Reasoning - puzzels

                                                                                                                                   Puzzels sheet 1
1)      ABCDEFGH are sitting around a circular area with some facing inward and some outward. D sits second to the left of B. B faces outside. A and F are immediate neighbors of D. H sits second to the right of A. C sits third to the left of H. E sits on the immediate right of G. D sits third to the left of E. D faces the same direction as H. F sits on the immediate right of C. F and G face the same direction.(Ans. Sequence from starting point to left of the circle- B-out, H-in, G-out, E-in, C-out, F-out, D-in, A-out). SBI Associates PO 2014
2)      Seven boxes – JKLMNOP are kept one above the other. Each box contains different items like Cookies, Pencils, Spoons, Diaries, Colours, Jewellery and Watches. Only two boxes are kept between M and N. The Pencil box is kept immediately below M. Only two boxes are kept between the pencil box and watch box.The N is kept above the watch box. The diaries box is kept immediately below the watch box. Only three boxes are kept between the Diary box and J. The jewellery box is kept immediately above J. O is kept immediately above K. O is not a Pencil box.  P is kept immediately above the Cookie box. Only one box is kept between P and the Spoon box. (Answer : from bottom to top – J-Cookie, P-jewellery , L-Pencil, M-Spoon, K- Diary, O-Watch, N- Colour.) SBI PO-Prelim 3-7-2016
3)      Eight friends ABCDLMNO are seated in a straight line. Some of them are facing north and some south. Only 3 people sit to the left of N. B sits second to the right of N. C sits third to the left of O. O is not an immediate neighbor of B. O does not sit at any of the extreme ends. C and O face same direction. Both the immediate neighbors of D face north. D does not sit at any of the extreme end. Persons sitting at extreme ends face opposite directions. Both the immediate neighbors of N face same direction. A sits second to the left of L. D faces a direction opposite to L. (Answer – from left to right- L-South, O-South, A-South, N-North, C-South, B-North, D-North, M-North) SBI PO Prelim 3-7-2016  
4)      Eight friends PQRSTUVW seated in a straight line with some facing north and some south. S sits at one of the extreme ends of the line. V sits second to the right of S. Only three people sit between P and Q. Both the immediate neighbors of V face south. R sits third to the left of T. T is an immediate neighbor of Q. Immediate neighbors of R face opposite directions. U faces North. Only three people sit between R and W. R faces a direction opposite to W. Both the immediate neighbors of W face north. Q faces a direction opposite to P. (Answer : - from left to right. S-north, R-South, V-South, Q-South, T-North, W-North, U-North, P-North.) NABARD Asstt. Manager 08-05-2016.  
5)      Eight friends PQRSTUVW sitting around a circular table facing the centre. Each one of them works in a different company viz. Microsoft, Sony, Dell, P&G, HTC, ONGC, Google and Amazon. The one who works in Microsoft sits third to the right of V. Only one person sits between the one who works in Microsoft and U. Only three people sit between T and U. R sits second to the left of U. Both R and T are immediate neighbors of the one who works in P & G. Only three people sit between the one who works in P&G and S. S is one of the immediate neighbors of the one who works in Dell. The one who works in ONGC sits second to the left of the one who works in Dell. W sits third to the left of the one who works in ONGC. P is one of the immediate neighbors of W. The one who works in Google sits to the immediate left of the one who works in HTC. Only three people sit between the one who works in Google and the one who works in Sony. (Answer.- Starting from south end of the circle to right. V-Sony, U-Dell, S-Amazon, P-Microsoft, W-Google, T-HTC, Q-P&G, R-ONGC ) NABARD Asstt. Manager 08-05-2016.  
6)      Eight people LMNOPQRS are sitting around a circular table with some facing out and some in . M sits third to the left of L. Only three people sit between M and S. P sits to the immediate right of S. Immediate neighbors of P face opposite directions. Only one person sits between P and O. R sits second to the right of O. Both R and N face the same direction as S. Immediate neighbors of Q faces opposite directions. P does not face outside. O faces a direction opposite to that of M. (Answer - Starting from south end of the circle to right. L-Out, N-Out, R-Out, M-In, O-Out, Q-In, P-In, S-Out) IBPS SO IT 17-01-2016.  
7)      Eight friends PQRSTUVW  live on eight different floors starting from ground floor as No. 1 to topmost as No. 8. S lives on an even numbered floor. Only three people live between S and T. Only one person lives between T and V. V lives on one of the floors below T. Only two persons live between V and U. W lives on a floor that is immediately below U. Only two persons live between T and Q. P does not live on the lowermost floor. (Answer – starting from top to bottom  T-8, P-7, V-6, Q-5, S-4, U-3, W-2, R-1) IBPS SO IT 17-01-2016.  
8)      Ten people are sitting in two parallel rows having five people each. In row one, JKLMN facing north and in row 2, PQRST facing south. Each person likes a different cartoon character namely Batman, Ben 10, Dexter, Donald Duck, Tom, Jerry,. Noddy, Oswald, Superman and Spiderman. N sits exactly in the centre of the row and faces one who likes Tom. Only one person sits between S and the one who likes Tom. S faces one of the immediate neighbors of the one who likes jerry. Only two people sits between K and the one who likes Jerry. K faces the one who like Oswald. P faces one of the immediate neighbors of L . P does not like Oswald. M is an immediate neighbor of L. The one who likes Donald Duck is not an immediate neighbor of L. T is not an immediate neighbor of P and faces the one who likes Ben 10. R faces the one who likes Superman. The one who likes Spiderman faces north. P does not face the one who likes Spiderman. The one who likes Batman sits on the immediate right of the person who likes Noddy. S does not like batman. (Answer- North facing row one from left to right , K-Ben 10, J-Superman, N-Dexter, L-Jerry, M-Spiderman. South facing row 2 from left to right,  T-Oswald, R-Donald Duck, P-Tom, O-Batman, S-Noddy.) SBI Associates PO 2014
9)      ABCDEFGH are sitting around a circle facing the centre. B sits second to left of H’s husband. No female is an immediate neighbour of B. D’s daughter sits second to right of F. F is the sister of G. F is not an immediate neighbor of H’s husband. Only one person sits between A and F.  A is the father of G. H’s brother D sits to immediate left of H’s mother. Only one person sits between H’s mother and E. Only one person sits between H and G. G is the mother of C. G is not an immediate neighbor of E. (Answer- - Starting from south end of the circle to right, A(+) H’s husband, G (–) H&A’s daughter, F(-) G’s sister , H (-), E (-) d’s daughter, D(+) H’s brother, B(-) H’s mother, C(+) G’s son.) IBPS PO 17-06-2012
10)  Eight Persons from different banks viz. UCO , Syndicate, Canara, PNB, Dena, OBC, Indian and BOM are sitting in rows. Row-1 facing south having ABCD and row 2 facing north having  PQRS. C sits  second to right of the person from BOM. R is an immediate neighbor of the person who faces the person from BOM. Only one person sits between R and the person from PNB. Immediate neighbor of the person from PNB faces the person from Canara bank. The person from UCO faces the person from OBC. R is not from OBC. P is not from PNB . P does not face the person from BOM. Q faces the person from Dena bank. The one who faces S sits to the immediate left of A. B does not sit at any of the extreme ends of the line. The person from BOM does not face the person from Syndicate bank. ( Answer- North facing row 2 from left to right, P-Syndicate, Q- PNB, S-Indian, R-UCO . South facing row 1 from left to right – C-Canara, A –Dena, B-BOM, D-OBC.) IBPS PO 17-06-2012.
11)  STUVWXYZ live on eight different floors of building. Each of them also works at a different banks namely, IDBI, SBI, HDFC, BOI, PNB, TJSB, AXIS, SVC. Z lives on an even numbered floor. Only three people live between Z and the one who works at BOI. W lives immediately below the one who works at BOI. Only three people live between W and the one who works at Axis bank. V lives immediately above T. V lives on an odd numbered floor. T does not worked at BOI. Only two people live between T and the one who works at SBI. SBI does not live on the lowermost floor. The one who works at SVC lives immediately above the one who works at PNB. The one who works at SVC lives on an even numbered floor but not on floor numbered two.Only one person lives between the one who works at SVC and the one who works at IDBI. X lives immediately Above S. X lives on an even numbered floor. X does not work at TJSB. U does not work at PNB and does not live on floor numbered four. (Answer- Floor no.- person – Bank. 8-X-HDFC, 7-S-SBI, 6-Z-IDBI, 5-V-AXIS, 4-T-SVC, 3-Y-PNB, 2-U-BOI, 1-W-TJSB.) RRB officer 13-09-2015.  
12)  STUVWXYZ seated in a straight line with some are facing south and some north. S sits fourth to the left of X. X sits at one of the extreme ends of the line. Both the immediate neighbors of S face south. T sits second to the left of Z. Z is not an immediate neighbor of S. Neither Z nor U sits at the extreme end of the line. Both the immediate neighbors of U face north. W sits to the immediate left of Y. Immediate neighbours of V face opposite directions. Immediate neighbors of T face opposite directions. People sitting at the extreme ends face the same directions. (Answer- from left to right, W-North, Y-North, U-South, S-North, T-South, V-South, Z-North, X-North. ) IBPS PO –MAINS 31-10-15. 
13)  Seven friends namely ABCDEFG learn seven different languages namely Japanese, Hindi, French, Chinese, Spanish, English, and German starting from Monday to Sunday of the same week. F learns a language on Wednesday. Only one person learns between F and the one who learns Spanish. Only three people learn between the one who learns Spanish and B. French is learnt  immediately after B. Only two people learn between French and G. A learns immediately before D. Only three people learn between Japanese and English. F does not learn Japanese. E learns before English. Only one person learns between E and the Chinese. A does not learn Hindi. (Answer- B-Monday- Hindi, E-Tuesday-French, F-Wednesday-English, C-Thursday-Chinese, G-Friday-Spanish, A-Saturday-German, D-Sunday-Japanese.) SIDBI Officers exam-24-01-2016.  
14)  Eight people EFGHWXYZ are sitting in two parallel rows containing four people each. EFGH in row 1 facing north and WXYZ in row 2 facing South. Each of the two rows consist of one professor, one leader, one Technician and one doctor.  The doctor of row -1 sits second to the right of H. E is an immediate neighbour of H. E faces the leader of row-2. X sits to the immediate right of the leader. X faces one of the immediate neighbours of the professor of row-1. The professor of row -1 does not sit at any of the extreme ends of the line. W sits second to the right of Y. Z does not face G. F faces the professor of row-2. In bothe the rows, only one person sits between professor and the technician. W is not a doctor. (Answer- row one North facing -starting from left to right. H-Leader, E-Professor, F-Doctor, G-Technician. Row 2 facing south – starting from left to right. X-Technician, W-Leader, Z-Porfessor, Y-Doctor.  RRB officer 13-09-2015.  

                                                                                                                                   Puzzle sheet 2
1)      JKLMNOG are seven different boxes of different colours i.e., Brown, Silver, Pink, Yellow, White and Green. The brown box is immediately above J. Only two boxes between M and the brown box. Silver box is above M but not immediately above M. Only three boxes are between L and the silver box. Green box is immediately above L. Pink box is immediately above G. Only one box between K and N. Box K is above N . Neither K nor J is yellow. Box J is also not orange. Only one box between N and G. Box G is not of white or Yellow. Neither box M nor G is orange. Box G is not below J. (Answer – from bottom to up. J-white, G-Brown, L-Pink, N-Green, M-Yellow, K-Orange, O-Silver) SBI PO Prelim 02-07-2016.
2)      STUVWXYZ are sitting in a straight line with some facing north and some south. S faces north. Only two people sit to the right of S. T sit third to the left of S. Only one person between T and X. X sits on the immediate right of W. Only one person sits between W and Z. Both the immediate neighbors of T face the same direction.  U sits third to the left of X.  T faces the opposite direction of S. Y does not sit at any of the extreme ends of the line. V faces the same direction as W. Both Y and U face the opposite direction of Z. (Answer- from left to right. V-North, Z-North, T-South, W-North, X-South, S-North, Y-South, U-South. SBI PO Prelim 02-07-2016.    
3)      Seven persons PQRSTUV are going attend marriage ceremonies in seven different month namely Jan, Feb, Mar, June, Aug, Oct, Dec of the same year. Each of them also likes a different fruit Banana, Grapes, Papaya, Orange, Mango, Litchi, and apple. R attends the ceremony in the month which has less than 31 days. Only two persons between R and S. The one who likes Banana attends immediately before T. Only one person attends before the one who likes Papaya. Q attends immediately after Papaya. Only three persons between Q and Mango. T likes neither Mango nor Papaya. P attends immediately before T. V likes Apple. Grapes also attends in a month having less than 31 days. March does not like orange. (Answer. V-Jan-Apple, U-Feb-Papaya, Q-Mar-Litchi, R-June-Grapes, P-Aug-Banana, T-Oct-Orange, S-Dec-Mango) SBI PO Prelim 02-07-2016. IBPS PO Prelim 3-10-2015  
4)      WXYZMNO belong to three different departments R&D, Marketing and HR with at least two of them in any of these departments. Each of them has a favourite colour – Green, blue, Red, pink, black, violet and purple. X works in marketing with M, who likes purple. No R&D employee like Green or Pink . The one who likes blue works only with O in HR. Black does not work with either M or O. W does not work in marketing and likes violet color. Z and N work in the same department. N dislikes red . One who likes pink does not work in marketing. (Answer – Marketing-X(Green) M-Purple, HR-Y(Blue) O(Pink), RND W(violet) Z(red) N(black).) SBI PO Prelim 02-07-2016. 
5)      Eight friends PQRSTVWZ out of whom one is a Pilot, Professor, Businessman , Doctor, Lawyer, Banker, Cricketer and Architect are sitting around a circular table facing the centre. S, who is a banker, sits third to the right of Z. The professor and the Architect are immediate neighbors. Neither professor nor architect is an immediate neighbour of either Z or S. The one who is a professor sits second to the right of T, Who is a lawyer. V, who is a cricketer is not an immediate neighbour  of the banker. The cricketer and the pilot are immediate neighbour. Neither Z nor W is a pilot.. Only R sits between professor and doctor. P sits third to the right of the pilot.(Answer from south end of the circle to anticlockwise direction – Z doctor, V cricketer, Q pilot, S banker, T lawyer, P architect, W professor, R businessman.) SBI Clerk Main 25-06-2016.
6)      Eight friends QRSTUVWX are sitting around a square table in such a way that four of them sit at the four corners face outside  while other four sit in the middle of each of the four sides face inside. R sits to immediate left of T. T sits at one of the corners of the table. Only two people sit between R and W. X sits second to right of S . S faces the same direction as W.  U is neither an immediate neighbor of X nor T. V is not an immediate neighbour of W. (Answer – starting from downside right corner – anticlockwise T, R, X, V, S, U, W,Q) RRB Office Assistant/Clerk 12-09-2015.
7)      Twelve persons are sitting in two parallel rows of six each. In row 1  TUVWXY are seated facing south and in row 2  BCDEFG  are seated facing north. Only two people sit to the left of E. Only one person sits between E and F. V is an immediate neighbour of the one who faces F. X sits second to the right of V. Only two people sit between X and T. G faces one of the immediate neighbours of X. Y sits second to the right of U. D faces W. B does not face X. (Answer- from left to right row 1- south facing  YXUVTW  row 2 – north facing GCEBFD ) RRB Office Assistant/Clerk 12-09-2015.
8)      JKLMRSTU lives on eight different floors starting from ground floor as no.1 and top floor as 8th. L lives on an even numbered floor but not on floor no. 2 . Only three people live between L and R. J lives on an odd numbered floor. Only two people live between J and M. J lives on an floor above M . U lives immediately below T . U does not live on any of the floors above R. K does not live on the lowermost floor. (Answer- from bottom to top. S M K L J U T R) RRB Office Assistant/Clerk 12-09-2015.
9)      Eight persons JKLMPQRS are sitting around a circular table facing the centre. Each one of them is also related to M in some way or other. Only two people sit between Q and L . M  sits second to the left of Q. Only three people sit between L and M’s sister. M’s son sits second to the right of M’s sister. Only one person sits between M’s son and S. J sits to the immediate right of R. R is neither the son nor the mother of  M. S is an immediate neighbour of M’s mother. Only three people sits between M’s mother and M’s brother. M’s daughter sits second to the left of M’s brother. M’s father is not an immediate neighbour of M. M’s wife sits third to the right of K. (Answer- starting from south end anticlockwise- Q mother, P son , K daughter, L father, R brother, J wife, M self, S sister.) IBPS PO Pre 03-10-2015
10)  Eight friends JKLMNOPQ are sitting around a circular table with some facing in and some out. Only one person sits between K and O. Q sits third to the right of O. M sits to the immediate right of Q. Q faces outside. L sits second to the left of P . P is not an immediate neighbour of O. L faces a direction opposite to that of O. Immediate neighbours of L face opposite directions. J sits third to the left of N. J is not an immediate neighbour of P nor K. M and J face a direction same as that of N. (Answer- starting southend anticlockwise – Q out, N in , P out, K out, L out, O in, J in , M in .) RRB Officers 13-09-2015.
11)  Six persons ABCDEF are sitting around a round table, all facing centre. Ordered different items (Pizza, Strawberry, Vanilla, Burger, Pastries and Patties) . Wearing T shirts of different colors, i.e. White, Black, Green, Red, Yellow and Blue. 1). The persons who have ordered for pizza, vanilla and pastries are neither in while T shirt nor in black. 2). Persons in green and yellow shirts have neither ordered pizza not vanilla. 3). A is neither in white T shirt nor on the immediate left of the person who has ordered for Burger. 4) Only person between E and F eats strawberry. The person who is on the left side of the person in while T shirt does not eat patties. 5) D has ordered for burger and wearing green shirt. He is facing the person who has ordered for strawberry. 6) One who has ordered for pizza is seated opposite to the person wearing blue T shirt, while the person whose T shirt is of green color is on the left of the person who has ordered for pastries. 7) One who has ordered for patties is on the immediate right of the person in white shirt but on the immediate left of the person who has ordered for vanilla. 8) C has not ordered for Vanilla while F has not ordered for pizza.(Answer- starting from southend  anticlockwise D – Green – burger , A – Yellow – pastries, E – Red – pizza, C – White – Strawberry, F – Black – patties , B – Blue – vanilla . )
12)  Seven friends viz., Bharat, Kamal, Ashok, Ali, Haleena, Serena and Joel have birthdays on one of the seven days of the same week starting from Monday and ending on Sunday. Joel has birthday on one of the days before Wednesday. Only three people have birthdays between Joel and Kamal. Only two people have birthdays between Ashok and Harleen. Harleen’s birthday is before Ashok’s but not on Thursday. As many people have birthdays between Ashok and Kamal as between Serena and Bharat. Serena’s birthday is on one of the days before Ashok’s.(Answer- Starting from Monday onwards Harleen, Joel, Serena, Ashok, Bharat, Kamal, Ali ). RBI Assistant pre 2016.
13)  JKLMNOPQ are sitting around a circular table facing the centre. Each of them was born in a different year- 1971, 1975, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1984, 1985 and 1990 . M is sitting second to the right of K. L is sitting third to the right of J. Only the one born in 1984 is sitting exactly between J and K. N , who is the eldest is not an immediate neighbour of J and M. Q is older than only M. Q is sitting second to the left of P. P is not an immediate neighbour of N. J is younger than L. K was born before O. J and L both were born before 1980(Answer- Starting from south end anticlockwise – K-1980, L-1975, M-1990,O-1981, N-1971,Q-1985,J-1979,P-1984 ) IBPS Clerk Main -2016.

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