things the right way.
The Times of India has put together a manifesto that it would like political parties to study seriously and perhaps even incorporate into their own; we would also urge the new government to debate it with an open mind and in a spirit of bipartisanship. दलीय विचारधारा से ऊपर उठकर , दोनों दलों के सहयोग से
SEE ALSO: Eminent citizens, politicians welcome TOI manifesto
Broadly, the TOI manifesto makes a case for fiscally सरकारी आय व्यय सम्बन्धी responsible policies and socially progressiveप्रगतिशील laws. We believe an environment must be created for businesses to grow, but grow honestly and not through crony capitalism वह पूंजीवाद जहाँ सरकार उद्योगपतियों/ व्ययसाय समूहों के हित में नीतियां बनाये. We also believe in a pluralistic भिन्न मतावलंबियों का society, and that individual freedoms must be protected at all cost. Archaicपुरातन नियमों laws, many of them dating back to our colonial pastगुलामी का अतीत , should be consigned to oblivion गुमनामी कि और प्रेषित कर देना चाहिए because all they do is give corrupt government officers a handle हत्था to bully धमकाना and extortजबरिया वसूली . Education is modern India's greatest leveller समता प्रदान करने वाला and its redemptionप्रतिफल; is the path out of the slum, the road to the high table. We are all prisoners of birth, but education has the power to snapतोडना the meanest निर्दयी bonds of economic and social enslavement गुलामी . It's the best investment we can make in our youth and in our future.
Besides price rise and jobs, corruption is what exercises people most today — to the extent that a new party made a spectacular शानदार , दर्शनीय electoral debut पहला प्रदर्शन on the back of it. So, what should be done about it? There are several bills pending in Parliament; they should be passed at the earliest. But that alone will not suffice. Most of these laws deal with catching and punishing the corrupt. There's a need for preventive measures that strike at the very roots of corruption. That will require a complete relook at the way just about everything is run: the economy, the bureaucracy, the police, the judiciary. Our manifesto is informed byआधारित this understanding of dealing with corruption by making all parts of the system more पारदर्शी and accountableजिम्मेदार , instead of merely cubby-holing सीमित करना it as an 'issue' or 'topic'. Government and the legislature have become a symbol of much that is wrong with India. Governance has all but collapsed धराशायी at every level, and there is cynicism निराशावाद everywhere. Do our politicians have it in them to regain the trust and respect of the people? We hope that the 16th Lok Sabha will bury the unhappy memory of the 15th and do what the legislature कानून बनने वाली सभा is meant for: legislate and legislate well.
We do not claim to be the ultimate repositoryभंडार of wisdomबुद्धिमत्ता ; there are Indians of great integrityसत्यनिष्ठां , knowledge and experience who should also be heard before policies are framed and laws made. But we will have achieved our objective if our manifesto serves as a starting point for a deep conversation परिचर्चा that places the interest of the nation - and not narrow, partisan पक्षपाती considerations - front and centre. Over the next few weeks, we will bring you the thoughts of prominent Indians as part of a 'My Manifesto' series. — The Editor
Lower taxes, simplify tax laws
The entireसंपूर्ण tax regimeकर व्यवस्था - both direct (personal and corporate income tax) and indirect - needs a revisitपुनर्विचार . Given that less than 3% of the population shows any taxable income at all, there's clearly a need to bring many more into the net instead of burdening the already taxed. It's also high time the field were levelled and rich farmers were made to pay income tax. Tax rates for personal taxpayers should be made more reasonable, in keeping with inflation, if nothing else. The salaried class would benefit from reintroduction of standard deduction (a flat amount that is deducted from income, with the balance subject to tax). The bulk of taxpayers comprise मिल कर बनना , हिस्सा the salaried class and reintroduction of standard deduction, abolished from April 2005, is the simplest way to usher in शुरुआत करना an additional tax reform for this class. This will also usher in equity बराबरी , as currently individual taxpayers who are professionals or businessmen are entitled to offset their business expenses against income. Salaried taxpayers only get certain tax sops - such as HRA, LTA, medical or transport allowance - but these in large cities translate into peanutsमामूली , अत्यल्प , such as the Rs 800 per month tax-free travel allowance.
Five years ago, there was a buzz चर्चा around India. We appeared to be a nation headed, almost inevitablyजिसका होना अटल हो , for superpower status. China and India were spoken of in the same breath. That promise has clearly been belied झूठा सिद्ध हुआ . Growth has plummeted तेजी से नीचे गिरना from sub-10% to sub-5%. Corruption has become endemic स्थानीय विशेषता , and is eating into the very soul of this nation. It's obvious that the priority of the next government should be to get growth back as close to double digits as possible. But will that alone put India back in the superpower sweepstakes?घुडदौड A nation that cannot provide basic healthcare or education or housing to large swathes हिस्सा of its people, and where millions go without a full meal a day, cannot claim to be 'developed'. Our socio-economic indicators are dismal निराशाजनक — trailingपीछे रहना , on several countsकई मामलों में , even our neighbours Bangladesh and Nepal. We tend not to take sports seriously (except cricket), but our shameful record at the Olympics is emblematic प्रतीक of a deeper malaise.गहरी बीमारी
Perhaps we should stop botheringचिंता करना about tagsलेबल (मतलब कोई हमें क्या कहता है ), and simply focus on doing the right things the right way.
The Times of India has put together a manifesto that it would like political parties to study seriously and perhaps even incorporate into their own; we would also urge the new government to debate it with an open mind and in a spirit of bipartisanship. दलीय विचारधारा से ऊपर उठकर , दोनों दलों के सहयोग से
SEE ALSO: Eminent citizens, politicians welcome TOI manifesto
Broadly, the TOI manifesto makes a case for fiscally सरकारी आय व्यय सम्बन्धी responsible policies and socially progressiveप्रगतिशील laws. We believe an environment must be created for businesses to grow, but grow honestly and not through crony capitalism वह पूंजीवाद जहाँ सरकार उद्योगपतियों/ व्ययसाय समूहों के हित में नीतियां बनाये. We also believe in a pluralistic भिन्न मतावलंबियों का society, and that individual freedoms must be protected at all cost. Archaicपुरातन नियमों laws, many of them dating back to our colonial pastगुलामी का अतीत , should be consigned to oblivion गुमनामी कि और प्रेषित कर देना चाहिए because all they do is give corrupt government officers a handle हत्था to bully धमकाना and extortजबरिया वसूली . Education is modern India's greatest leveller समता प्रदान करने वाला and its redemptionप्रतिफल; is the path out of the slum, the road to the high table. We are all prisoners of birth, but education has the power to snapतोडना the meanest निर्दयी bonds of economic and social enslavement गुलामी . It's the best investment we can make in our youth and in our future.
Besides price rise and jobs, corruption is what exercises people most today — to the extent that a new party made a spectacular शानदार , दर्शनीय electoral debut पहला प्रदर्शन on the back of it. So, what should be done about it? There are several bills pending in Parliament; they should be passed at the earliest. But that alone will not suffice. Most of these laws deal with catching and punishing the corrupt. There's a need for preventive measures that strike at the very roots of corruption. That will require a complete relook at the way just about everything is run: the economy, the bureaucracy, the police, the judiciary. Our manifesto is informed byआधारित this understanding of dealing with corruption by making all parts of the system more पारदर्शी and accountableजिम्मेदार , instead of merely cubby-holing सीमित करना it as an 'issue' or 'topic'. Government and the legislature have become a symbol of much that is wrong with India. Governance has all but collapsed धराशायी at every level, and there is cynicism निराशावाद everywhere. Do our politicians have it in them to regain the trust and respect of the people? We hope that the 16th Lok Sabha will bury the unhappy memory of the 15th and do what the legislature कानून बनने वाली सभा is meant for: legislate and legislate well.
We do not claim to be the ultimate repositoryभंडार of wisdomबुद्धिमत्ता ; there are Indians of great integrityसत्यनिष्ठां , knowledge and experience who should also be heard before policies are framed and laws made. But we will have achieved our objective if our manifesto serves as a starting point for a deep conversation परिचर्चा that places the interest of the nation - and not narrow, partisan पक्षपाती considerations - front and centre. Over the next few weeks, we will bring you the thoughts of prominent Indians as part of a 'My Manifesto' series. — The Editor
Lower taxes, simplify tax laws
The entireसंपूर्ण tax regimeकर व्यवस्था - both direct (personal and corporate income tax) and indirect - needs a revisitपुनर्विचार . Given that less than 3% of the population shows any taxable income at all, there's clearly a need to bring many more into the net instead of burdening the already taxed. It's also high time the field were levelled and rich farmers were made to pay income tax. Tax rates for personal taxpayers should be made more reasonable, in keeping with inflation, if nothing else. The salaried class would benefit from reintroduction of standard deduction (a flat amount that is deducted from income, with the balance subject to tax). The bulk of taxpayers comprise मिल कर बनना , हिस्सा the salaried class and reintroduction of standard deduction, abolished from April 2005, is the simplest way to usher in शुरुआत करना an additional tax reform for this class. This will also usher in equity बराबरी , as currently individual taxpayers who are professionals or businessmen are entitled to offset their business expenses against income. Salaried taxpayers only get certain tax sops - such as HRA, LTA, medical or transport allowance - but these in large cities translate into peanutsमामूली , अत्यल्प , such as the Rs 800 per month tax-free travel allowance.
Indirect taxes: Seamless जोड़ रहित , स्मूथ , pan-Indiaसंपूर्ण भारत में regime
On the indirect tax front, political compulsions have repeatedly delayed introduction of the streamlined सुव्यवस्थित pan-India goods & service tax (GST). Value Added Tax, which has replaced state specific sales tax in most states since April 2005, started off on the right note - with an intent नीयत to provide for uniform tax rates, an input tax credit mechanism to prevent 'tax on tax', and relatively standard processes. Today, because of local revenue compulsions, states have increased VAT rates and blocked or reduced input tax credit (which allowed a credit for taxes paid on intra-state purchases), thus hampering pan-India trade. India needs to be a seamless, not a fragmented बिखरा हुआ , marketplace. VAT must be put back on track by bringing about uniformity in tax rates, rules and procedures in different states. In the long run, call it GST or by any other name (say, central VAT or consumption tax), but there needs to be an economically efficient indirect tax regime that promotes growth. Many developed countries have introduced a federal केंद्रीय consumptionउपभोग कर tax. This is also emerging as the preferred alternative to customs duties in the context of trade liberalization. उदारीकरण
No retrospective पूर्व तिथि से प्रभावशील changes
Retrospective amendmentsसुधार to law must be introduced only in the rarest of rare occasions to correct a flawत्रुटि in the tax provisions and not to earn revenue. Otherwise it will only add to pending litigation मुकदमा (worth Rs 2.7 lakh crore in 2012-13).
Review appeals
A review of the appeals process may be worth undertaking. The first stage of tax appeal in India is the Commissioner (Appeals). Some countries ensure that the appeals division is independent and has no links with the tax department which is responsible for tax assessment, scrutiny and tax demands. In the US, the appeals division is an independent body, whose officers are evaluated based on their ability to settle cases without next-step litigation.
End wasteful govt expenditure
Instead, focus on a handful of critical areas such as education, healthcare, infrastructure and law and order/security, but with a far stricter audit of performance and finances. Give taxpayers a clear, unambiguous स्पष्ट आशय का idea of where and how their money is being spent. Several ministries, ranging from textiles and steel to culture and youth affairs can be disbanded.समाप्त करना , बंद करना Also, the government should exit slothful अकर्मण्य , perenniallyसतत hemorrhaging रक्त बहना , बीमार रहना , undertakings like Air India.
Allocate resources in a transparent manner
Some of the biggest corruption scandals कांड of the past several years have arisen out of either misconceived त्रुटिपूर्ण or riggedहेराफेरी allocation of resources such as coal, ore, spectrum and land. The 1991 industrial policy of the Narasimha Rao government was meant to usher out बाहर कदम रखना the licence raj, but just the opposite has happened; sale of government-controlled resources has become the new frontier of crony capitalism. The process by which natural resources are allocated to the private sector must be made transparent and designed to serve public interest rather than the government of the day and its favoured few. This can be done once it is recognized that maximizing short-term revenues for the government does not maximize public interest. Public interest is best served when we ensure a healthy, competitive industry, which is then able to offer goods and services to consumers at a reasonable price. A one-step e-auction, conducted by an independent body, is the best means of addressing these multiple objectives.
Bring black money back
A report by Global Financial Integrity states that India has lost nearly $213 billion (about Rs 14 lakh crore) in illicit अवैध capital flightपूंजी का देश से बाहर जाना since Independence (till 2008). Even if, say, 20% of it can be brought back, through an amnestyआम माफ़ी scheme, that is close to Rs 3 lakh crore, which is more than the Centre's annual education and healthcare budgets. The repatriated स्वदेश लौटना funds could be taxed at 3-5% above current Indian rates, as a moderate penalty. Three-fourths of it (Rs 2.25 lakh crore) could be exclusively earmarked for spending on health, education and infrastructure, and the remaining one-fourth (Rs 75,000 crore) could be distributed as a onetime rebate among all individual taxpayers in proportion to their taxable income - as a reward for honesty (yes, it might be difficult to execute, but worth considering). Total income tax collections are budgeted at less than Rs 2.5 lakh crore in 2013-14. A large inflow of dollars would also help strengthen the rupee. In the US, the American Jobs Creation Act, 2004, offered a temporary tax sop to companies that repatriated dividends by imposing a tax levy of just 5% instead of 35%. However, the repatriated money was allowed to be spent on specific permissible activities like R&D and capital expenditure which would promote growth and job creation. (It could not be used for, say, declaring dividends or for share buybacks.)
Create jobs through private sector incentives
About 50% of India's 1.21 billion population is less than 25 years old. The government will need to ensure that the employment expectations of its skilled and educated youth are met - a need that cannot be fulfilled via government sector employment or funded schemes alone. The participation of the private sector is critical.महत्वपूर्ण Tax exemptions, grants for job creation, credits against tax payable, weighted deductions for the cost of new hires जिन्हें काम पर लिया गया हो and their training costs are some of the variants विविध तरीके used globally to encourage job creation in the private sector. Countries such as Hungary, Portugal and Switzerland offer tax breaks for investments that result in a specific number of new jobs. Luxembourg incentivizesप्रोत्साहन देना both training and hiring - 10% of training costs and 15% of gross salary paid to persons who were earlier unemployed can be offset समायोजन, एडजेस्ट as a credit against corporate income tax. Direct incentive by way of a cash grant is available on newly created jobs in the Slovak Republic.
Promote foreign direct investment सीधा विदेशी निवेश
All industries, including retail, media and defence, should be opened up to FDI. The Indian retail market is expected to be worth $500 billion by 2020 and could create up to 100 million jobs in the next 10 years. Also, a decision taken by the Union Cabinet to allow FDI in a sector must be respected across the country; states mustn't be allowed to block entry.
Privatize and disinvest as far as possible
PSUsसरकारी उद्यम / कंपनियां should be privatized निजीकरण as far as possible - especially in industries such as aviation, hotels and steel - but in a fair, transparent manner (just as with resource allocation). Elsewhere, the disinvestment route should be taken.
Make it easier to start a business
India ranks 134th among 189 countries, according to a World Bank report on ease of doing business. On ease of starting a business, it ranks even lower: 166. The report says that 35 permissions/procedures are required to construct a warehouse, which takes an average of 168 days. One can only imagine the time and number of clearances it takes to build a factory. Small businesses, too, face frustrating hurdles: for instance, to open a bar & restaurant in Maharashtra, 38 licences are required, many of which date back to colonial timesब्रिटिश ज़माने के and are outright bizarreविचित्र . This allows corrupt inspectors to make money at every turn; those who resist, are harassed till they pay up or shut shop. Why should it be so difficult to start a business? It provides employment, creates wealth and generates revenue for government. There's a crying need प्रबल आवश्यकता to drasticallyसख्ती से reduce the number of permissions required, set a tight time limit for them to be granted (if all the paperwork is in order) and penalizeअर्थदंड देना babus if they take longer. Also, the entire system should be online and transparent.
Promote micro, small & medium enterprises
MSMEs generate the largest employment (nearly six crore) after agriculture. In terms of value, MSMEs account for 45% of total manufacturing output, 40% of exports, and contribute around 8% to GDP. But they find themselves stymied by बाधित their very regulatory definition. For instance, under the MSME Development Act, a small enterprise in the manufacturing sector is one whose investment is between Rs 25 lakh and Rs 5 crore, and for the service sector Rs 10 lakh to Rs 2 crore, which is too low. Those who wish to expand find themselves bereft of वंचित credit - which either flows to the 'well-defined' MSME sector or large companies. For growth to be encouraged there is a need to redefine what constitutes MSMEs. Across the European Union, three parameters are used to define what constitutes a micro, small or medium-sized enterprise: employee strength, turnover, balance sheet value. While employee strength is a fixed criterion, a company can chose to opt for either the turnover or balance sheet criterion. In the MSM ranking, a medium-sized enterprise is one which employs fewer than 250 persons and which has either an annual turnover of less than 50m euros (Rs 426cr) or a balance sheet value of not more than 43m euros (Rs 366cr). If enterprises fall in this range they are eligible for a variety of funding. Providing a tax credit or investment allowance to MSMEs is another solution.
Flexible labour market, but with a safety net
Innumerable असंख्य surveys around the world have shown that labour market inflexibility लचीलेपन का अभाव actually hurts creation of jobs - employers are wary of सतर्क hiring even in boom timeमांग का उच्च स्तर if they are not allowed to trimकाट छांट their workforce in a downturn मांग में गिरावट . A flexible labour market, on the other hand, gives employers the confidence to add staff. But this must be accompanied by a comprehensive social security programme, including unemployment benefits/insurance and assistance in retraining and finding alternative avenues of income generation. (Obviously, people who have no interest in working cannot be kept on a doleउपहार, दान .)
Ease land acquisition भूमि अधिग्रहण for industry
Industry is complaining that the new law will make it very difficult for it to acquire land, even for important infrastructure projects. There is a need for better compensation, but the price of acquisition should not be so exorbitant बहुत ज्यादा that it hobblesपंगु बनाना industry. A middle path that is fair to all sides needs to be found.
Implement CIC decision bringing parties under RTI: None of the six national parties has complied withपालन करना the CIC's path-breaking साहसी , अलग हट के decision in June 2013 to appoint information officers and appellate authorities under the RTI. The Repre sentation of the People Act should be amended to make it mandatory for all recognized parties, national or state, to set up the necessary RTI machinery.
Sec 377 should apply only to non-consensual बिना सहमति gay sex: The retrograde अधोगामी, पुरातन युग कि और ले जाने वाला Supreme Court judgment on homosexuality needs to be overturned उलटना . The new provision should be clearly limited to penalizing non-consensual gay sex.
Introduce a law against torture: Despite signing the Conventionसम्मलेन against Torture यातना in 1997, India is yet to enact स्वरुप देना a law which would enable it to ratifyपुष्टि the treatyसंधि. The Bill introduced in 2010 needs to be enacted at the earliest.
Overhaul आमूलचूल परिवर्तन seditionदेशद्रोह and blasphemyईशनिंदा laws: The colonial provisions of sedition and blasphemy don't belong in the 21st century. In different ways, they hollow out खोखला करना the freedom of speech and expression. The sedition provision — section 124A IPC — needs to be amended to check the recurring misuse of sedition by state authorities against political malcontents. The amendment should incorporate the SC's liberal interpretation in 1962 that, no matter how much the accused spreads 'disaffection'अप्रियता against the government, sedition can't be invoked unless he incites people to violence. The blasphemy provision — 295A IPC — needs to be scrapped हटाना as the inbuilt safeguard has proved inadequate.
Get rid of मुक्ति पाना obsolete अप्रचलित एवं अनुपयोगी laws: After over two decades of economic reforms, our laws have still not been rid of obscure गुढ़ and obsolete provisions. Whether they are central or state, the laws continue to offer ample scope to 'authorities' to harass law-abiding citizens. You can be arrested, your homes and establishments raided, your businesses shut down, and your reputation besmirched कीचड उछालना for reasons that no right-thinking person would consider criminal or immoral. For instance, a five-star hotel was harassed under the Sarai Act, 1867, which makes it mandatory for hotels to serve water to passersby. The Jain Commission, which reviewed administrative laws, admitted that multiplicity and complexity of laws and rules, as well as lack of information about them, leads to misuse (read facilitates corruptionभ्रष्टाचार को बढ़ावा देते है and hampers अवरुद्ध करना growth. It sought repeal of over 1,300 central laws (including 11 British statutes). The Commission admitted that there isn't even a rough estimate of similar state laws, which could run into several thousand. The National Law Commission has, down the years, also been giving its recommendations for repeal or revision of laws. Yet, apart from a onestroke repeal of 315 Amendment Acts in March 2002, progress is patheticallyदयनीय रूप से slow. Owing to our legislative framework, a law or Act never dies unless specifically repealed.समाप्त करना There is a need to institute a mechanism that makes it easier to repeal laws or read down provisions that have either lost relevance or are pernicious. अति नुकसानदेह
Stop relying on AFSPA to deal with 'disturbed areas': The strategy of controlling Kashmir and the North-East by conferring draconianकठोर या निष्ठुर powers on the Army has yielded diminishing returns.असर कम होना There is a need to look afresh at the Justice Jeevan Reddy Committee's 2005 recommendation to replace AFSPA with a more humane approach, balancing security with human rights.
Enact laws on judicial appointments and accountability: The existing system of appointments to the superior judiciary, through a collegium of senior judges in every high court and the Supreme Court, has proved to be ineffective because it is completely in-house and opaque.अपारदर्शी The Judicial Appointments Commission Bill, introduced in the Rajya Sabha in 2013 to redress निवारण these two deficiencies,कमियां should be enacted. The older Bill relating to probityईमानदारी , the Judicial Standards and Accountability Bill, also needs to be revived, especially because of its virtue of giving a say to non-judicial voices without compromising on judicial independence.
Improve judge-population ratio: It is 12 years since the Supreme Court, with regard to the subordinate judiciary, directed an increase in the judge strength from 10.5 per 10 lakh people to 50 per 10 lakh people. Successive governments have made little budgetary allocations to achieve such a five-fold increase in the human resources and infrastructure of the subordinate judiciary, where the bulk of the 3.2 crore cases are pending. Since no government wants it to be strong, the judiciary must have a greater say in the allocation of funds for its needs.
Make the Supreme Court more accessible: The government should implement the 2009 Law Commission recommendation that the highest court in India , be split into a Constitution Bench in New Delhi and Cassation Benches in the four regions to deal with all the appellate work arising out of high court decisions. Though the Supreme Court has expressed reservations about such radical मुलभूत re- structuring, Parliament should give greater weight to the public interest involved in sparing litigants the trouble of approaching the Capital from distant states.
Raise spending: India must meet the globally accepted norm of central and state governments spending at least 6% of GDP on education rather than the roughly 4% that states and Centre put together spend currently. This is essential if the shocking dropout rate बीच में स्कूल छोड़ देने कि दर of about 50% by class 10 is to be brought down, and the gross enrolment ratio in higher education raised beyond the current 16-17%. That number compares poorly with China's 24%, not to mention the OECD's 62%. The Centre must take the lead in this. The enhanced outlay बढ़ा हुआ व्यय should go not only towards beefing up मजबूत करना infrastructure in schools, but also in ensuring decent salaries for teachers so that quality talent is attracted. At the same time, teachers should be made accountable उत्तरदायी through an effective monitoring निगरानी body that includes parents of students from the school. To improve quality of education imparted, training of teachers at school level needs to be modernized.
Bridge skill gap: With just 2% of the youth having technical education, the skills gap is becoming a gigantic विशालकाय problem. A strong technical education stream linked to industry must be put in place and fostered(पोषित करना ). Vocational/technical curricula need to be up- graded and dynamically linked to labour market demands.
Incentivize private sector: In higher education, regulation - particularly of professional institutions like engineering and medical colleges - must be strengthened. (There have been far too many instances of fly-by-night operators रातों रात गायब हो जाने वाली कंपनिया / संस्थान and shady स्वार्थी politicians setting up colleges without basic amenities and pathetic or non-existent faculties.) The government, on its part, must invest in setting up enough colleges to ensure that quality higher education is available at affordable prices. The private sector, especially reputed business houses, must be encouraged and incentivized to invest in education; but this must be accompanied by rigorous monitoring and regulation to ensure no corners are cut. नो शार्टकटस आर टेकन
Make English education accessible सुलभ : According to a recent report, those who speak English fluently earn up to 34% more and those who speak a little English earn about 13% higher on average than those who don't. But only 20% of Indians can speak English, and only 4% can do so fluently. English education is often expensive and difficult to access. In most government-funded schools, which account for about 70% of school education, the medium of instruction is Hindi or the local language. No wonder poor parents willingly opt for not-so-cheap private school education. The number of children enrolled in English- medium schools has more than doubled since the turn of the century. English as the medium of instruction, which was in fourth place behind Hindi, Bengali and Marathi in 2006, is now next only to Hindi, and will soon overtake it. The government must recognize and address this need by vastly improving the quality of English education in its schools. The benefits to society from this relatively small investment would be enormous. The hypocrisy ढोंग of some politicians who advocate vernacular मातृभाषा education for the masses while sending their own children to English-medium schools must not be allowed to derail this effort.
Hike बढ़ाना expenditure: India's public health spending barely accounts for 1% of GDP, among the lowest in the world. There are just a few countries like Chad, Eritrea, and Yemen which spend a smaller proportion. As a result, over 70% of all health expenditure is paid for by people from their own pockets. Barring को छोड़कर a handful of African countries, Yemen and Myanmar, nowhere else is out-of-pocket व्यक्तिगत spending on health a larger proportion than in India. In most of the developed world, private expenditure is well below 25% of total health expenditure. One fallout दुष्परिणाम of this is that health expenses are the second most common reason for people's indebtednessक़र्ज़ में डूबना in India. Public spending on health must rise manifold कई गुना to counter this as well as ensure that crucial indicators such as maternal mortality rate जननी म्रत्यु दर (MMR), infant mortality rate शिशु मृत्यु दर (IMR) and the immunization rate for children do not remain abysmal. India's IMR is a shameful 42 deaths per 1,000 live births. Even Bangladesh and Nepal have cut IMR to 33 without the kind of economic growth that India has had in the last decade. MMR in India is 178 deaths per 100,000 live births; even Nepal is better off at 170. Only about 44% of kids are fully immunized compared to 84% in Bangladesh and 87% in Nepal.
Thanx a ton sir..this will going to be really very helpful.. vry nice way of improving vocab..