Thursday, March 31, 2011


It were Rajasthan’s Gujjars and now Hariana’s Jats, who are taking the country at ransom for their reservation demands. To add to this Govt. has opened a new pandora’s box , by indicating religion based reservations to muslims in the name of minority. Other minoritiy sects like Christian , Jains, Boddhs, Sikhs and Parsis are already in the row. We have already reached the limit of 50% reservation set by the honourable supreme court  and some states have even exceeded this limit through some number jugglery.

Indian constitution had put a time frame for reservation, there after it should have been phased out in a timely manner, but it happened the other way.  The reservation, which  was conceived as a medicine to the problem of inequality in our society has itself become a disease.  A continuous increase in  the doses of medicine  shows that it is not working for the illness, and will not work even if you replace the whole diet with that medicine. It has reached  the level of addiction both for its beneficiaries and the vote centric politicians.

The reservation is not serving its purpose because it has not made them strong and competitive, instead it made them  support addict and morally handicapped. This concept of easy success is alluring other communities as well and  demand for reservation is rising aggressively. The  benefits of reservations like economic and status upliftment  are accruing only  to the person benefited and are not passing on  to the his surrounding community. The benefited persons and his immediate family starts considering them superior to their own community fellows and purpose of community development through reservation is defeated.

It is high time that Government and political parties should rise above their vested interests and start winding  up this flop show. The way government is revamping the age old practice and methods of providing subsidies, reversing the policy of  regulating oil prices etc. they should also review  reservation policy and adopt de(re)servation  instead. The new reservation aspirant should also understand that further slicing the existing OBC quota will not bring much  benefit to their community.

Bharat Sharma
C-44/8 Bargad
Rishinagar Extension

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